G. O 14.01 Prisoner Transport Flashcards
Is it policy to handcuff all arrested persons?
Hog tying/hobble tying have been found to cause death or serious injury and may cause what?
Positional asphyxia
What is the primary duty of the transporting officer?
The safe delivery of the prisoner in his care
Prisoner custody is solely the responsibility of who?
The arresting officer
Vehicles used primarily for transporting detainees must have what?
The driver separated from the detainee by a safety barrier
When should officers search/inspect the back of their patrol car?
Prior to their shift
Prior to placing a prisoner in the vehicle And after the prisoner is removed from the vehicle
If you have one prisoner, where do they sit?
Right rear seat
If you have two prisoners, where do they sit?
Left and right rear seat
If your vehicle doesn’t have a shield and you have one prisoner, where do they sit?
Front right seat—only if there have been no prior indications of violent behavior or mental instability
If your vehicle doesn’t have a shield and you have two prisoners, where do they sit?
One prisoner in the front right seat and one prisoner in the rear right seat
If your vehicle doesn’t have a shield but you have 2 officers and one prisoner, where do they sit?
Prisoner in right rear seat
Officer in left rear seat
If your vehicle doesn’t have a shield and your vehicle has 2 officers and 2 prisoners, where do they sit?
Prisoners in right front and rear seats
Officer in left rear seat
No child under the age of what, may be transported with adults that are suspected or charged with criminal acts?
What are the only times you can interrupt the transport of a detainee?
Officer safety, detainee welfare, or to answer a call for service that involves an immediate threat to life
What must be done if an escape occurs within the city?
- Immediately notify dispatch to broadcast a BOL and request units to converge on the area of escape
- notify supervisor of the escape
- initiate an investigation to locate the prisoner
- complete an IBR and any other paperwork assigned by supervisor
- obtain arrest warrants for escape
Who can terminate an escape search?
The highest ranking available police supervisor
When watching arrestees at the hospital, what must be done for visitors entering the room?
Anyone other than law enforcement personnel and medical staff shall be searched for weapons and contraband before entering the room
Officers will maintain what, of persons entering the room other than hospital staff?
Log of persons entering
In cases where a prisoner is to be transported for an interview or an investigative field trip, how will the prisoner be secured?
Handcuffed and leg irons will be used
When traveling with an extradited prisoner via commercial airlines, how much notice does the airline need?
At least one hour prior to departure
When traveling with an extradited prisoner via commercial airlines, how much notice does the facility need?
Officer shall contact the facility the day prior to departure and confirm that the inmate is ready for transport
The officer also needs to send a memo to the commanding officer via the chain of command, stating what?
Outlining the events that pertains to the extradition
What 2 letters need to be completed on department head stationary when extraditing a prisoner via airlines?
Traveling armed itinerary
Officers armed letter
All “high rush” inmates will be transported by who?
TASER qualified SWAT officers or warrant squad detectives
When do the officer and the inmate board the plane?
First ones on the aircraft
Where should inmates be seated on a plane?
Near the window-less access to the aisle
When can inmates use the restroom on the plane?
After the plane is in the air and all other people are settled
Are officers allowed to use leg irons inside the terminal or on the flight?
According to TSA, no
When do officers and inmates exit the plane?
Last to exit the plane
Transporting officers should make contact with who while on board a place?
Air Marshall or other law enforcement officers on the flight