G. O 5.01 Use Of Force Flashcards
What is force?
Any physical effort that is used to seize, control, or repel another individual
What is reasonable belief?
A belief, based on specific and articulable facts which taken together with the rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrant an officer’s actions
What is ‘objectively reasonable force’?
The legal standard used to determine the lawfulness of a use of force is the 4th amendment to the United States Constitution
Graham v. Conner
The force must be reasonable under the circumstances known to the officer at the time the force was used
Define ‘serious bodily injury’
Maiming, disfiguring, or disabling
Define deadly force
Any use of force that is reasonably likely to cause death
Define ‘de-escalation’
Taking action or communication during a potential force encounter in an attempt to stabilize the situation and reduce the immediacy of the threat so that more time, options, and resources can be called upon to resolve the situation without the use of force or with a reduction in the force necessary.
In determining the appropriate level of force, what factors must be taken into consideration?
The severity of the crime
The level of threat or resistance presented by the subject
Was the subject posing an immediate threat to officers or danger to the community
Potential for injury to citizens, officers, or subjects
The risk or apparent attempt by the subject to escape
Conduct of the subject being confronted
Time available to an officer to make a decision
Availability of other resources
Training and experience of the officer
The proximity or access of weapons to the subject
Physical descriptors of subject vs officer
Environmental factor and/or other exigency circumstances
When feasible, what must be given before action is taken?
A verbal warning “stop or ill shoot”
Can the use of deadly force be used to prevent the escape of an unarmed felon or suspected felon?
What kind of force are chokeholds considered?
Can officers aim or point their firearm when there is a reasonable belief of a threat to the safety of the officer or other people?
Firing a weapon at a moving vehicle is prohibited, except when the officer reasonably believes that:
An occupant of a vehicle is using or threatening to use deadly force by means other than the vehicle
A vehicle is operated in a manner deliberately intended to strike an officer and/or citizen and kk other reasonable and available means of defense have been exhausted and the safety of innocent persons would not be unduly jeopardized by the officer’s reactions.
When will tasers not be used?
Unless all other less intrusive means have proven ineffective or are impractical
When confronting a non violent resistance that does not represent a threat
On a fleeing subject except if they pose an immediate threat to the officer
On pregnant female
Very young children
Very old people
Mentally ill or physically disabled
When does a UOF need to be completed?
Hands on instances to physically force or gain control
Less lethal weapon
Any action other than the use of a firearm that results in, or is alleged to have resulted in an injury
Officer points their weapon at others
Animal euthanasia
UOF reports shall be submitted by commands to IA within how long?
30 days after the incident
What are the questions that can be asked of the officer when Involved in an officer involved shooting?
Type of force used and threat presented by involved parties
Direction and number of shots fired
Location of any unsecured weapons
Location of injured persons
Description of at large suspects and they’re direction of travel
Description/location of known victims/witnesses
Any info that would help ensure officer and public safety
Who comprises the UOF board?
VBPD members and the public safety attorney