Gluteal region and posterior thigh Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the gluteal region
Superiorly the iliac crests, inferiorly the gluteal sulcus and laterally the ASIS
What forms the greater sciatic foramen
The sacrotuberous the sacrospinous ligaments and the greater sciatic notch.
Gluteus maximus
origin upper portion of the illium and inserts on the lateral side of the femur. It extends the hip and laterally rotates thigh. Nerve inferior gluteal
Gluteus medius and minimus
Origin on the illium, inserts greater trochanter. Abducts and internally rotates thigh. Nerve is superior gluteal
External thigh rotator muscles
Piriformis, obturator internus, superior and inferior glemelli, quadratus femoris All origin around the sacrum/ inner pelvis and insert greater trochanter. nerve is sacral plexus
Tensor fascia lata
Origin ASIS and iliac crest inserts ITB. Abducts thigh and stabilizer. Superior gluteal
Where does the superior gluteal nerve track
SUPERIOR TO PIRIFORMIS TO innervate medius and maximus
Where does the inferior gluteal nerve track
Inferior to piriformis to innervate gluteus maximus
Where do superior and inferior gluteal arteries branch from
Internal iliac artery
Where do the superior and inferior gluteal arteries exit the pelvis
Through the greater sciatic foramen along with their nerves and pass superior and inferior to piriformis.
Where does the sciatic nerve pass
Inferior to piriformis
What do the gluteal arteries branch from
Internal illiac, anterior division
What is the course of the internal pudendal artery and branches from
Branches from the anterior run of internal iliac. Exits pelvis through greater sciatic foramen and re-enters through lesser sciatic foramen.
Name the posterior thigh muscles
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductor magnus*
What do posterior thigh compartment muscles do
Because they attach below the knee they flex the knee and main action is to extend hip/ thigh. Also can externally and internally rotate thigh
Nerve supply of posterior compartment muscles
Sciatic nerve. Mainly tibial branch
What is an ischial tuberosity avulsion
When hamstring muscles pull off ischial tuberosity. Usually due to kicking or running sports.
What is the safe area in the gluteal region for intramuscular injection
Upper lateral quadrant. Superolateral quadrant this avoids the sciatic nerve.
What are the hip flexor muscles
Rectus femoris
Nerve supply for hip flexor muscles and myotomes
Femoral, myotome L2 and L3
Hip extensor muscles and their nerve supply and myotome
Gluteus maximus (inferior gluteal)
Hamstrings (tibial part of sciatic nerve)
L3, L4
Adduction of the hip muscles and nerve supply
Adductor brevis, longus, magnus. Gracilis, pectineus (obturator)
Abduction of the hip muscles and nerve supply
Gluteus medius and minimus. Superior gluteal
What are the three bones that make up the acetabulum
The ilium, ischium, pubis
What two structures make up the inner part of the acetabulum
The acetabular labrum and the transverse acetabular ligament
What is the ligament attaching the acetabulum to the head of the femur
Ligamentum teres
What arteries supply the hip joint
The medial and lateral circumflex arteries which anastomose with branches of the gluteal arteries
If a hip fracture is intertrochanteric is blood supply to the hip ok?
No as blood vessels are more proximal to hip
If hip fracture is sub capital is the blood supply to the hip disrupted
What kind of joint is the hip joint
A ball and socket synovial joint