Forearm and wrist flexor Flashcards
What are the names of the joint the are primarily used in pronation and supination of the arm?
The superior radioulnar joint and the inferior radioulnar joint.
Where does the ulna articulate with the radius in the distal forearm
The ulnar notch
What are the processes on the radius and ulna lateral and medial sides respectively
Radial and ulna styloid processes.
What separates the true wrist joint from the ulna.
The fibrous articular disc
What does the true wrist joint encompass
The radius and carpal bones
What happens when you pronate the forearm
The distal end of the radius rolls over the ulna and becomes medical to the distal end of the ulna
What holds the ulna and radius together proximally
The anular ligament
What holds the distal ends of the forearm bones together
The fibrous articular disc
What mostly holds the radius and ulna together
The interosseous membrane
What are the functions to the interosseous membrane
Muscle attachment
Force transmission
What are the bones of the wrist
Collectively the carpals.
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate.
What are the palm bones called
Metacarpals. 1-5 Thumb is one
What are the finger bones called
Proximal, middle, distal phalanx
What is the mneumonic for the wrist bones
Some lovers try positions that they cannot handle
What are the joints of the wrist
Radiocarpal joint (true wrist joint) Midcarpal joint Carpometacarpal joint
What prevents the tendons of the flexor compartment bowstringing
The flexor retinaculum
What are the four muscle in the superficial protonator compartment
Pronatir teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
Describe protonator teres
Origin medial condyle of humerus. Inserts halfway down radius
Describe flexor carpi radialis
Origin common flexor tendon inserts second metacarpal (all carpi muscles insert into a metacarpal bone). Take radial pulse lateral to FCR tendon
Describe palmaris longus
Origin common flexor tendon. Insertion Palmar aponeurosis. The palmar aponeurosis is what helps anchor the skin. Small muscle that doesn’t do a lot.
Describe the flexor carpi ulnaris
origin common flexor tendon. Insertion pisiform bone (with slips to metacarpals) tendon over top of retinaculum.
What is the muscle of the intermediate layer of the flexor compartment
Flexor digitorum superficialis.
Describe flexor digitorum superficialis
Origin a lot of forearm and common flexor tendon. Inserts into made of middle phalanx of four digits.
What are the muscles of the deep flexor compartment
Flexor digitorum profunus, flexor pollicus longus, pronator quadratus
Describe the flexor digitorum profundus
Origin forearm. Insertion four distal phalanx, Under retinaculm tendon runs within FDS tendon.
Describe flexor pollicus longus
Origin forearm. Tendon passes under retinaculum to distal phalynx of thumb.
Describe pronator quadratus
Origin lateral margin of radius inserts to medial end of ulna.
What are the two nerves that innervate the flexor compartment and what muscles do they innervate.
Ulnar nerve- flexor carpi ulnaris and half of flexor digitorum proudness. Radial nerve all the others.
What is the nerve that is most at risk of inflammation of the carpal tunnel
The median nerve
What does the median nerve branch into as it passes under pronator teres (and what does this then give off)
Anterior interosseous nerve which then gives off the recurrent branch which innervates the then muscles.
What is the path of the ulna nerve
Comes off the medial cord. No innervation of the arm passes medially around the back of the medial epicondyle. Re-enters through the heads of flexor carpi ulnaris. Also innervates half of flexor digitorum profundus. Then innervates most of the hand.
What are the branches of the median nerve
Palmar cutaneous branch, dorsal cutaneous branch, superficial and deep branch
What branches does the brachial artery give off in the arm
Lateral side: First the profunda brachia which branches to…Anterior: radial collateral. Posterior: Radial collateral.
Medial side: Anterior inferior ulnar collateral. Posterior superior ulnar collateral.
What are the two immediate branches off the brachial artery after it exits the bicipital aponeurosis
Radial and ulnar arteries
What does the radial artery branch into in the forearm.
Radial recurrent which anastomoses with radio collateral
What does the ulnar artery branch into
Anterior ulnar recurrent, anastamoses with inferior ulnar recurrent.
Posterior ulnar recurrent anastamoses with superior ulnar collateral.
Common interosseous which branches into the anterior and posterior interosseous. And the interosseous recurrent which anastamoses with the medial collateral.