glossary terms part 2 (D-R) Flashcards
dying declaration
a statement given by a dying person that implicates the killer. the legal requirements of dying declarations are that the victim must be rational and competent and must ultimately die of the wounds.
electronic evidence
information and data of investigative value that is stored in or transmitted by an electronic device
electronic surveillance
the monitoring of the behavior, activies, or other changing information, usually of people for the purpose of influencing, managing, directing or protecting.
elements of a crime
the legal characteristics of a crime
elimination samples
evidence used to eliminate persons as suspects
a low profile crime, consisting of employees who steal large amounts of money over long periods of time
protected or “ scrambled” digital data
when an undercover officer convinces a criminal suspect to commit a crime he or she was not predisposed to commit
equal protection
a clause within the fourteenth amendement of the constitution that states no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the “ equal protection of the laws”
event flow analysis
a process where events are documented, they are connected by arrows to indicate the direction of the sequence
a statement, object, or other item bearing on or establishing the point in question in a court of law
exclusionary rule
the legal rule that excludes evidence determined to be obtained illegally
SAMPLES , such as suspects handwriting
exigent circumenstances
circumstances whereby a search may be legally conducted without a warrant
expert system
a process of using artificial intelligence by computers to make inferences based on available information and to draw conclusions or make recommendations to the systems oprators
expert witness
a witness whose knowledge exceeds the knowledge of anyone with a moderate education or experience in the field
commonly used in context with sexual exploitation, which is the use of sexual material that focuses on a particular person who is an unwilling contributor
face sheet
an “ at a glance” summary of the investigation
measured nodal points that create a numerical code that is used in facial recognition technology
facial composite
a graphical representation of an eyewitness memory of a face, as recorded by the composite artist
fact witness
witness who has personal knowledge of events pertaining to a case and can testify only to things he personally has observed
falsed confession
an admission of guilt in a crime in which the confessor is not responsibile for the crime
family abduction
an abduction related to a domestic or custody dispute
established in 1924, it is the primary federal investigative bureau within the US Dept of justice
Federal kidnapping act
following the historic Lindbergh Kidnapping ( abduction and murder of charles Lindbergh’s toddler) the US Congress adopted a federal kidnapping statute, popularly known as the federal kidnapping act
a category of crime that is of the more serious nature than misdemeanor, usually punishable by more than one yera in prison up to death penalty
a person who buys and sells stolen property with criminal intent
field interview
interviewing technique used when patrol officers happen on people or circumstances that appear suspicious but when there is not sufficient cause for arrest
field interview card
method of documenting pedigree information on citizens stopped for reasonable suspicion on street.
field notes
an investigators most personal and readily available record of the crime scene search
field operations
the wide array of police patrol duties
in anatomical sense, it is a mark made by the pattern of ridges on the pad of human finger
finished sketch
a completed crime scene sketch ) generally computer generated) made to scale
fire triangle
what a fire needs to burn - heat, fuel, and oxygen
first-degree murder
a form of homicide that includes premeditation and preplanning
fixated child molester
one whose primary sexual orientation is toward children, and whose sociosexual maturation develops as a result of unresolved conflicts in his or her development
fixed surveillance
observing from a stationary location
fleeing-felon rule
a legal doctrine, no longer in effect, allowing police officers to shoot suspected felons
a term to describe an arrested person who chooses to work for the government in the capacity as an informant
over saturating entire regions with drug money is one of the more sinister and surreptitious types of drug-related crime
an informational tracking system that demonstrates a chain of events or activities over a period of time
follow-up investigation
a continuing phase of the investigation in which information that is learned in the preliminary investigation is added to or built on
forcible rape
a type of sexual assault , usually involving intercourse, which is initiated by one or more persons against another person without the persons consent
forensic anthropology
the application of the science of physical anthropology and human osteology in a legal setting, most often in criminal cases where the victim’s remains are in the advanced stages of decomposition
forensic autopsy
a prostmortem exam, necropsy(particularly as to nonhuman bodies),autopsia cadaverum or obduction- is a highly specialized surgical procedure that consists of thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present
forensic botany
a scientific study of plants, botanists look to plant life in order to gain information regarding possible crimes
forensic chemistry
the application of chemistry to law enforcement to reveal what chemical changes occurred during an incident, and so help reconstruct the sequence of events
forensic dentistry
scientific examination of dental records
forensic entomology
the study of insects, a branch of anthropodology, which in turn is a branch of biology commonly used in investigations to determine TIME of death
forensic ondotology
the process by which odontologists (dentists) attempt to match marks found at crime scene with the dental impressions of suspects
forensic photography
referred to as forensic imaging or crime scene photography, is the art of producing an accurate reproduction of a crime scene or accident scene using photography for the benefit of a court or to aid in the investigation
fraudulent theft by using the false signature of another person
forward-looking infrared
a surveillance technology that measures radiant energy in the radiant heat portion and displays reading as thermographs
theft by deceit
fruit of the poisonous tree
legal metaphor in the US used to describe evidence that is obtained illegally
frye test
a legal standard used to determine the admissibility of scientific evidence
fugitive felon act
unlawful flight to avoid prosecution is a US Federal Law. though drawn as a penal statute, and therefore permitting prosecution by the federal government for its violation, the purpose of the act is to permit federal government to assist in the location and apprehension of fugitives from state justice
fungible goods
items such as tools, liquor, and clothing that are indistinguishable from others like them
the wagering of money or other valuables on the outcome of a game or event
a group of people, who, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, share a common identity
gang rape
when a group of people participate in the rape of a single victim
a slang term for a gang member
geographic profiling
a criminal investigative methodology that analyzes the location of a connected series of crimes to determine the most probable area of offender residence
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS
a system of satellites that provides autonomous geospatial positioning with global coverage it allows small electronic receivers to determine their location (longitude, latitude, altitude) to within a few meters using time signals transmitted along a line of sight by radio from satellites
good faith exception
a legal doctrine providing an exemption to the exclusionary rule
GPS ( Global positioning systems)
a satellite-based radio navigation system owned by the federal government and operated by the US Air Force
a method that is used by online sex predators to lure the children they meet
Gunshot Residue (GSR)
Burnt and unburnt particles from the explosive primer, the propellant, as well as components from the bullet, the cartridge case and the firearm used
a computer programmer who explores, tests, and pushes the computer to its limits, regardless of the consequences
the physical computer and any peripherals associated with it, such as printers, telephone modems, and external disk drives
an informal value transfer system based on the performance and honor of a huge network of money brokers which are primarily located in the middle east, north africa, and the horn of africa and south asia
professional shoplifters resell stolen merchandise to pawnshops or fences at usually one-half to one-fourth the original price
herschel, william
a pioneer in the mid-nineteenth century in the use of fingerprinting for the purposes of identification
a rule of thumb that substitutes simple questions for more complex ones- that typically operator on an intuitive level and work well most of the time
a crime of taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear
home invasion
the act of illegally entering a private and occupied dwelling with the violent intent for the purpose of committing a crime against the occupants such as robbery, assault, rape, murder, or kidnapping
the unlawful killing of one human by another
Homicide Investigation Tracking System (HITS)
a system developed out of a research project funded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) initially designed to record info on homicides in Washington State between 1981 and 1986
Hoover, J. Edgar
director of the FBI for almost 50 years
Hot List
a cancellation bulletin for stolen credit cards
Hybrid gangs
criminal gangs whose members composition is that of more than one racial or ethnic group
a computer-generated composite of a suspected criminal
identitify theft
a form of stealing someones identity in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming their Identification, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that persons name
impact stains
stains that result from blood projecting through the air and are usually seen as spatter, but may also include gushes, splashes and arterial spurts
incident commander
a command-level officer who determines the need for specifications and makes assignment at the scene of an officer involved shooting
indirect evidence
evidence that tends to incriminate a person, without offering conclusive proof
inductive reasoning
also known as INDUCTION, it is a kind of reasoning that constructs or evaluates general propositions that are derived from specific examples
inevitable discovery doctrine
a legal doctrine stating that illegally seized evidence is admissible in court provided that eventually it would have been discovered anyway
an attempt to penetrate a group or organizations in a covert manner
anyone who provides info of investigation nature to LEOs
information gathering
this is a process of data collection on criminal acts that have not yet occurred , but for which the investigator must prepare
initial assessment
gathering sufficient info to initiate an investigation
initial page
an “at a glance” summary of the investigation
inside team
a surveillance team responsible for briefing officers concerning their actions if a crime occurs
Integrated Automated Fingerprint System (AFIS)
a national automated fingerprint Identification and criminal history system maintained by the FBI. IAFIS provides automated fingerprint search capabilities, latent searching capability, electronic image storage, and electronic exchange of fingerprints and responses
Intelligence Gathering
the covert process of gathering information on criminal activity
international child abduction remedies act
US federal law. april 29 1988 was assigned public law- establishes procedures to implement the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International child abduction done at The Hague 10-25-80 , and for other purposes
international terrorism
violent acts or acts that are danger to human life, that are a violation of the criminal law of the US or any state, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the US or any state
the systematic questioning of a person suspected of involvement in a crime for the purpose of obtaining a confession
a relatively formal conversation conducted for the purpose of obtaining information
intimate or former intimate stalking
when a stalker and victim were married or divorced, former lovers or current, serious or casual sex partners or former sex partners
intoxicated robber
a term referring to violent offenders involved in robbery who are under the influence of alcohol when committing their crimes
investigative phsychology
a new field that attempts to describe the actions of offenders and to develop an understanding of crime
Involuntary manslaughter
the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought, either expressed or implied
a set of ideologies holding that islam is not only a religion but also a political system and that modern muslims must return to their roots of their religion and unite politically
Jacob Wetterling crimes against children and sexual violent offender registration act
a US Law that requires states to implement a sex offender and crimes against children registry. enacted as part of the Federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994
Jailhouse Snitch
a criminal information who is incarcerated and willing to provide information to police in exchange for favors
jessica’s law
the informal name given to a 2005 florida law, as well as laws in several other states, designed to protect potential victims and reduce a sex offenders ability to re-offend
the act of a juvenile auto thief who steals a car for enjoyment for short periods of time
justifiable homicide
a type of willful killing that is reported as justifiable or excusable
classifying a missing child case
a term referring to the different peaks and valleys that make up facial features in face recognition software
the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession of another
latent evidence
evidence that is not readily visible to the naked eye
latent fingerprints
fingerprints that are NOT visible unless devloped through a fingerprint-lifting process
lay witness
witnesses who are not expert witnesses
the police practice of allowing witnesses or victims to view several suspects for identification purposes
link analysis
charting technique, designed to show relationships between individuals and organizations using a graphic visual design
a blood stain on the body of a deceased person
loan sharking
usurious loans made to people for exorbitant interest rates, whose payment is enforced by the use of violence (rocky)
lochard exchanged principle
holds that the perp of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something, and that both can be used as forensic evidence
logic bomb
a set of instructions inserted in a computer program that looks for specific errors in a computers normal functioning
lonndon metropolitan police
ENGLAND’S first paid, full-time police force, consisting of about 1,000 uniformed officers.
major case squads
multi jurisdictional or metro crime investigative teams, drawing from the most talented investigative personnel from all jurisdictions
the deliberate killing of another human being characterized by either voluntary or involuntary classifications
items placed in crime scene photos that call attention to specific objects or enable the viewer of the photo to get a sense of the size of the object or the distance between objects
Mara Salvatrucha
a relatively new violent salvadoran gang that continues to spread despite law enforcement efforts, also known as MS-13
the process of one person assuming the identity of an authorized computer user by acquiring the victims items, knowledge, or characteristics
mass murder
the commission of FOUR OR MORE murders in a SINGLE INCIDENT within a SHORT SPAN OF TIME
the exaggeration of evidence available, telling the person that the interrogator knows he or she is guilty or stressing the consequences of a crime
medical examiner
public official who makes official determinations of the cause and time of death in wrongful death cases
megans law
an informal name for laws in the US requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available about registered sex offenders, which was created in response to the murder of megan kanka
merchandise robbery
a roberry that involves the forcible taking of goods from a store
method of operation (MO)
the behavior of the criminal during the commision of the crime
tiny frequency modulations in the human voice
a term used when law enforcement is required to limit their monitoring of criminal suspects
miranda warnings
legal guidelines to protect the rights of the ACCUSEDwere defined further by the supreme court in such cases as miranda
a less serious crime than a felony, usually punishable by less than one year in county jail, a fine, or both (MCAA)
missing children act of 1982
legislation that created a national clearinghouse for missing children and authorizing research to determine the extent of the problem within this country
mobile data terminals
an in car computer designed to provide info to the operators of EMS
mobile surveillance
observing a criminal suspect from a moving vehicle
money laundering
a process whereby illegally earned cash is made to appear legit or the sources of the cash are disguised
a written request ( also called a petition) or an oral request made to the court anytime before, during or after court proceedings
reasons why someone does something
a strong arm robbery
a NAVIGATION technique based on the measurement of the difference in distance to two or more stations at known locations that broadcast signals at known times
Munchausen Syndrom by Proxy
a clinical term referring to when a parent or caretaker attempt to bring medical attention to himself or herself by inducing illness to his or her children
the purposeful, premeditated, and unlawful taking of human life by another person
mutual assault
when both people involved in an altercation committed assault
National Auto Theft Crime Bureau
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
a private, nonprofit organization established in 1984 by US Congress
National Crime Information Center
The US central database for tacking crime related information
National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abudcted, Runaway and Throwaway Children Project
a research project supported by US Dept of Justice. Enacted to address 1984 Missing children’s assistance act. Required the office of juvenile justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) o conduct periodic national incidence studies to determine the actual number of children reported missing and the number recovered
National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
a not-for-profit insurance organization committed to combating vehicle theft and insurance fraud
Natural Death
a death that is primarily attributed to natural agents: usually an illness or an internal malfunction of the body
abbreviation for the national center for analysis of violent crime, special FBI unit coordinating investigation and operational support. criminological research, training to provide assistance to federal, state, local, foreign LEOs investigating unusual or repetitive violent crimes ( SERIAL CRIMES)
national crime information center
National center for missing and exploited children
a passive form of abuse, which a perpetrator is responsible to provide care for a victim who is unable to care for himself but fails to provide adequate care
neighborhood canvass
a door-to-door search of the area of a crime to identify witnesses
Neighborhood watch
a program whereby merchants and residents are encouraged to take more proactive role in detecting, reporting activity that might be criminal in nature
National Incidence Studies for Missing, Abudcted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children
nodal points
identifying markers used in conjunction with “landmarks” in facial recognition software
an interview in which the subject being interviewed is not addressed as the accuser
noncustodial parent
a parent who does not have legal custody of his or her child
nonfamily abduction
when a child is removed from his or her family through force or tickery
a protest to judge regarding the form of the question being asked of the witness
Objectively Reasonable Standard
a term in constitutional case law, means that in determining the necessity for force and the appropriate level of force, officers shall evaluate each situation in light of the circumstances, including but not limited to the seriousness of the crime, level of threat or resistance presented by the subject, and the danger to the community
officer on the scene
a term referring to the ability of a reasonable officer in the field to make judgments regarding the appropriateness of action
olfactory senses
the ability to smell distinguishable odors emitted from certain types of fires that might indicate a specific fire starter, such as kerosene, gasoline and alcohol
one percenter OMG
a term referring to outlaw motorcycle gangs whose members consider membership a lifestyle that is supported by criminal activity
open-field search
term that refers to the open field doctrine first articulated by the US Supreme Court in HESTER v US. stating that “ special protection accorded by the 14th ammdt. to the people in their “ persons, houses, papers, effects” is NOT EXTENDED TO OPEN FIELDS
Open Files
criminal information developed for the purpose of eventually making an arrest and gaining a conviction in a court of law
opportunistic robber
robber who steals to obtain small amounts of money when he or she identifies what seems to be a vulnerable target
Outlaw motorcycle gangs ( OMGs)
criminal gangs commonly affiliated with motorcycles
outside team
the arrest time in a surveillance
overt information collection
a method of collecting info involving personal interaction with people, many of whom are witnesses to crimes, victims, or the suspects themselves
paper trail
evidence in an arson case, that shows motive. this includes financial records, inflated insurance coverage, little or no inventory and excessive debts
parental kidnapping prevention act
law that establishes national standards for the assertion of child custody jurisdiction
passive stains
drops, flows, and pools, and typically result from gravity acting on an injured body
pat-down search
a search of a persons outer clothing wherein a person runs his or her hands along the outer garments to detect any concealed WEAPONS OR CONTRABAND
Patent Fingerprint
Latent Fingerprint
the basis of sexual misconduct with children
Peel, Sir Robert
the founder of the Metropolitan Police Department during the early 19th century
Perceptual distortions
when an officers level of awareness is clouded or otherwise misinterpreted rendering an inaccurate assessment of a situation.
personality profiling
a means of identifying the type of person responsible for a crime. this is accomplished by identifying the psychological and social characteristics surrounding the crime as well as the manner in which it was committed.
photo lineup
the use of photographs that are shown to a victim or witness in the ID process
physical abuse
a term referring to the assault or other harmful phhysical contact between subject and an underage child
physical evidence
any type of evidence having shape, size or dimension
physical surveillance
the act of LEOS visually observing a suspect or location
pigeon drop
a commonly used confidence game
the stealing of merchandise
pinkerton, Allan
The founder of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency
Pinkerton National Detective Agency
founded by Allan Pinkerton in 1850, this was one of the first criminal investigation bodies to exist in the US
Plain View Doctrine
legal doctrine whereby police officers have the opportunity to confiscate evidence, without a warrant, basedon what they find in plain view and open to public inspection
preparations used to set an ARSON fire
plastic fingerprint
a fingerprint impression left when a person presses against a plastic material such as putty, wax or tar
plastic workers
white-collar criminals who have experience in dealing with stolen credit cards
point of origin
the location on an arson scene where fire originated
Polymerase Chain Rection
a process in which DNA strips can be rapidly reproduced for scientific analysis
Postmortem lividity
a purplish coloration of the skin of a deceased person
power-assertive rapist
a rapist who attempts to demonstrate his manhood to the victim through sexual assault
power-reassurance rapist
a rapist who has primary motivation of power over his victim
preferential molester
a child molester who has sexual desires focusing on children and typically has more identifiable psychological disorder
preliminary investigation
a term referring to the early stages of crime scene processing, usually conducted by the first officer on the crime scene
planning beforehand that shows intent to commit a criminal act
pretrial conference
a meeting between prosecutor and investigator at which the prosecution strategy to a criminal case is discussed
preventive response
prevention through DETERRENCE that sometimes achieved by arresting the criminal, and by aggressive prosecution
prima facie evidence
evidence established by law that proves a fact in dispute
primary physical aggressor
if the police have sufficient reason to believe that a person, within the preceding four hours, committed an active domestic violence battery, the officer is required to arrest a person. this person is known as the primary aggressor
prison gang
criminal organizations that originated within the penal system and operate within correctional facilities throughout the US
private eye
private investigator
proactive response
an investigative approach to crime solving in which criminal activity is investigated BEFORE it occurs
probably cause
the minimal amount of info necessary to cause a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been or is being commited by a particular person
professional robber
a robber who has long-term commitment to crime as a source of livelihood, planning and organizing crimes before committing the, and pursuing money to support a particular lifestyle
a method used to Identify an offender’s motivation
lasting from 1920-1933, the period where manufacturing, selling and consumption of alcoholic beverages was outlawed in US
the end or net result of the evidence collection process
property crime
a type of crime whereby the criminal is more concerned with financial gain and less prepared for a violent altercation with the victim
protection orders
legal document that orders one person to stay away from another
psychological dependence
feeling that a drug is necessary to ones well-being
psychological profiling
a behavioral and investigative tool that is intended to help investigators to accurately predict and profile the characteristics of unknown criminal subjects or offenders
public information officer
an officer designated as a media contact for public service organization
public safety exception
a supreme court ruling that found that LEOs who are reasonably concerned for public safety may question persons who are in custody and who have not yet been read Miranda Warnings
Pyramid scheme
commonly used confidence game
personal with psychological disorder in which sexual gratification is obtained through setting of fires
questioned documents
documents that are suspected of being associated with criminal activity
the unlawful sexual intercourse, achieved through force and without consent
rape kit
a set of items used by medical personnel for gathering and preserving physical evidence following an allegation of sexual assault, which can be used in rape investigation
reactive response
an approach to crime solving that addresses crimes that have already occurred, such as murder, robbery and burglary