Crimes Code Flashcards
Criminal solicitation 902
With the intent of promoting or facilitating its commission he commands , encourages or requests another person to engage in specific conduct which would constitute such crime or an attempt to commit such crime or which would establish his complicity in its commission or attempted commission
903 criminal conspiracy
Guilty of conspiracy with another person or persons to commit a crime if with the intent of promoting or facilitating its commission he - agreed with such other personal or persons that they will engage in conduct -
- agreed to aid such other person or persons in planning or commission
- scope of conspiratorial relationship - if they’re guilty of conspiracy - they also know that person has conspired with one or more persons
901 criminal attempt
Person commits an attempt when with intent to commit a specific crime he does any act which constitutes a substantial step toward the commission of that crime
- not a defense if it was not doable crime
Grading of attempt , solicitation and conspiracy
Crimes of the same grade and degree as the most serious offence which attempted or solicited or is object of the conspiracy
906 multiple convictions of inchoate crimes
A person may not be convicted or more than one of the inchoate crimes of criminal attempt , solicitation or conspiracy for conduct designed to commit or to culminate in the commission of the same crime
907 possessing instruments of crime
-Possessing any instrument of crime with intent to employ it criminally
- m1 is he possesses a firearm or other weapon concealed , intent to employ criminally
- unlawful body armour - F3 - it in the course of the commission of a felony or in attempt to commit a felony he uses or wears body armour / or has in possession
Ex : firearms even not loaded , lacking clip,
908 prohibited offensive weapon
- except authorised by law , makes repairs sells or deals in used any offensive weapon
- sawed off shot gun barrel less than 18in , stun gun, metal knuckles
908.1 use or possession of electric or electronic incapacitation devices
F2 if used to incapacitate another person for unlawful purposes.
Otherwise it is M1
909 manufacture , distribution or possession of master keys for motor vehicles
M1 if he manufactures distributes or possesses any master key to motor vehicles
910 manufacture distribution use or possession of device for theft of telecommunications services
M1 if he makes distributes , uses or assembled an unlawful telecommunication device
F3 if he has been convicted previously under this section or any similar crime , and or the violation in this section involves at least ten but no more than 50 devices
F2 if he’s been convicted two or more occasions in state or federal jurisdictions
Device : any instrument device or equipment which is capable of transmitting decrypting or receiving any Data
911 corrupt organisations
F1- unlawful for any person through a pattern of racketeering activity to acquire maintain any interest in or control of any enterprise
Indirect or direct interest in criminal enterprises
912 possession of weapon in school property
Knife , firearm , shot gun, any instrument or implement capable of inflicting SBI
913 possessing firearm or other dangerous weapon in court facility
Knowingly possesses firearm or dangerous weapon in facility knowing it could be used in commission of crime.
M3- if he possessed firearm
M1-if he possesses it knowing will be used criminally
Summary offence if they know they were carrying and dirt check prior to entering court facility
2101 display of flag at public meetings
Summary offense if , being directly or indirectly in charge of picking gathering, fails to display publicly and visibly the US flag
2102 desecration of flag
M3 places and marks writing or design or advertisement on flag
Exposes to public view any such marked or defiled flag
Publicly or privately mitigated defaces tramples upon or casts contempt in any manner upon any flag
(Except in political demonstration )
2103 insults to national or commonwealth flag
M2 if he maliciously takes down defiled injured removed or in any manner damaged insults or destroys any Americans flag or the flag of the commonwealth which is displayed anywhere
2501 criminal homicide
Guilty of criminal homicide if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently causes the death of another human being
Criminal homicide shall be classified as murder , voluntary manslaughter , involuntary manslaughter
2502 murder
Murder first degree - criminal homicide that is intentional and premeditated
Murder second degree - criminal homicide as a result of the defendant engaging in another felony or as an accomplice to another felony
Murder third degree - all other kinds of murder - felony 1st degree
2503 voluntary manslaughter
Criminal homicide
Without lawful justification at the time of the killing he is acting under a sudden and intense passion resulting from serious provocation by
- person killed , another whim the actor intends to kill but he negligently or accidentally casuals the death of individual killed
2504 involuntary manslaughter
Criminal homicide
Direct result of unlawful act in reckless or grossly negligent manner, causes death of person
Involuntary manslaughter is misdemeanor 1, however if the deceased is under 12 years old and in the care custody or control of doer its a felony 2
2503 causing or aiding suicide
Felony 2 if they intentionally aid or solicit another to commit suicide - and causes it.
If not successful then it’s M2
2506 drug delivery resulting in death
Felony 1
Intentionally administers , dispenses , delivers, prescribes , sells any controlled substance or counterfeit controlled substance
Not more than 40 years imprisonments
2507 criminal homicide of LEO
Felony 1
Felony 2 if they were in process of committing another felony
2603 criminal homicide of unborn child
intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently causes death of unborn child
- criminal homicide of an unborn child or voluntary manslaughter of an unborn child
2604 Murder of unborn child
1st degree murder of an unborn child, intentional killing
2nd degree - criminal homicide of an unborn child- when defendant was engaged as a principal or an accomplice in the perpetration of a felony
2605 Voluntary manslaughter of unborn child
a personal who kills an unborn child without lawful justification commits voluntary manslaughter, at the time of killing he is acting under sudden and intense passion resulting from provocation by - the mother of unborn child whom actor endeavors to kill - but he negligently or accidentally causes the death of unborn child
2606 aggravated assault of unborn child
attempts to cause SBI to the unborn child, or causes such injury intentionally, knowingly, recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the life of the unborn child - felony first degree
2608 nonliability and defenses
nothing in this chapter imposes criminal liability - for acts committed during abortion or attempted abortion whether lawful or unlawful.
* consensual and good faith performance of medical practice
3301 Arson
§ 3301. Arson and related offenses.
(a) Arson endangering persons.–
(1) A person commits a felony of the first degree if he intentionally starts a fire or causes an explosion, or if he aids, counsels, pays or agrees to pay another to cause a fire or explosion, whether on his own property or on that of another, and if:
a.1) Aggravated arson.–
he thereby attempts to cause, or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another person, including, but not limited to, a firefighter, police officer or other person actively engaged in fighting the fire; or
(ii) he commits an offense under this section which is graded as a felony when a person is present inside the property at the time of the offense.
(c) Arson endangering property
person commits a felony of the second degree if he intentionally starts a fire or causes an explosion, whether on his own property or that of another, or if he aids, counsels, pays or agrees to pay another to cause a fire or explosion, and if:
(1) he commits the act with intent of destroying or damaging a building or unoccupied structure of another;
(2) he thereby recklessly places an inhabited building or occupied structure of another in danger of damage or destruction; or
(3) he commits the act with intent of destroying or damaging any property, whether his own or of another, to collect insurance for such loss.
Arson endangering property
(c) Arson endangering property.–A person commits a felony of the second degree if he intentionally starts a fire or causes an explosion, whether on his own property or that of another, or if he aids, counsels, pays or agrees to pay another to cause a fire or explosion, and if:
(1) he commits the act with intent of destroying or damaging a building or unoccupied structure of another;
(2) he thereby recklessly places an inhabited building or occupied structure of another in danger of damage or destruction; or
(3) he commits the act with intent of destroying or damaging any property, whether his own or of another, to collect insurance for such loss.
Dangerous burning
person commits a summary offense if he intentionally or recklessly starts a fire to endanger any person or property of another whether or not any damage to person or property actually occurs
(f) Possession of explosive or incendiary materials or devices.–
person commits a felony of the third degree if he possesses, manufactures or transports any incendiary or explosive device or material with the intent to use or to provide such device or material to commit any offense described in this chapter.