CC pp 727-758 Flashcards
6301 corruption of minors
anyone 18 or over, corrupts morals of anyone less than 18, commits M1
6302 sale or lease of weapons and explosives
m2 if anyone sold or lease to anyone under 18 deadly weapon cartridge, gun powder, explosive ( except hunting)
6303 sale of starter pistols
M1, anyone under 18. except for gaming commission
6304 sale and use of air rifles
M3.. anyone under 18 rifles (bb gun, air gun, spring gun spring pistol anything thats not a gun but impels pellets)
otherwise summary
6305 sale of tobacco
summary offense if sell tobacco to minor , first offense $100-$250, second $250-$500
minor gets 75 hrs community service, fine $200, suspension of motor vehicle privileges for 30 days
6306 use of tobacco in schools
summary offense
6307 misrepresentation of age to secure alcohol
summary offense 1st, m3 subsequent offense, falsely represents himself to be 21 to buy alcohol
6308 purchase consumption possession or transport of alcohol
if under 21, summary offense, fine not more than $500
6309 representing that minor is of age
m3 if falsely represents to any licensed dealer that minor is full age ( bar with mom)
6310 inducement of minors to buy alcohol
M3 if he hires requests or induces minor ro purchase alcohol
6310 selling or furnishing alcohol to minors
M3 ( except in church)
6310.2 Manufacture or sale of false ID card
M2, alters or attempts to sell a fake ID…. 1000 fine first offense
6310.3 carrying a false ID
Summary for first , M3 for second or subsequent offense
6310.4 restriction of operating privileges
whenever convicted or adjudicated delinquent, for any violation related to misrep of age, operating privileges suspended .. first offense 90 days, second 1 year, 3rd offense, 2 years – Dept or transportation gets record from courts
6310.7 selling or furnishing NONalcoholic bevs to minors
Summary ( nonalcoholic beer or wine)
6311 tattooing or body piercing
does it to someone under 18 without parental consent.
M3 for first offense, second or subsequent offense within one year of preceding offense M2
6312 sex abuse of children
F2 - photographing, video, computer depictions and film
F3 possessing child porn, or transfers displays photos videos films of children for sexual arousal.
If all of the above WITH sexual contact with child, one grade higher than original offense
6314 sentencing and penalties for trafficking drugs to minors
anyone convicted to any violation with controlled substances to minors, will be sentenced to min. one year total confinement
will be sentenced to 2 years at least, if also intended to engage minor in trafficking, intended habitual use of drug
6316 selling or furnishing certain stimulants to minors
summary, knowingly sells or purchases with intent to sell ephedrine to person less than 18 years of age.
6317 drug free school zones
any drug related violation with minors within 1,000 feet of school zone, or within 250 feet of the real property which is located a rec center or playground or school bus, sentenced to min. 2-4 years confinement.
6318 unlawful contact with minor
any offense of the same grade and degree as most serious - for which defendant contacted the minor… or F3 whichever is greater.
6319 solicitation of minors to traffic drugs
f2, solicits someone less than 18 years of age to engage in violations of section related to drugs
6320 sexual exploitation of minors
procures for another person a child under 18 years of age for the purpose of sexual exploitation. F2
6321 transmission of sexually explicit images of minor
summary offense, transmits distributes, any electronic communication containing sexually explicit image of himself… knowingly views sexually explicit image of minor who is 12 years of age or older.
M3 distributes sexually explicit image of another minor who is 12 years of age or older
6501 scattering rubbish
Summary offense
M3 if owner of garbage collection and deposits vehicles load on any public roadway hwy
6502 refrigerators and iceboxes
summary offense if discards to children any icebox, abandoned refrigerator
violation shall not in itself render someone guilty of manslaughter, assault, or other crime against person who may suffer death or injury from entrapment in icebox
6503 posting advertisements on property of another
6505 discarding tvs and tubes
6701 wearing uniforms and insignia
summary if wears or displays US forces for purpose of obtaining profit or contributions
6702 sale of veterans flowers
6703 dealing in military decorations
M3, offers or accepts a pledge or medal
6704 fraud on association having grand lodge
summary if fraudulently uses the name or title of any secret fraternal association which has had a grand lodge having jurisidiction for over 10 years.
6707 false regristration of domestic animals
M3 if false pretense obtains from any association for improving the breed of domestic animals the registration of any animal on its heard
6708 retention of library property after notice to return
summary if refuse to return books 30 days exceeding written notice to return
6709 use of union labels
6710 uunauthorized use of registered insignia
6711 retention of military property after notice of return
summary, failts to return any military property equipment id papers or other belongings to US forces
6712 use of carts cases trays baskets boxes and other containers
owning shopping cards laundry carts, must register
Summary — removing any serial number on shopping cart, taking shopping carts off premise
6901 extension of water line
M3, without permit from water company or municipality, beyond limits of water line
6902 willful obstruction of emergency telephone calls
Summary if willfully refuses to relinquish immediately a party line with informed the person needs emergency call.
6903 railroad employee abandoning train
summary if conductor leaves train
6904 interfering with railroad employee
summary if interferes with engineer in performance of duties
6905 nails and other hard substances to attached to utility poles
summary if someone puts nails or tacks into utility poles
6906 erection of crossing signboards
6907 obstructing public crossings
summary, railroad crossings
6908 obstructing private crossings
summary for any railroad to continue to obstruct the passage or private crossing, over 15 min
6909 lights obstructing view of signals
summary to locate any light in place that interferes with view of railroad signal
6910 unauthorized sale or transfer of tickets
sells transfers tickets
7107 fraudulent entry of horses in race
7102 drugs to race horses
M1 if administers drugs or stimulants with intent to affect the speed of a horse where monetary award offered
7103 horse racing
7104 fortune telling
M3 if pretends
anyone whos fortune told can be compelling witness
7105 pool and biliard rooms
summary - for cities of first class, permits place to be open on sunday or between hours of 1am-6am, or anyone under 18 to be in there
7106 theater operators to require proof of age
7107 unlawful actions by athlete agents
7301 distribution of samples of medicine, dyes, etc
7302 sale and labeling of solidified alcohol
m2, solidified alcohol which contains more than 4% methyl or wood alcohol. M1 if sells and causes blindness or death.
7303 sale or illegal use of certain solvents and noxious substances
7304 illegal sale or use of fire extingquishers
7305 sale of gasoline in glass container
7306 incendiary devices
M3 (molotov cocktail) cannot own, manufacture, sell, transfer possess… any enclosed liquid readily breakable ignited
7307 out of state convict made goods
m2, – regarding manufactured goods by convicts or prisoners of other states
7308 unlawful advertisement of insurance businesses
7309 unlawful coercion in contracting insurance
7310 furnishing free insurance as inducement for purchases
M3 if offers any policy free of cost as inducement to purchase any property.
7311 unlawful collection agency practices
7312 debt pooling
(making of contract expressed or implied, where debtor agrees to pay sum of money, to another, that person distributes same among certain creditors, in accordance with plan to receive consideration for such services) PONZY SCHEME
7313 buying, exchanging federal food order coupons stamps authorization cards or access devices
felony 3 if amount is $1,000 or more
less than 1,000, M1
7315 unauthorized disposition of donated food commodities
7316 keeping bucket shop
7317 accessories in conduct of bucket shop
7318 maintaining of premises in which bucket shop operated
7320 attaching advertisement with out consent of publisher
7321 lie detector tests
m2 if someone requires condition of employment to take polygraph
7322 demangind property to secure employment
m3 if being an officer or employee, demands from anyone certain property as condition of employment
7324 unlawful sale of dissertations, theses and term papers
7325 discrimination on account of guide, signal or service dog or other aid animal
7326 disclosure of confidential tax information
7327 storage consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages on unlicensed business premise
7328 operation of certain establishments
M3 ( must be approved)
7329 prohitibion of certain types of entertainment on bottle club premises
improper or immoral entertainment