Glossary L Flashcards
lag-threaded cable anchor with a closed eye …
lag eye
lag-threaded cable anchor with an open eye (J-shaped)
lag hook (J-Hook)
cable anchor or bracing rod with a coarse thread pattern that is typically screwed into a pre-drilled hole that is smaller in diameter than the anchor or rod. Contrast with machine-threaded.
predetermined area where cut branches or wood sections will be dropped or lowered from a tree.
landing zone
purpose or intended use of a plant in the landscape (e.g., shade, aesthetics, screening).
landscape function
short rope equipped with carabiners, snaps, and/or eye splices. Work-positioning lanyards are used for temporarily securing a climber in one place.
immature life stage of an insect between the egg and the pupa stage.
an arrangement of rope used to hold two objects together.
bud held in dormancy for more than one year by hormones originating from the terminal bud. Term sometimes used to refer to dormant buds or adventitious buds.
latent bud
secondary or subordinate branch or root.
vegetative bud on the side of a stem. Contrast with terminal bud….
lateral bud
root that arises by cell division in the pericycle of the parent root and then penetrates the cortex and epidermis….
lateral root
portion of an annual ring (growth ring) that forms during summer, characterized by small-diameter cells with thick walls. Summer wood. Contrast with earlywood.
LCR: ratio of the height of the crown containing live foliage to the overall height of the tree
Live Crown Ratio
(1) tendency for elements or compounds to wash down through the soil. (2) tendency for elements or compounds to wash into the soil. For example, alkaline compounds may leach from concrete, or heavy metals may leach from aggregates, and both may damage plants.
leach (leaching)
part of a rigging line, from the rigging point to the load. Contrast with fall….
primary terminal shoot or trunk of a tree. Large, usually upright stem. A stem that dominates a portion of the crown by suppressing lateral branches….
green building rating System developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to provide standards for environmentally sustainable construction and building management practices.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
primary, photosynthetic organ of a plant that is connected to a stem by a petiole….
tip of the leaf blade
leaf apex
point of attachment of a leaf petiole to a stem
leaf axil
bottom part of the leaf blade….
leaf base
irregularly shaped areas of disease on plant foliage….
leaf blotch
outer edge of the leaf blade….
leaf margin
scar left on the twig after a leaf is shed….
leaf scar
patches of disease or other damage on plant foliage….
leaf spot
separate part of a compound leaf blade….
type of PPE. Any clothing or device to protect the legs from various injuries. Chaps or other chain saw–resistant clothing worn over the legs when operating a chain saw
leg protection
method of starting a chain saw in which the saw’s top handle is held with the left hand and the back of the saw is held tightly between the operator’s legs, leaving the right hand free to pull the starting cord. The chain brake must always be engaged when starting a saw.
leglock method
small opening in the bark that permits the exchange of gases
local area of diseased or damaged tissue….
something for which one is responsible. Legal responsibility….
series of stages in the life of an organism (see life stage)….
life cycle
one of multiple phases in the growth and development of an organism….
life stage
(1) in pruning, (crown) raising. (2) in rigging, technique in which the tip of a branch is raised up before lowering in order to avoid obstacles below.
variation of the hinge-cut technique used to cut limbs that are being lifted.
lifting cut
process in which cell walls become thicker and stronger by impregnation with lignin.
organic substance that impregnates certain cell walls to thicken and strengthen the cell to reduce susceptibility to decay and pest damage.
the chance of a tree failure ocurring within the specified time frame….
likelihood of failure
large, primary branch of a tree.
cutting off the side branches of a felled tree.
a visual assessment from a specified perspective such as foot, vehicle, or aerial (airborne) patrol of an individual tree or a population of trees near specified targets to identifiy spiecified conditions or obvious defects.
limited visual inspection
an environmental factor that when absent or in low quantities limits the growth, abundance, or distribution of a plant….
limiting factor
(1) rope that is configured, constructed, or intended for or assigned or restricted to a particular use (e.g., climbing line or lowering line). (2) a wire or cable designed to conduct electricity. (3) pertaining to electric utilities, the wires that serve as electrical conductors in an electric utility circuit.
poor pruning practice in which an excessive number of branches are thinned from the inside and lower part of specific limbs or a tree crown, leaving mostly terminal foliage. Results in poor branch taper, poor wind load distribution, and a higher risk of branch failure.
lion tailing (lion’s tailing)
applying liquid formulations of fertilizer by injection into the root zone of a tree or by application to soil surface or to foliage. Contrast with broadcast fertilization and drill-hole fertilization…
liquid fertilization
(1) a general term used to indicate the magnitude of a force, bending moment, torque, pressure, etc., applied to a substance or material. (2) cargo; weight to be borne or conveyed.
strapping device used to secure loads.
load binder
rope used to lower a tree branch or segment that has been cut. Lowering line….
load line
rigging technique in which a second load line is used, and some or all of the weight of the branch or wood section is transferred from the initial load line to the second
load-transfer line
soil texture classification based on a certain ratio of sand, silt, and clay. Considered ideal for plant growth. …
leaf segments that project outward, creating voids (sinuses) between the segments. Contrast with sinus….
pertaining to carabiners and snaps, requiring at least one distinct motion to prepare the gate to open (to unlock but not to actually open)….
snap that is self-closing and requires one motion to unlock and a separate motion to open the gate. Used by tree climbers primarily for connecting the climbing line to the saddle….
locking snap
bight that crosses itself or a bight made fast with a knot….
any of numerous knots that can be used to form a loop in a line….
loop(ed) knot
an adjustable loop sling. Compare with whoopie sling.
pruning tool with two long handles used to cut woody stems, typically up to an inch (2.5 cm) in diameter….
brand name of a piece of equipment that is attached to the tree base or other anchor in rigging. Used to take wraps with the load lines to provide friction for controlled lowering of sections of a tree.
Lowering Device
a population of plants that have a low mature height (e.g., 3 ft [1 m] or less). Examples include grasses, shrubs, forbs, and herbs….
low-growing plant community
(1) overhead or underground electric supply lines up to 750 volts [the threshold cited in Z133.1 that requires 10-foot (3.05 meter) separation without specialized training, etc.], typically 120 to 480 volts, used to deliver electricity to end users. (2) electrical power lines used in landscape lighting, with operating voltages between 12 and 24 volts.
low-voltage lines