Glossary I Flashcards
diagnostic aid to help identify plants and other organisms….
identification key
in Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM), a vegetation condition that could cause damage or interruption of service to overhead energized facilities or pipelines at any moment.
imminent threat
surface that does not allow for infiltration and/or penetration of liquids….
device, capsule, or pellet inserted into the tree’s xylem system to treat or prevent diseases, disorders, or pest problems. Requires a relatively large diameter and deep hole in the trunk. Contrast with macroinfusion, macroinjection, and microinjection.
bark that becomes embedded in a crotch (union) between branch and trunk or between codominant stems. Causes a weak structure….
included bark
vegetation that is undesirable, unsafe, or interferes with the intended use of the site….
incompatible vegetation
device used to take core samples from trees to determine age or detect problems, such as decay….
increment borer
continued growth due to continuing activity of the apical and lateral meristems. Contrast with determinate growth….
indeterminate growth
plant species that exhibit early, reversible symptoms of drought stress and are specifically used in hydrozones to signal a need for watering….
indicator plant
exposure to electrical current by touching any electrical conductor that is in contact with an energized conductor….
indirect contact
capable of being spread to plants from other plants or organisms….
the presence of a pest population on a host plant or group of plants….
(1) downward entry of water into the soil. Contrast with percolation. (2) entry of fine particles into drainage or aeration systems; can lead to system clogging and failure. (3) downward entry of materials from one soil or fill layer to another, as when a gravel road surface mixes with underlying soil.
speed at which water penetrates the soil….
infiltration rate
cluster of flowers
trees and shrubs field grown in fabric bags, commonly called grow bags. Contrast with balled and burlapped, bare root, container grown, and containerized….
in-ground fabric-bag grown
injection of a liquid substance into a plant or soil….
in soil science, microorganisms (e.g., mycorrhizae fungi) that are introduced into the soil in order to improve growth or plant health….
part of a pathogen that enters the host and can cause disease….
compound or substance not containing carbon. Not containing organic material. Contrast with organic. …
mineral fertilizer, not coming from plant or animal sources. Contrast with organic fertilizer….
inorganic fertilizer
substances, man-made or naturally occurring in insects, that affect growth and development of insects….
insect growth regulators
soap-based pesticides approved for application to plants to kill insects and certain mites by disrupting the cell membranes
insecticidal soaps
substances toxic to insects….
stage of growth between molts in the development of insect larvae….
method of controlling plant pests by combining biological, cultural, mechanical, physical, and/or chemical management strategies….
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
system of managing plant communities in which compatible and incompatible vegetation are identified, action thresholds are considered, control methods are evaluated, and selected control(s) are implemented to achieve a specific objective. Choice of control methods is based on effectiveness, environmental impact, site characteristics, safety, security, and economics.
Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM)
between the nodes on a stem….
region of the stem between two successive nodes. Contrast with node….
yellowing of interveinal tissue
interveinal chlorosis
leaf tissue between the veins or vascular bundles….
interveinal tissue
organisms not native to a region. Contrast with exotic species, native species, and naturalized species….
introduced species
in Plant Health Care, the intentional release or planting of a non-native species within a landscape….
non-native organisms likely to spread, disrupting the natural balance of an ecosystem….
invasive species
atom or a group of atoms with a positive or negative charge….
an arborist who has passed an independent exam administered by the International Society of Arboriculture, and maintains the credential through continuing education. …
ISA Certified Arborist®
suite of software products and management tools that allows the user to inventory the urban forest and analyze its costs, benefits, and management needs….