Glossary F Flashcards
notch cut used to help control the direction of fall of trees or branches being removed
face cut
wedge-shaped cut forming the front of the hinge. Used to help control the direction of fall of trees or branches being removed. Scarf cut.
Face notch
in utility systems, structure or equipment used to deliver or provide protection for the delivery of an essential service, such as electricity or communication.
facility (facilities)
in tree risk assessment, the professional assessment of the likelihood for a tree or tree part to fail within a defined period of time.
Failure potential
part of the rigging line from the rigging point to the anchor point. Contrast with lead.
equipment and techniques designed to ensure a climber will not fall from a tree or an aerial lift.
Fall protection
a fully-body harness with a dorsal or sternal attachment, equipped with a shock-absorbing lanyard, designed to absorb the shock of a fall, reducing the forces exerted on the body. A fall arresst system is used only in the event of a fall and is not designed for work positioning.
fall-arrest harness
device installed in a tree to hold and direct ropes during climbing or rigging because there is not a suitable natural crotch available, or to protect an available crotch, and/or to reduce wear on ropes.
false crotch
taxonomic group under the order level and above the genus level.
portion of a pine tree which secures the needles together in characteristic clusters of 2, 3, or 5.
fascicle sheath
high-priority electric distribution supply line, generally 12,000 to 34,500 volts, that carries electricity from distribution substations to other primary distribution supply lines or distribution transformers.
feeder (distribution feeder)
dropping or cutting down a tree.
a metal or plastic wedge inserted into the backcut to help direct the path in which a tree or tree part falls.
felling wedge
(1) incomplete path of respiration in the absence of sufficient oxygen. (2) the conversion of sugars to alcohol and other metabolites by the action of microorganisms that may invade a tree’s vascular system.
application of essential elements to a plant, usually through the soil
substance added to a plant or the surrounding soil to supplement the supply of essential elements
percentage of primary elements [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] in a fertilizer
fertilizer analysis
fertilizer (fertiliser, in British English) burn injury to a plant resulting from excess fertilizer salts in the surrounding soil.
fertilizer burn
lowest common denominator (sometimes rounded) for the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in a fertilizer.
fertilizer ratio
(1) elongated, tapering, thick-walled cell that provides strength to wood. (2) smallest component of a rope
maximum soil moisture content following the drainage of water due to the force of gravity. Compare to available water, gravitational water, permanent wilting point, and saturation point
field capacity
a reference with identification information and other pertinent information that includes but is not limited to range, growing conditions, life cycle, cultural needs, and distinguishing traits or characteristics.
field guide
metal device used to provide friction on a rope in climbing or very light rigging. See descender.
figure-8 descender
particular knot tied as a safety knot or stopper knot at the end of a line
figure-8 knot
emergency care or treatment of the injuries or illnesses of a person to stabilize his or her condition before medical help is available
first aid
rigging technique in which the load line is run through several rigging points below the load.
fishing-pole technique
webbing or rope sling consisting of a complete, closed loop
fixed loop
short sling with an eye spliced in one end. Also called dead-eye sling
fixed-eye sling
sling used in balancing limbs for removal that is not adjustable in length. See balancer.
fixed-length balancer
symptom in which leaves on a branch wilt and may ultimately turn brown without falling from the shoot. (2) growth form of trees growing in strong winds, characterized by the branches growing toward the downwind side. (3) colored tape used to mark trees or surveying points.
in utility arboriculture, mowing machines designed to cut vegetation with a moving blade, chain, or other cutting device.
flail-type cutters
tree climbing lanyard, with or without a wire core, usually with a snap or carabiner at one end and an eye at the other end. Used for ascending trees when using spikes, for work positioning, and as a second means of life support when using a chain saw in a tree.
flip line
anchor point in a rigging system that can be moved anywhere between two points
floating anchor
false crotch installed on an ascent line anchored high in a tree.
floating false crotch
organ of sexual reproduction in angiosperms.
pruning cut through and/or removing the branch collar, causing unnecessary injury to the trunk or parent stem..
flush cut
leaves of a plant
laboratory analysis of the mineral content of foliage.
foliar analysis
applying a fertilizer, pesticide, or other substance directly to the foliage
foliar application
a complex network of interconnected food chains in an ecosystem
food web
method of ascending a rope by wrapping the rope around the feet. See secured footlock
footlock (footlocking)
any action or influence causing an object to accelerate/decelerate. Calculated as mass multiplied by acceleration. Is a vector quantity
management of forests, using silvicultural treatments, to provide a variety of forest benefits including timber, aesthetics, wildlife habitat, and/or recreational opportunities
group of plants within a species having distinct variations that occur sporadically and naturally.
fecal material and/or wood shavings produced by insects
climbing a tree without being secured by a climbing rope
free climb
type of friction hitch used in climbing and rigging
French Prusik
specific type of force that resists the relative motion between two objects in contact. The direction is always opposite the motion
device used to take wraps in a load line to provide friction for controlled lowering or climbing
friction device
any of numerous knots used in tree climbing or rigging that may alternately slide along and then grip a rope.
friction hitch
specific type of false crotch used for climbing trees; two rings connected by a strap
friction saver
a method of herbicide application where tools are used to remove bark of target woody plants, and herbicide is applied ot the wounds
large, divided leaf structures found in palms and ferns
vertical split in the wood of a tree, generally near the base of the bole, caused by internal stresses and low temperatures. Radial shake.
frost crack
structure formed from the ovule of a flower; contains the seeds
reproductive structure of a fungus. The presence of certain species may indicate decay in a tree. See conk
fruiting body
in landscape design, the set of goals pertaining to the future needs and practical purpose of the site.
functional goals
value of the environmental, aesthetical, or architectural functions of a plant
functional value
chemical compounds that are toxic to fungi
group of organisms from the kingdom Fungi, including yeasts, molds, mushrooms, and smuts. Typically multicellular, saprophytic, or parasitic and lacking vascular tissue and chlorophyll. Reproduces by spores borne in fruiting bodies.
fungus (pl. fungi)
devices on electrical conductors that protect electrical systems by interrupting current in response to sudden increases in current caused by electrical shorts or overloads