Glacial Transportation And Deposition Flashcards
What is transportation?
The glaciers ability to move material over very large distances
What is bulldozing?
When the ice pushes loose material in front of it
What is deposition?
When the ice carrying the glacier melts the material is dropped on the valley floor
It also occurs when the or is overloaded with material so doesn’t have enough energy to carry it all
What landforms does the deposited material make?
Moraines and drumlins
What are the five types of morraine?
Lateral Medial Terminal Recessional Ground
What is lateral moraine?
Found on the sides of the glacier
Scree from frost shattering is an important source
What is medial moraine?
Found down the middle of the glacial surface and occurs when the inner latteral moraine of two glaciers join
What is terminal moraine?
Found in front of the snout of the glacier if it is stationary
It represents the maximum advance of the ice
Always the largest and widest moraine
What is recessional moraine?
This is found behind terminal moraine but is not as wide or high
There may be several recessional moraines
They mark where the glacier has retreated and then stopped retreating depositing its materials
What is ground moraine?
This is found at the base (bottom) of the ice
Also known as till or boulder Clay
Is comes from abrasion on the base of the glacier
What is moraine?
Angular rock material that is transported and later deposited by the glacier
What must you say in exam when explaining moraine?
Where the material has come from (freeze thaw weathering) for medial and lateral
For other three types of moraine mention abrasion or plucking
Must say material has been deposited by the glacier due to a rise in temperature as the glacier moves down the valley
What is a drumlin?
An elongated hill of glacial deposits
How Big can drumlins be?
1km in length
500m in width
50m in height
What are the ends like and what are a group of drumlins called?
One blunt end
One tapered end
A swarm