FPL - innervation
C8 to T1 nerve roots form the Median nerve - ant interosseous - Supplying FPL
Flexor and Extensor Capri Ulnaris - innervation
C7-C8 nerve roots form the
Ulnar nerve (flexor)
Radial nerve (post interosseous) - Extensor
Supply the Flexor and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Triceps innervation =
C5-C8 nerve roots form the
Radial nerve
Supplying Triceps brachhi
Deltoid and teres minor innervation =
C5-C6 nerve roots form the
Axillary nerve
Supplying the deltoid and teres minor
A spinal cord tumor at L1 = UMN or LMN
A herniated NP at L4 = UMN or LMN
Femoral nerve impingement = UMN or LMN
Cauda equina lesion = UMN or LMN
C6 dermatome
Lateral forearm and hand
Injury to radial nerve would lead to sensory involvement where
Dorsum of the hand, thumb, and fingers
C8 dermatome
Medial hand and lower forearm
T10 complete SCI - what kind of transfer
Initially may use slide board but should eventually be able to learn Sit Pivot transfer!
Will have partial to full trunk and full UE innervation
CNs - rule of __
Midbrain = 1 to 4
Pons = 5 to 8
Medulla = 9 to 12
Muscles of mastication - which CN
V - trigeminal!
Impaired eye elevation; ptosis = injury to which CN
3! Oculomotor
Tongue movement - which CN
Hypoglossal! XII
Dysphagia - which CN injured
Adducotr pollicis is innervated by
Ulnar nerve
Pronator quadratus is innervated by
Median nerve
Flexor pollicis longus is innervated by
Ant interosseous off of median nerve
Abductor pollicis longus is innervated by
Post interosseous off of radial nerve
MS - when and what kind of exercise
Submax (50-70%) mod intensity
Ex in the morning is recommended because body’s temp is low at that time
Alternate btw UE and LE with circuit training to dec fatigue
VBI s/s
5 Ds And 3 Ns
Dizziness, Diplopia, Drop attacks, Dysarthria, Dysphagia
Nystagmus, Nausea, Numbness
Central vestibular system lesion - s/s
Vertical nystagmus
Abnormal smooth pursuit
Abnormal saccadic eye movements
Peripheral vestibular lesions - s/s
Normal smooth pursiut and saccades
Ankle DF - myotome level
L4 - L5
Brainstem lesion would lead to
facial signs contralateral to the limb signs
SCI - face involvement
Cutaneous innervation to medial aspect of the leg and foot
Entrapment can cause pain at medial knee
Musculocutaneous innervates
Skin on lateral side of forearm
Elbow flexors
Median nerve innervates
Skin on ant hand (ventral)
Post tips of lateral 3 fingers
Wrist flexors
Radial nerve innervates
skin on post forearm, arm, hand (dorsal)
Elbow and wrist extensors
Single nerve root lesion - mm contraction
May not be apparent on testing immediately but after holding contraction for a few seconds, will see fatigue emerge.
Autonomic dysreflexia
Injury above T6
Fibrotic contracture will require what kind of stretch
Prolonged static stretch
Cerebellar dysfunction is characterized by
Delays in initiating and timing of movements
Ataxia is often seen - abnormal coordination
Impairments in timing and duration of mm activation
Moro - how
Support infant in supine
Allow head to gently drop post in relation to trunk
Assess arm response (abd, then add, then cry)
Startle - how
Make sudden loud or harsh noise
Results in sudden extension or abduction of UE and crying
Landau - how
Support infant in prone
Response will be neck and trunk extension
Positive support reflex/reaction - will see what
Hold infant vertically with contact of feet to a surface and assess LE response
Facial nerve exits the skull where
Stylomastoid foramen (auditory canal) - the anterior aspect of the ear
Trigeminal nerve exits the skull at the
Superior orbital fissure, the foramen rotundum, and the foramen ovale
Damage to left facial nerve affects
Muscles of facial expression on ipsilateral side
Lengthen tibial nerve with what motions
DF, Eversion, Toe extension
Why would you want to teach an acute stroke survivor to NOT push against the supporting surface with their uninvolved foot to initiate a roll?
Because this can bring out extension of the trunk and we want to encourage flexion of the trunk with rolling
Cerbellar tremors vs. Parkinsons tremors
Cbm = action tremor Park = resting; rhythm of 4 to 7 beats/sec
C6 spinal cord injury - locomotion; transfers
Can propel a manual wc ind
Can ind. do sliding board transfers
Conductive education is what
Therapy approach for people with CP = focused on improving motivation and self esteem
Perceptual motor training is what
Based on belief that an underlying deficit must be addressed before improving task performance
Sensory integration therapy focuses on what
Addressing deficits in sensory system to improve function and motor and perceptual impairments
Task specific intervention is based on what
motor learning principles of feedback, memory cues, and practice
RGO is often used for
Brachioradialis is innervated by what
Radial nerve (C5-C6)
Pronator teres is innervated by what
Median nerve (C6-C7)
ECRB is innervated by what
Radial nerve (C6-C8)
Lat is innervated by what
Thoracodorsal (C6-C8)
Moro integrates when
5 months
Landau integrates when
2 years
STNR is what and integrates when
Head into flexion = UE flex, LE extend
Head into ext = UE ext, LE flex
Seen from 6-8 months
Assessing attention - how
Counting from 1 - 25 by increments of three
Constructional ability - assess it how
Asking a person to copy figures consisting of various sizes and shapes or to draw a known item like a clock
Abstract ability - assess it how
Ask a person to interpret a common proverb or to describe similarities/differences between objects
Orientation can be assessed how
Asking pt to identify time, person, and place
EHL innervated by
Deep peroneal
Galant integrates when
2 months
mm to assist with high guard position
Scpular retraction and downward rotation
STLR is what
In prone - flex
In supine - ext
Wrist cock up - often used for
Estim strengthening protocol
Duty Cycle
High intensity - to produce max contraction
Duty cycle: 1 to 5 ratio
so 20% duty cycle
Droplet precautions requires what
Repeated measures helps to do what
Control for differences between subjects
Electrode size and resistance
Smaller electrode =
Larger resistance
Face validity
The degree to which a measurement appears to test what it is supposed to
Predictive validity
Demonstrated when a score is helpful in predicting a specific future outcome
(ex = career aptitude tests)
Concurrent validity
Demonstrated when a test score correlates with a measure that has previously been validated
Content validity
Refers to the extent to which a measure represents all facets of a given concept or construct
T-test would be used when a study is comparing what
Two means of two different groups
Used when variance is not known
Z-test would be used when what
Compares means of two different groups
Used where the variance of the population being studied is known
A chi square test is used when
To compare nominal data
ANOVA test is used when
3 or more variables are being compared