GI: Small and Large Intestine II Flashcards
What is the infectious disease agent responsible for pseudomembranous colitis?
C. diff (toxins A and B)
Which parasitic infection presents with bloody diarrhea?
E. histolytica
What is the genetic abnormality in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)?
autosomal dominant
mutation of APC gene
What are the 2 varieties of GI protrusions?
1) diverticulum
2) hernias
What comprises a “true” diverticulum?
all three wall layers (ex: Meckel’s)
If the diverticulum only penetrates the mucosa and submucosa, what is it called?
false or pseudo
Define diverticulosis
many diverticuli, usually in sigmoid colon where vasa recta perforate colon
(most cases in elderly, associated with low fiber diets)
Define diverticulitis
inflammation of diverticula (LLQ pain, fever, leukocytosis) can perforate causing peritonitis, abscesses, etc)
Define hernias?
serosal lined out-pouching of peritoneum (loop of intestines are trapped within hernia sac)
bowel compressed and twisted at mouth of hernia
What are some causes of ischemic bowel disease?
anything that causes vasculature problems (atherosclerosis, aortic aneurysm, hypercoagulable states, etc)
What are some symptoms of ischemic bowel disease?
sudden/severe abdominal pain
bloody diarrhea, melanotic stools
What is the main watershed zone in the bowel?
splenic flexure (furthest from the blood supply - most vulnerable to ischemia)
What does ischemic bowel disease look like on histology?
necrotic mucosa next to intact crypts
Internal hemorrhoids are __________ the pectinate lines and are ____________
External hemorrhoids are _________ the pectinate line and are ____________
True or false: both varieties of hemorrhoids are worse with defecations
Name the 4 kinds of bowel growths that are NON-neoplastic
1) inflammatory polyp
2) juvenile polyp
3) hamatomaous (psutz-Jeghers syndrome)
4) hyperplastic polyp
What are inflammatory polyps and how do they form?
form in the colon due to impaired relaxation of the anorectal sphincter which creates a sharp angle at the anterior rectal shelf (leads to recurrent abrasion and ulceration of the overlying rectal mucosa)
How are inflammatory polyps associated with prolapse?
they are pulled by the fecal stream
What do inflammatory polyps look like on histology?
lamina propria fibromuscular hyperplasia, inflammation and erosion and epithelial hyperplasia
Where do juvenile polyps occur?
rectum in kids
Are juvenile polyps concerning?
not if single, if multiple there is an increased risk of adenocarcinoma
What is Hamatomatous (Peutz-Jeghers syndrome)?
formation of many hamartomas throughout GI tract (looks like hyperpigmented melanotic macules of mouth, lips, genitalia, hands)
polyps have no malignant potential
What are hyperplastic polyps?
look like adenomas, proliferation of mature goblet cells