GI - 4.5 Jaundice Flashcards
What is jaundice?
A state characterized by increased serum bilirubin
Yellow appearance due to deposition of bile pigment in the skin and mucous membranes
What is Bilirubin? Where does it come from
Bilirubin is a waste product of hgb metabolism .
Therefore more RBC = more Bilirubin
What causes clinical jaundice?
Marked increase in red cell destruction
Results in an increase in serum bilirubin and (if high enough) clinical jaundice
What’s the metabolism from Hemoglobin - Urobilinogen? (7)
Hemoglobin -> bilirubin -> bound to albumin -> Transported to the plasma in liver cells -> Hepatocytes take up bilirubin and conjugate it to Glucoronide and excrete the Bilirubin Diglucoronide in bile into duodenum -> in bowel bacteria break down bilirubin into urobilonogen -> 80% in feces, 20% reabsorbed and excreted in bile and urine
What causes jaundice?
There is a Functional or anatomic obstruction at any level in pathway results in increase in serum bili
3 ways there may be an obstruction to cause jaundice
An obstruction in…
hemoglobin breakdown
uptake by the hepatocellular membrane
excretion into biliary system
The causes of jaundice are usually identified as (4)
genetic defects in bilirubin handling
hepatocellular disease
Uncongugated bilirubinemia is also known as __. What is it?
Indirect. Breakdown products of hemoglobin (e.g., hemolytic anemia)
Impaired uptake and storage in the liver (not conjugated) (Gilberts, Crigler Najjar, drug reactions)
decrease in glucoronyl transferase. high bili level, not high enough to be jaundice.
Gilberts. someone should know they have it, they should know so they know it’s not jaundice.
Conjugated bilirubin is also known as ___. What is it?
Direct. Problem lies after the uptake and conjugation step
Stool and urine color are normal
Mild jaundice
Indirect bili increased
Splenomegaly in hemolytic ds (except sickle cell)
Unconjugated (indirect) bilirubinemia
Dark Urine and Light stools are main signs of
Conjugated (direct) bilirubinemia. Unconjugated’s stools and urine are normal
retention of bile in liver
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia due to impaired flow
Cholestatic jaundice
Unconjugated bilirubin is a markedly increased in biliary tract obstruction.
True or False?