GI Flashcards
Glibert syndrome
In case of ‘isolated’ rise in bilirubin the most likely DDX Gilbert’s(unconjugated) or Dubin Jonson’s (conjugated). Moreover, Urine dipstick is normal in Gilbert and abnormal in Dubin Johnson.
Drugs involved in Hepatitis
Clavulonic acid
Drug induced hepatitis are of 2 types- acute and chronic. Acute- hepatitis less than 3 months and Chronic- hepatitis more than 3 months. Acute is more common than Chronic type of drug induced hepatitis. Drugs causing Hepatitis are - Acetamenophine, phenytoin, aspirin, diclofenac, isoniazid, clavulonic acid. ALT levels increase as high as a 3 times the normal value, although it suddenly falls within a weeks time. Therefore, diagnosis should be made at the earliest with ALT levels and drug consumption history. ALT Values are more specific than AST values.
mediastinitis is a complication of oesophageal rupture
Mackler’s triad: Chest pain, vomiting, emphysema
Painless Jaundice with drinking alcohol and weight loss
GI 3490
think CA pancreas with deranged liver enzymes
so, new onset jaundice above the age of 40 years = pancreatic cancer (tumour in the head of pancreas). \
inv = CT abdomen urgerntly
Painless Jaundice with drinking alcohol and weight loss
GI 3490
think CA pancreas with deranged liver enzymes
so, new onset jaundice above the age of 40 years = pancreatic cancer (tumour in the head of pancreas). \
inv = CT abdomen urgerntly
Any scenario with hyperpigmentation GE 3113
narrow down your provisional diagnosis to anything causing
Iron Overload(hemochromatosis/regular transfusions etc) OR
increase ACTH production (Addison disease etc) OR
copper overload (Wilson’s disease)..
GI 0350
For seven days
Read the question again
Complications of Celiac Disease (DOL IF)
dermatitis herpetiformis Folate & B12 Deficiency Anemia Secondary Lactose Intolerance Osteoporosis Iron Deficiency Anemia Lymphoma
Gastroenterology PE 3510
Abdominal Migraine
Pain near the umbilicus >1hr
New guideline: Dysphagia regardless of age and symptoms –>
Appropriate initial diagnosis
Endoscopy (so that if required we can also perform any mucosal abnormalities and take biosy )
Not barium swallow
Old age
Diarrhoea for 6 months
⏭️⏭️⏭️Colorectal cancer ⏭️⏭️ 1⏭️⏭️. Best is⏭️ Colonoscopy with Biopsy. 2⏭️⏭️. If Colonoscopy can not be done either because the pts can’t tolerate it or major co-morbidities ⏭️⏭️ Flexible sigmoidoscopy with barium enema. ⏭️⏭️3. CT Colongiography⏭️ for preoperative assessment ( staging and surrounding invasions, for follow up ⏭️⏭️4. CEA⏭️⏭️ for follow up
Post ERCP pain
Post ERCP :
RUQ pain = ascending cholangitis (with Fever , RHC pain , Jaundice )
Post ERCP :
epigastric pain = acute pancreatitis
Jaundice is not typically present in Acute cholecystitis
Persistent Regurgdation
Clincher: When you read the word ‘Regurgitation’
i.e there is regurgitation of food,
ALWAYS, keep in mind it’s either
achalasia or pharyngeal pouch,
rest depending on other symptoms to know which one is it between the two. and
PERSISTENT DYSPHAGIA not progressive dysphagia
is ALWAYS a hint towards benign esophageal stricture.
GI 4110
PE hospitalized patient
developed diarrhoea after 3 days
After three days of admission patient develops diarrhoea is pathognomonic for gastroenteritis(Norvovirus). need to be isolated in a separate room.
air fluid level behind heart !CT 3150
hiatus hernia = air fluid level behind heart !
Hallmark triad- DM, hepatomegaly and bronze (tan) pigmentation
Iron deposits in the pituitary - Gynecomastia , reduce libido
If in joints - arthritis
Hemosiderosis: focal deposition of iron that does not cause tissue damage.
Thalasaaemia is a common association (due to repeated blood transfusion)
Coeliac disease
In order to advise gluten free diet
bcz its a life long diet . and one must be completely confirmed to have celiac before putting them on gluten free. thats why confirm by gold standard first
TTG antibody then
Dudonal biopsy to confirm
then advise