Geology Quiz 2: Chapter 4 Flashcards
Define erosion:
states if processes continue as they do today, everything will eventually be eroded or worn away
Define petrification
the process by which trees, plants, and even animals are solidified by burial in hot silica-rich water.
Define turbidite
a underwater, rapid deposition of mud which hardens into a layer of rock
Define gastrolith
rounded stones which were used by plant-eating dinosaurs to aid in digestion and sometimes found with fossilized remains
Define fumaroles
an opening in earth’s crust, usually associated with volcanic activity
Define carbon dating
a process which uses the decay of carbon 14 to estimate the age of things that were once living
List the five primary causes of normal erosion.
rain, ice, plants and animals, chemicals, ocean waves
Name the different types of fossils.
hard parts are preserved; replacement by other minerals; cast or mold are all that remains; petrification; carbonization; preservation of soft parts; frozen animals; animal tracks and worm burrows; coprolites; gastroliths
What are unstable atoms called? What is the most well-known radioactive atom?
radioactive; uranium
Sand is made primarily of what mineral?
How is turbidite formed?
First, an event such as an earthquake starts a mud flow underwater. Next, the mud flow spreads out. Eventually the mud flows hardens into a layer of rock.
What factors influence whether a rock will bend or break?
Whether it is soft or brittle, how deep it is buried
What is the main condition required for a fossil to form?
The organism must be buried rapidly, protected from scavengers and from decomposition by bacteria and chemicals
Describe how sedimentary rocks are formed.
First, layers of sediment are deposited. The weight of the water and the sediments on top begin to compact the sediments underneath. Next, warm water circulates throughout the sediments and dissolves certain minerals. The dissolved minerals surround the individual grains of sediment. Finally, when the water cools off and stops moving, the dissolved minerals act as a “glue” that cements the grains of sediment together to form sedimentary rock.
Describe how metamorphic rocks are thought to form.
Heat and pressure recrystallize the minerals in rock into new mineral combinations. Some believe it happened over long periods of time; others believe it happened over short periods of time.
Explain the process of carbon dating in determining when a plant died.
When a plant is living, it takes the isotope carbon 14 into its leaves, stems, and seeds. After the plant dies, the carbon 14 decays into nitrogen 14. Scientists can measure the amounts of both carbon 14 and carbon 12. Since they know the time it takes the isotope to decay, they can calculate when the plant died.