Cave Quiz 2: Chapters 2-3 Flashcards
Define troglobites
creatures which live only in caves
Define troglophiles
creatures which spend some part of their life in caves
Define trogloxenes
creatures that got into a cave by accident and which try to leave
Define endogenetic
internal processes that can create caves
Define exogenetic
external process that can create caves
Define resurgences
the place where a sinking stream re-emerges to the surface
What is the longest period of cave habitation in modern times? Why did those humans choose to live inside a cave?
two years; they were hiding from the Nazis
Name the civilizations that have caves present in their mythology.
Egypt, Phoenicia, Assyro-Babylonia, Greece, Rome, and Maya
Besides limestone, what other sedimentary rocks host many caves?
rock gypsum, rock salt, chalk
Which is the largest troglobite alive today?
the cave olm
Are bats trogloxenes, troglophiles, or troglobites?
What is the Movile Cave in Romania famous for?
A spectacular environment where several new species of creatures were found
What are karstic rocks?
Soluble rocks on which most landforms are formed by solution (karren, sinkholes, blind valleys, swallets, uvalas, poljes, etc.)
What percentage of the dry, ice-free landmass is covered by karstic rocks?
Where does the name “karst” come from?
Named by Austrian geographers and geologists in the 19th century while studying limestone terrains; they Germanized the Slovenian name “Kras” by the locals. Probabaly comes from an old pre-Indo-European root “kara” meaning “desert of stone.”
What is a rhythmic spring?
Rhythmic springs flow intermittently, due to the very special shape and spatial distribution of the caves and conduits involved, as well as the constancy of water supply to the caves.
What is the normal humidity inside most caves?
usually around 90%