Fossil Quiz 4: Chapter 5 & Conclusion Flashcards
Define evolutionary series
a sequence of fossils that suggests how one kind of creature might have changed into another
Define metamorphosis
the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages
Define splint bones
modern one-toed horses actually keep parts of the two flanking toes as important leg support structures (not useless evolutionary leftovers)
Define vertebrates
animals with backbones
What are the five groups of vertebrates?
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals
Discuss two biblical explanations for the extinction of dinosaurs.
1 - Climate and soil conditions changed, dinosaurs had a difficult time surviving in that “new” world. 2 - they were over hunted by people after the Flood.
Which animal group has the most DNA per cell of any other animal group?
Coelacanths were once thought to be a transitional form between fish and amphibians. How was this claim disproved?
Live coelacanths were found in the Indian Ocean and near Indonesia. There were no elbow or wrist joints as evolutionists once claimed; the stiff fin was used for steering and swimming, not walking, Their organs worked more like those in a shark, not those in a frog. The fish did not live in ponds; it lived in the deep ocean.
Explain what the Bible teaches about animals that eat meat today.
God created all animals and people in the beginning to eat only plants. It was only after man’s sin corrupted God’s perfect creation that some animals began to eat other animals, and it was only after the Flood that God gave mankind permission to eat meat.
Discuss how dinosaurs can by explained by the biblical account of creation and the Flood.
Dinosaurs were created on Day 6 along with the other land animals and people. Two representatives of the various dinosaur kinds were on the Ark. Since the average height of dinosaurs was about the size of a small pony, and since younger dinosaurs were smaller than older ones, they would have fit on Noah’s Ark during the global Flood. Those that weren’t on the Ark perished in the Flood. Many were buried in the muddy sediments. Those that survived the Flood on the Ark repopulated the earth after disembarking, although most eventually died from various causes.
What were the dimensions of the Ark?
450 feet long; 75 feet wide; 45 feet high
What is likely about the dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark during the Flood?
They were likely young adults since God desired them to replenish the earth after the Flood.
Why should Archaeopteryx not be considered a missing link?
Features in Archaeopteryx that evolutionists claimed to be transitional were and are found in other birds. The conclusion was made that Archaeopteryx was just a strong flying bird. Additionally, regular birds are found lower in the geologic column than Archaeopteryx.
Explain why the alleged sequence of horse hooves does not prove evolution.
First, the claimed earliest horse fossil is actually still seen today as a hyrax, or coney, not a primitive horse. Second, the change in horse size is not support for evolution since extreme sizes can be achieved simply by breeding. Third, the difference in hoof number can be explained by variation in horse kinds that were better able to live in different environments. Finally, the three-hoofed and one-hoofed horse kinds lived at the same time. These animals are not evidence for evolutionary transition.
Explain how the fossil record supports the biblical account of Christianity.
The first buried fossils of each group are complete and complex, with all the features that separate its kind from all the others.
Explain how the fossil record supports the biblical account of the corruption of the earth.
Since Adam sinned, the earth and all that was in it was cursed. Fossils themselves are dead things. Death was not part of God’s original creation; it came as a result of sin. The fossil record also testifies to animals eating other animals; this did not occur before sin since there was no death before sin and since God originally created man and animals to be vegetarian.
Explain how the fossil record supports the biblical account of a global Flood.
1.) Dead things are broken down so fast that most fossils must have formed rapidly or they wouldn’t have formed at all. 2.) Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks that form in the way concrete cures, so the right conditions form rock quickly and no amount of time can form rocks under the wrong conditions. 3.) Some dinosaur bones and other fossils contain DNA, protein, or other chemicals that would break down completely in thousands of years, not millions. 4.) Countless numbers of living things must have been buried at the same time and place to form oil deposits, and that must have happened no more than thousands of years ago, or the oil would have leaked to the surface. 5.) Gaps in the GCD with insufficient evidence of erosion, such as the “150 million missing years” in the walls of Grand Canyon, suggest evolution’s millions of years are a myth. 6.) Misplaced fossils, like fossils of woody plants in Cambrian rock and living fossils, show that fossils from various geologic systems lived at the same time in different places, not at different times in the same place. The systems in the geologic column seem to be primarily the buried remains of different life zones int eh pre-Flood world. 7.) Scientists studying the 1980 and 1982 eruptions of Mount St. Helens saw powerful evidence that catastrophic processes can do in days what slow processes could never do, not even in millions of years.
Explain how the fossil record supports the biblical account of God’s mercy on His creation.
God preserved His creation while enacting judgment on the world. Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives, along with two of every kind of unclean land animal and seven of every kind of clean land animal, were preserved by God’s grace on the Ark. He promised judgment and yet made a way to escape that judgment. After the flood, God restored His creation to life again. Man reproduced after his kinds, animals reproduced after their kind, and plants reproduced after their kind, just as God commanded and desired.