Archaeology Test Flashcards
Define carbon dating
calculating the amount of carbon left in organic material that has died
Define baulk
the vertical ridge left between two excavated squares in the ground
Define synchronism
something happening at the same time
Define mastabas
mud-brick structures beneath which were tomb chambers
Define centurion
a military officer in charge of a hundred men
Define Chaldees
people who used to live in southern Iraq
Define bulla
an impression made on clay with a seal (plural: bullae)
Define cuneiform
a form of writing using a wedge-shaped stylus to make an impression on a clay tablet
Define syncline
a boat-shaped geological formation
Define Persia
a country in central Iran
Define rhyton
a drinking vessel shaped like a human or animal
Define annunciation
an announcement
Define ossuary
a box in which human bones were preserved
Define grotto
What are the four main periods of archaeological time?
Early Bronze, Middle Bronze, Late Bronze, Iron Age
For what three reasons were cities built on hills?
defense, heat, and floods
What were the four main cities of ancient Phoenicia?
Gebal, Berytus, Sidon, and Tyre
Who was the first Egyptian to build a pyramid?
King Zoser’s vizier, Imhotep
Who built the biggest pyramid in Egypt?
What was the name of the king of Israel that was mentioned on the black pillar Layard found in Nimrud?
What was the name of the king of Israel when Sennacherib besieged Jerusalem?
Which Bible prophet predicted that Babylon would become uninhabited?
Who was the king who first carved out the Medo-Persian Empire?
Cyrus the Great
Which Bible prophet predicted that Ancient Tyre would never be found?