Archaeology Quiz 3: Chapters 6-8 Flashcards
Define cuneiform
a form of writing using a wedge-shaped stylus to make an impression on a clay tablet
Define strata
a layer of occupation exposed by excavations
Define syncline
a boat-shaped geological formation
Define Persia
a country in central Iral
Define rhyton
a drinking vessel shaped like a human or animal
Define cistern
a hole dug in rock to store rainwater
Define Nabataeans
people descended from Nabaioth who occupied Perra
Define wadi
A dry river bed, carrying water only when it rained
What was the name of the cuneiform record which told a story similar to the Bible record of Noah and the flood?
The Gilgamesh Epic
Which Assyrian king compiled a library of tables in Nineveh?
Which king made Babylon a city of gold?
Which Bible prophet predicted that Babylon would become uninhabited?
Who was the king who first carved out the Medo-Persian Empire?
Cyrus the Great
In what year did he conquer Babylon?
539 B.C.
Which Persian king left an inscription on the rock face of the Zagros Mountain near Bisitun?
Darius the Great
What was the name of the great Persian city that Darius built?
Which Bible prophet wrote a book about Petra?
Which Roman emperor had a road made through Petra?