Cave Quiz 1: Introduction & Chapter 1 Flashcards
Define karst
the term used by scientists to describe a landscape of caverns, sinking streams, sinkholes, and a vast array of small-scale features all generated by the solution of hte bedrock, formed predominantly by limestones
Define Acheulean industry
from the town of Saint-Acheul, whose most characteristic tool was the stone hand axe
Define bas-reliefs
artwork usually made of soft, pliable clay attached to walls or even to large blocks
Define Kyr
abbreviation for thousand years
Define Myr
abbreviation for million years
Define neanderthals
believed by some to be an early human that was short, stocky, and stooped, with sloping foreheads, heavy eyebrows, jutting faces and bent knees
Define speleothems
mineral deposits that form inside caves; especially stalagmites and stalactites
Define karst aquifers
the assembly of ground water accumulated inside a karstic rock, enough to supply wells and springs
Name large animals that inhabited caves prior to their extinction
cave bears, cave lions, cave hyenas
What are the three kinds of cave art that have been found?
paintings, engravings, and bas-reliefs
What is the probable reason some of our ancestors may have entered the “underland” of cave systems?
Their immediate need to find shelter from teh rapidly cooling climate
What role did caves play for our ancestors?
It was deep inside the caves that some found shelter, mystical ritual hunting grounds, and a burial place for their dead
How much of the world’s drinking water comes from limestone (karst) terrains?
What percent of the world’s drinking water will come from limestone terrains by 2025?
The strange event near the ___ not only split the once unified population, but scattered those with different skills and abilities.
Tower of Babel
How did the events surrounding the Tower of Babel affect the ancient groups of people who disbursed from that area?
The once-global knowledge and craftsmanship was split between many groups that could no longer truly communicate. Very quickly, various groups found themselves with the monopoly over one or several crafts/technologies, while other crafts were more or less lost for them. They were soon isolated from the other groups and many lost much of their knowledge of God.
When does the Bible mention caves for the first time?
It is first mentioned in Genesis 19:30 concerning Lot and his daughters.
In what country is Longgupo Cave, which is believed to host the oldest stone artifacts?
What is the Twin River Cave in Zambia known for?
art associated with burial rituals
Were Neanderthals a different species than us?
No, they were descended from the family of Noah.
Explain the relationship between cave paintings and acoustics and the conclusion the author draws from this relationship.
The largest number of cave paintings are located in places or resonances (locations where if certain musical notes or sounds are emitted, they will bounce back, amplified, from the walls). It seems probable that chanting, dancing, and other types of ritual musical activities were associated with cave paintings.