Fossil Test Flashcards
Define evolution
the belief that life started by chance, and millions of years of struggle and death slowly changed a few simple living things into many complex and varied forms through stages
Define Paleontologist
A person who studies fossils
Define permineralized fossils
fossils preserved by minerals hardening in the pore spaces of a specimen such as a shell, bone, or wood.
Who were the two men given credit for popularizing the modern teaching of evolution?
Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin
What type of event would provide the right conditions to form fossils?
A flood
What catastrophic event in May of 1980 supports Dr. Austin’s theory?
The eruption of Mount St. Helens
List and describe the four Cs of biblical history discussed in this book.
Creation - God’s perfect creation; Corruption - Ruined by man’s sin; Catatstrophe - Destroyed by Noah’s flood; Christ - Restored to life in Christ
Define living fossils
creatures found alive today that evolutionists thought became extinct millions of years ago
Define trilobite
a crab-like creature was the first fossil found buried in abundance around the world
Define Cambrian explosion
the sudden appearance of a wide variety of complex life forms in the lowest rock layer with abundant fossils. (Cambrian); considered a challenge to evolution, these may be the first organisms in a corrupted creation to be buried in Noah’s flood.
Who said that fossils are “perhaps the most obvious and serious objection to the theory of evolution”? Why is this significant?
Charles Darwin; Charles Darwin realized that evolution needed viable evidence of transitions from one animal into another; without them, evolution could not be validated
According to Flood geologists, what does the geological column show?
a series of burials
Explain why fossils of sea creatures are found throughout the geologic column while animals and land plants tend to be found higher in the column.
Since they were buried later in Noah’s flood, paleosystems with land plants and animals occur higher in the geologic column diagram than those with only sea creatures, but fossils of sea life occur in all geologic systems or eco-sedimentary zones since the Flood waters eventually covered all the land.
Define arthropod
all creatures with jointed legs and a tough outside skeleton (exoskeleton) made of chitin: insects, crabs and shrimp, spiders, centipeds, and millipeds
Define cephalopods
means “head-footed,” since their tentacles com out of their heads; the most complex of all the invertebrates are the squid and octopus in the mollusk class
Define diatoms
microscopic, one-celled plants whose walls are decorated with glass (SiO2) in exquisite patterns; mined and sold as diatomaceous earth, which is used in filtering and abrasion
What are the first animals fossilized in abundance? How does the complexity of these first fossils disprove evolution?
Trilobites; Evolution assumes that the earliest fossils, which are found in the lowest layers, would be the most primitive and least complex since they hadn’t yet evolved into more complex beings. However, since these fossils reveal complex creatures of design, they disprove the idea that non-complex beings changed into complex beings.
How do fossil clams testify to a rapid burial?
Many fossil clams are found with both sides of the shell still together. That means the clam must have been buried so deeply and so fast that it couldn’t even open its shell to burrow out.
How did the fossils of sea creatures end up on the top of mountains?
The turbulent Flood waters covered the entire earth, including the high hills (Genesis 7:19). Then the mountains rose, and the valleys sank down (Psalm 104:8). At the end of the Flood, God raised up the layers that were below the sea, lifting sea-creature fossils even to the tops of earth’s highest mountains.
Define evolutionary series
a sequence of fossils that suggests how one kind of creature might have changed into another
Define metamorphosis
the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages
Define splint bones
modern one-toed horses actually keep parts of the two flanking toes as important leg support structures (not useless evolutionary leftovers)
Discuss two biblical explanations for the extinction of dinosaurs.
1 - Climate and soil conditions changed, dinosaurs had a difficult time surviving in that “new” world. 2 - they were over hunted by people after the Flood.
Why should Archaeopteryx not be considered a missing link?
Features in Archaeopteryx that evolutionists claimed to be transitional were and are found in other birds. The conclusion was made that Archaeopteryx was just a strong flying bird. Additionally, regular birds are found lower in the geologic column than Archaeopteryx.