Geography EOT Units Flashcards
What is Aid?
Aid is the voluntary transfer of resources from one country or (to) another
What are the 3 types of aid?
Define the 3 types of aid
Non-governmental - Aid given through charities independently
Bi-lateral - Aid given from one government to another
Multilateral - Aid given through an agency such as the World Bank. This agency then distributes the money to countries that need it.
Define Short term & Long-term Aid and give examples
Short term - Will help people for only a short time e.g., Food package
Long-term - Will help people for a long time e.g, development aid such as building a well.
Categorize these situations into either short term or long term aid
- Helicopter Rescue
- Seeds for crops
- Building a well
- Training a teacher
- Blankets
- Buying coffee at a fair price
- Lending money to a small business
- Tents
- Setting up a refugee camp
- Building a dam
- Giving out food parcels
- Vaccinating a baby
- Sending books
- Medicine for malaria
What are the positives of aid?
Can help people improve their health eg. Through medicines,
building of hospitals, providing doctors, clean water, sanitation.
People can become educated eg building schools through government spending.
Infrastructure can improve. For example, other countries provide money to develop roads, bridges, buildings that can provide jobs and make life easier. (travel)
Farmers can be taught new skills when given farming equipment, seeds and education. They will produce better quality and quantity of food.
What are the negatives of aid?
LIC’s become dependent on countries for help. This means they will never be able to help themselves.
Infrastructure projects (building new things) sometimes involve low pay for workers. The new development also might only benefit people or the company who owns the project.
Governments can be corrupt and use aid in the wrong ways. For example, don’t give it to those who need it or use money aid for weapons/their own needs.
Aid can come in the form of loans which means countries have to pay back the money and become tied to that country.
What are reasons aid should be given?
It creates better relations between countries. No reward is expected, only help.
HIC’s will always try and help the LIC’s, and they are morally responsible.
Aid brings so many benefits: saving lives, education, housing, new skills.
Emergency aid such as food and medicine could help people survive when there is a disaster.
Development aid will help countries develop areas such as healthcare, education etc. E.g., training teachers will improve Literacy rates.
What are reasons aid shouldn’t be given?
LIC’s will depend on the HIC’s to help them all the times. They will not be self sufficient.
Some countries expect Aid to be paid back in some way which causes DEBT.
Corruption in the government can mean aid sometimes does not reach the people who need it.
LICs countries become dependent on MIC’s for help.
What is fair trade?
Fair trade is all about making sure the people that grow or make the things will get a fair price for what they do.
Why was fair trade implemented?
We as consumers want to know exactly where our product came from.
We want to make sure the product we use is of a high standard and everyone involved in the product was treated well.
But usually, it is the people who grow food that are worse off than the companies who sell the product and advertise it.
What do the farmers benefit from fair trade?
The Farmer:
Makes more money
Develops business skills
Contributes to sustainable development
Grows higher quality products
Enables people to help take care of themselves
Send children to school – making their futures better
What do the retailers benefit from fair trade?
Better or High Quality Product leads to increased sales
Helps Business
Ethically Sourced – means retailers are more knowledgeable about where product comes from.
Can be sourced back to producer.
What do the consumers benefit from fair trade?
More Choice
Effective way to change the world
Why is fair trade not fair?
Only a very small number of farmers get a higher, fixed price for their goods.
These higher prices come at the expense of the great majority of farmers, who are unable to qualify for Fair trade certification and are left even worse off.
Fair trade does not aid economic development.
What is sustainable development?
Economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources.
What does SDG stand for?
Sustainable development goals
List 8 of the SDGs
GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 14: Life Below Water
GOAL 15: Life on Land
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
What does MDG stand for?
Millennium Development Goals
List the MDGs
- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote Gender equality
- Reduce child morality
- Improve maternal health
- Combat diseases
- Ensure environmental sustainability
- Global partnership for development