Géibheann Key Topics Flashcards
She started writing poems when she was in secondary school
Thosaigh sí ag scríobh dánta nuair a bhí sí sa mheánscoil
She was a teacher, actress, singer and poet
Bhí sí ina múinteoir, aisteoir, amhránaí agus file
She had a part as Máire in the first production of the play ‘An Triail’ in 1964
Bhí páirt Mháire aici sa chéad léiriú den dráma An Triail i 1964
She wrote the play ‘An Lasar Choille le file eile’ in1962
Scríobh sí an dráma An Lasar Choille le file eile i 1962
To me, the strongest emotion in this poem is hope/hopeless/sadness/sorrow
Dar liom, an mothúchán is láidre sa dán seo ná dóchas/éadóchas/brón/cumha
Because of that, the strongest emotion in this poem is
Mar sin, an mothúchán is láidre sa dán seo, dar liom, ná
There are two images in this poem
Tá dhá íomhá sa dán seo
There is a huge contrast between the first half of the poem and the second half of the poem
Tá codarsnacht mhór idir an chéad leath den dán agus an dara leath den dán
The atmosphere is happy, free, hopeful in the first half of the poem
Tá atmaisféar sona, saor, dóchasach sa chéad leath den dán
The atmosphere is dark, captive, hopelessness, in the second half of the poem
Tá atmaisféar dorcha, daor, eadochasach sa dara leath den dán
Because of that, it’s clear that the atmosphere is …
Mar sin, is léir go bhfuil atmaisféar
The meter in this poem is free verse
An mheadaracht sa dán seo ná saorvéarsaíocht
There was no comma in this poem, none but one full stop
Níl camóg sa dán seo, agus níl ach lánstad amháin
The pain of the animal will go on forever
Ciallaíonn sé seo go leanfaidh pian an ainmhí ar aghaidh go deo
His suffering will never end
Ní bheidh deireadh leis an bhfulaingt
There is alliteration in the poem
Tá uaim sa dán
It shows the music and rhythm
Cuireann sé seo le ceol na bhfocal agus an rithim
The speech is simple but effective in the poem
Tá friotal simplí ach éifeachtach sa dán
The memories are simple ‘my roar’. They show freedom
Is cuimhní simplí iad ‘mo gháir’. Cuireann siad saoirse in iúl.
The poem changes with the word ‘but’.
Athraíonn an dán leis an bhfocal ‘ach’
The poem had a strong effect on me
Bhí éifeacht láidir ag an dán seo orm
I have pity for the animal
Tá trua agam don ainmhí
This poem is allegorical, metaphoric.
Is dán fáthchiallach, meafarach é seo
The animal stands for anyone that feels captured or depressed.
Seasann an t-ainmhí d’éinne a mhothaíonn daor/in ísle brí