An Córas Oideachas Flashcards
First if all, I have to say that the story about the education system is a very controversial subject
Ar an gcéad dul síos, caithfidh mé a rá gur ábhar fíor-dheacair conspóideach is ea an scéal faoin gcóras oideachas
To tell you the truth, its big on the lips of the public for a long time
Chun a fhírinne a insint tá sé go mór i mbéal an phobail le fada an lá
Indeed the story is being discussed in the media almost every day
Ge deimhin bíonn an scéal á phlé sna meáin chumarsáide beagnach gach aon lá
But Im sorry to say I don’t believe that there is any simple solution to this complicated problem
Ach is oth liom a rá nach gcreidim go bhfuil aon réiteach simplí ar an bhfadhb chasta seo.
At the same time, I look forward to exploring it and we will see how bad the system is, what the causes of the problem are and the solution is the real question
Ag an am céanna, táim chun í a chíoradh agus feicfimid cé chomh dona is atá cúrsaí cad iad na cúiseanna atá leis am bhfadhb agus an bhfuil réiteach ar bith ar an gceist
There has been a dispute for a long time between the department of education and the teachers of the country
Tá aigneas le fada an lá idir an roinn oideachas agus múinteoir na tíre
Almost everyone agrees that the education system is too academic
Aontaíonn beagnach gach duine go bhfuil an córas oideachas ró-acadúil
There is no doubt about it that we have to decrease the pressure and stress of exams
Níl aon dabht faoi go gcaithfimid brú agus strus na scrúdaithe a laghdú
However, the department and the teachers don’t agree about the best way to reform the education system
Ní aontaíonn an roinn agus na múinteoirí faoin mbealach is fearr chun an córas oideachas a leasú, áfach
The new Junior Cycle is coming in and a lot of people are un happy about it
Tá an tSraith Shóisearach nua ag teacht isteach agus ní mó ná sásta atá a lán daoine faoi
The department of education and teachers of the country are still in disagreement with each other
Tá an roinn oideachais agus múinteoirí na tíre in adharca a chéile fós
Without a doubt the Leaving cert puts a lot of pressure on students
Níl aon dabht faoi ach go cuireann an Ardteist a lán brú ar dhaltaí
The points system puts a lot of pressure on the students
Cuireann córas na bpointí an-bhrú ar dhaltaí
The minister of education decided to give extra marks to higher level maths students in the Leaving Cert
Roghnaigh na t-aire oideachais breis marcanna a thabhairt don mhata ardleibhéil san Ardteist
This created more pressure and more problems
Chruthaigh sin níos mó brú agus níos mó fadhbanna
Now every boy and girl is trying to do higher level maths
Anois, tá gach mac agus iníon máthar ag iarraidh mata ardleibhéil a dhéanamh
The students are now struggling as it is too difficult but they wanted to get the extra points
Bíonn roinnt daltaí ag fulaingt mar tá sé ródheacair ach ba mhaith leo breis marcanna a fháil
They spend too much time studying maths
Caitheann siad an iomarca ama ag déanamh staidéir ar mhata
This brings the other subjects down
Bíonn na hábhair eile thíos leis
Because of this the minister should do some relflecting on this question
Mar gheall air sin, ba cheart don aire athmhachnamh a dhéanamh ar an gceist seo
To finish off and end my talk, I believe that it should be quite clear from the ideas that I have said this is an urgent issue
Chun críoch agus deireadh a chur le mo chuid cainte, creidim go mba chóir go mbeadh sé thar a bheith soiléir ón meid atá ráite agam gur ceist phráinneach í seo.
I am convinced that we can get out of this issue
Táim lánchinnte gur féidir linn an lámh in uachtar a fháil ar an gceist phráinneach seo
We have to reform the education system and the point system
Caithfimid an córas oideachas agus córas na bpointí a leasú
We have to decrease the pressure of exams
Caithfimid brú na scrudatihe a laghdú