Gastroenterology Flashcards
Causes of dysphagia
Neuromuscular motility disorders - solids and liquids
- Achalasia
- Scleroderma
Esophageal obstruction - solids
- Strictures - d/t esophageal reflux, alkali ingestion, or radiation to chest
- Cancer
- Esophageal webs or rings
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
Esophageal webs
iron deficiency anemia
Diagnostic testing for dysphagia
EGD - most common
Barium swallow - when diverticula/risk of perf is high
Manometry if EGD unrevealing and/or esophageal motility disorder suspected
Radiologic studies for anatomic structures of GI tract
barium swallow - esophagus, LES, stomach
Gastric emptying study - stomach, pyloric sphincter, duodenum - eval gastroparesis
Small bowel follow-through (SBFT) - stomach to terminal ileum
Barium enema - rectum to appendix
Feeding methods when unable to eat by mouth and complications/risks associated
NG tube - complication: worsening GERD, pressure necrosis
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube
TPN - risk sepsis, infections including fungal with central line; increased risk bile stasis and calculus cholecystitis
Causes of pseudoachalasia
chagas dz
Impaired peristalsis, decreased LES relaxation d/t intramural neuron dysfunction
Clinical features
- Progressive dysphagia of solids and liquids
- Regurgitation, cough, aspiration, heartburn
- wt loss - from poor intake
EGD r/o neoplasm
Manometry - increased LES pressure, incomplete LES relaxation, decreased peristalsis
“Birds beak” on barium swallow
Pneumatic dilation and myotomy - risk GERD or perf
-nitrates and/or dihydropyridine CCBs - cardiac effects
Diffuse esophageal spasm
disorder, non peristaltic contractions of lower esophagus
CP and dysphagia of liquids and solids
barium swallow - corkscrew pattern
Manometry - non peristaltic, uncoordinated esophageal contractions
Endoscopy - r/o structural disorders
Nitrates relieve pain but worsen reflux
Esophageal diverticula and location
Zenker diverticulum - immediately before upper sphincter
Traction diverticulum - mid esophagus
Epiphrenic diverticulum - immediately above LES
Zenker diverticulum
Outpouching in upper posterior esophagus d/t striated muscle weakness
halitosis difficulting instating swallowing regurgitation of food several days after eating it Dysphagia Aspiration
Dx: barium swallow - EGD dangerous - risk perf
Tx: cricopharyngeal myotomy and diverticulectomy
Complications: aspiration pna, squamous cell carcinoma
transient relaxation of LES -> reflux of gastric content into esophagus
Risk: obesity, hiatal hernia, pregnancy, scleroderma
Burning CP 30-90 min after eating sour taste regurgitation Nausea Cough Aggravating factors: etoh, fatty foods, tobacco, lying down
Dx: - clinical
EGD with tx failure/red flags (bleeding, wt loss, dysphagia, odynophagia, protracted vomiting)
Ambulatory pH monitoring to verify GERD
Manometry assess other causes of dysphagia
Tx: refractory: nissen fundoplication
Complications of GERD
ulceration -> bleeding stricture Barrett's esophagus Adenocarcinoma Reflux-induced asthma laryngeal disorders
Squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus
MC worldwide
Risk: alcohol and tobacco use
Adenocarcinoma of esophagus
more common in US
Risk: obesity, tobacco use, barrett’s esophagus
Esophageal cancer - clinical features, Dx, Tx
Features: progressive dysphagia Wt loss Odynophagia, reflux GI bleeding Vomiting, weakness, cough, hoarseness
barium swallow - esophageal narrowing and mass
Test of choice: EGD - bx
MRI, CT, PET scan - determine extension and metastases
Total esophagectomy for early disease
Radiation and chemo in advanced or as neoadjuvant therapy
Poor prognosis
Mallory weiss tear vs boerhaave syndrome
MW: longitudinal mucosa laceration - MC distal esophagus/proximal stomach
BS: esophageal perforation or rupture - MC distal; life threatening
Hiatal hernia - types and tx
Sliding - MC
- GE junction and stomach displaced through diaphragm
- Tx with PPIs
- stomach protrudes through diaphragm, GE junction remains in normal location
- risk incarceration, ischemia
- Tx: surgical repair, especially w/ sxs
Dx: barium swallow
H.pylori, NSAIDs, etOH, smoking, severe illness, autoimmune dz, Crohn dz, radiation
Clinical features: epigastric pain with tenderness N/V loss of appetitie early satiety wt loss
H. pylori - urea breath test, antral bx, serum Ab (+ if ever exposed), stool antigen
Stop offending meds
H. pylori negative: PPI, H2 blockers
H. pylori positive: PPIs, Amox (metronidazole if pcn allergic), clarithromycin x2 weeks
Gastric vs duodenal ulcer Age - Cause- % of cases Pain occurs - Gastric acid - Gastrin level -
Gastric: Age - older Cause- H. pylori, NSAIDs % of cases - 25% Pain occurs - soon after eating -> N/V Gastric acid - normal or low Gastrin level - high
Duodenal: Age - younger Cause- H pylori >90% % of cases - 75% Pain occurs - 2-5 hours after eating; eating initially improves, worse later Gastric acid - high Gastrin level - low
Curling ulcer
Severe burns -> duodenal ulcer
reduced plasma volume -> ischemia and cell necrosis
Cushing ulcer
Increased ICP -> stimulation of vagal nuclei
-> increased gastric acid secretion
What do you check if GERD refractory to treatment?
gastrin level
R/o Zollinger ellison sn
Sx: GERD epigastric pain N/V bleeding
Abd XR - perf, free air under diaphragm
Barium study - collection of barium in ulcer pits
EGD - most effective - bx - r/o cancer, test for H. pylori
Tx: Control active bleeding Acid suppression Protect mucosa Eradicate H. pylori Severe dz: parietal cell vagotomy or antrectomy
Types of gastric cancer
Adenocarcinoma - MC
squamous cell carcinoma
Linitis plastica - all layers of stomach - leather bottle - poor prognosis
Gastric cancer - risk, features, markers, dx, tx
H. pylori, FHx, tobacco use, etoh use, consumption of nitrosamine (preserved foods), Men > women
Wt loss, anorexia, early satiety, vomiting/dysphagia, epigastric pain
Virchow node - left supraclavicular LN
Sister Mary Joseph node - periumbilical node
CEA - increased in 50%
CA 19-9 increased in 20%
distal 1/3 - subtotal gastrectomy
Middle or upper - total gastrectomy (or invasive lesions)
Chemo and radiation
Early detection - 70% cure rate
Most late = poor, less than 15% 5 yr survival
Nutritional deficiency associated with surgical therapy for obesity
Iron, vit B12, folate, thiamine, vit D
Most common causes of SBO
A - adhesions - 70%
B - bulge - incarcerated hernias 10%
C - Cancer - colon, ovarian mets 15%
Less common causes of SBO
Bowel wall inflammation - Crohn disease, appendicitis, diverticulitis
Bowel wall hematoma d/t trauma
Strictures - Crohn dz, radiation enteritis, prior surgery
Gallstone ileus
Volvulus - large > small intestine
S/S of SBO
Diffuse abdominal pain and distension
No BM or flatus
dehydration -> orthostatic hypotension, tenting of skin
Bowel sounds high pitched and hyperactive early - “tinkly”
Later hypoactive
Abd XR: distended loops of bowel, multiple air-fluid levels
Management of SBO
NPO - bowel rest
Correct electrolyte derangements - esp vomiting
NG tube - low intermittent suction to decompress
Hospital observation with frequent assessments
Avoid opioids - worsen disease
surgery - laparotomy and lysis of adhesions
Whipple disease
Malabsorptive dz - Tropheryma whipplei infection
White males
Abd pain Diarrhea Wt loss JOINT PAIN Neurologic problems - dementia, cerebellar ataxia
Dx: intestinal bx:
- blunting of villi
- lamina propria filled with fat droplets and PAS+ foamy macrophages (bright pink) contain T. whipplei
IV ceftriaxone x2 weeks
TMP-SMX x 12 mo to prevent relapse
Features of malabsorption
Wt loss edema - protein malabsorption Diarrhea - osmotic load Steatorrhea Glossitis - B vit def Dermatitis - niacin def, zinc def
Site of ethanol absorption
Vit B12 site of absorption
terminal ileum
Tropical sprue
Caribbean, India, SE Asia
Steatorrhea, Chronic D - fat malabsorption
Megaloblastic anemia - B12/folate malabsorption
Abdominal distention - sugar malabsorption
Pedal edema - protein malabsorption
blunting villi
Inflammatory cells in lamina propria
Dx of exclusion
Tx: tetracycline
Folic acid 3-6 mo
B12 shots
Celiac sprue
Sensitive to gluten - gliadin
Northern European ancestry
Bulky, foul-smelling diarrhea Steatorrhea Wt loss Iron def anemia Osteopenia Dermatitis herpetiformis - elbows, knees
IgA anti tissue transglutaminase Ab - not rec anymore
Anti-endomysial Ab
Blunting of villi
Hypertrophy of crypts
Tx: GF diet
Dapsone for dermatitis herpetiformis
Diagnostic testing for inflammatory diarrhea
Occult blood
fecal leukocytes
Diagnostic testing for steatorrhea
sudan stain (qualitative) Quantitative fecal fat - 72 hr stool collection
D-xylose test
Carbohydrate malabsorption
tests for passive absorption of carbs, normal suggests pancreatic insufficiency
Lactose breath hydrogen test
Carbohydrate malabsorption
measure H content inn reach following oral lactose challenge - high breath H suggests lactase deficiency
Lactose absorption test
Carbohydrate malabsorption
measure blood glucose following oral lactose challenge - failure of blood glucose to rise suggests lactase deficiency
Stool pH test
Carbohydrate malabsorption
lactase deficiency - not reliable
Formula and interpretation of stool osmotic gap
290 - 2 (Na+stool + K+stool)
normal 50-100
> 125 - osmotic diarrhea - extra osmoles in stool
less than 50 - secretory diarrhea
Causes of osmotic diarrhea and definition
watery diarrhea - water drawn into lumen by undigested solutes
-better when stop eating
lacunose, milk of magnesia
Carbohydrate malabsorption - celiac, Whipple dz
Fat malabsorption - pancreatic insufficiency
Causes and definition of secretory diarrhea
High volume stool output even when fasting
Carcinoid syndrome
VIPoma, gastrinoma
Viral gastroenteritis - adults vs kids
Adults: norovirus MC, rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus
Kids: rotavirus
Diarrhea, N/V, abdominal pain
Low grade fever
Blood or mucus in stool rare
labs - normal
Tx: hydrate
very common in kids profuse diarrhea - bright green/yellow, foul smelling dehydration winter months ELISA or PCR
Vomiting prominent
Winter months
Bacillus cereus
Fried rice
Sxs within hours of eating
Tx: hydration
Campylobacter jejuni
2nd MC foodborne bacterial GI infection
can have Bloody D, often watery
Abdominal pain
Rare association w/ Guillian-Barre 2-3 weeks after; reactive arthritis
Tx: hydration
severe cases - fluoroquinolone (cipro, levo) or azithromycin
Clostridium botulinum
Honey and home canned foods - preformed toxin = quick onset
B/l symmetric DESCENDING weakness starting with b/l CN neuropathies
Tx: monitor closely
Intubate if needed
Botulinum antitoxin with PCN G
Infant botulism
colonize GI tract - release toxin in vivo
Clostridium difficile
Superinfection begins after use of broad-spectrum abx - Clindamycin
watery or blood diarrhea
can develop pseudomembranous colitis
Tx: metronidazole or vancomycin PO
-recurrent - adjunct tx - cholestyramine - binds toxin
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
contaminated food and water - foreign travel
watery diarrhea, V, fever
Tx: hydration
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli type O157:H7
undercooked ground beef
Bloody diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Treatment - hydration, supportive
Abx worsens d/t toxin release
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
hemolytic anemia
Acute renal failure -> risk death
Staphylococcus aureus
poultry, dairy, eggs, produce (room temp) - picnic salads
early sxs d/t toxin - Vomiting within hours, D later
tx: hydration
Salmonella spp.
MC: food borne bacterial GI infection
Raw meat, poultry, fresh produce
bloody diarrhea, fever, vomiting
Tx: hydration
Immunocompromised or severely ill: fluoroquinolone - cipro/levo
Shigella spp.
food and waterborne - overcrowding population
“Bacterial dysentery”
Fever N/V Severe bloody diarrhea Abdominal pain HUS
Tx: hydration, fluoroquinolone (cipro), TMP-SMX
Vibrio cholerae
“rice water diarrhea”
Copious watery diarrhea
Severe electrolyte imbalances
Tx: aggressive hydration
Tetracycline, doxycycline decrease duration
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
seafood - oysters
Tx: hydration
Yersinia enterocolitica
pork, produce, puppy feces
20% pharyngitis
Tx: hydration
Giardia lamblia
surface water, streams
greasy, foul-smelling diarrhea
abdominal pian
dx: cysts and trophozoites in stool
Tx: metronidazole
Entamoeba histolytica
“Amoebic dysentery”
Bloody diarrhea - mild to severe
abdominal pain
Severe disease -> liver abscess
Tx: metronidazole, paromomycin
Cryptosporidium parvum
food or waterborne
Immunocompromised - HIV
Watery D
abdominal pain
acid-fast stain shows parasites
Tx: nitazoxanide
Trichinella spiralis
undercooked pork
fever myalgia PERIORBITAL EDEMA eosinophilia CNS sxs Cardiac sxs
Tx: albendazole, mebendazole
Taenia solium
undercooked pork
mild diarrhea
CNS symptoms
Taeniasis - tapeworm in gut only
Cysticercosis - cysts in muscle
Neurocysticercosis - cysts in brain
Tx: praziquantel for gut infection; albendazole for CNS infection +/- corticosteroids
Approach to acute diarrhea
Non - severe: self limiting
Severe: hypovolemia, bloody stools, fever, >6 stools per day, duration >1 week, severe abdominal pain, older age and immunocompromised
Fecal leukocytes, stool cx, +/- ova and parasites if immunocompromised, +/- Giardia and E. histolytica if assoc with surface water; c. diff if recent abx
Empiric abx: fluoroquinolone for 3-5 days
-bloody diarrhea, fever, severe dehydration, immunocompromised state
Irritable bowel syndrome
Dx of exclusion
Sxs: chronic abdominal pain, D and/or C, bloating, N, mild abd tenderness, frequent/urgent urinary sxs, fibromyalgia sxs
Rome criteria - recurrent abd pain/discomfort at least 3 days/mo in last 3 mo associated with at least 2:
- relief with defecation
- Onset assoc w/ change in frequency of stool
- Onset assoc with change in form of stool
Not consistent with IBS: anorexia, wt loss, malnutrition, progressively worsening pain, pain that prevents sleep, rectal bleeding
-electrolyte disturbances, anemia, increasing inflammatory markers
Non pharm tx:
High fiber diet, avoid gas producing foods, avoid lactose/gluten controversial
Psychotherapy to relieve stress
Constipation predominant: psyllium, polyethylene glycol, lubiprostone, linaclotide
Diarrhea predominant: loperamide (imodium), eluxadoline
Abd pain and bloating: antispasmodics - diclycomine, hyoscyamine
Antidepressants - SSRI for pain
Crohn disease
Reaction to intestinal flora
Transmural inflammation - anyway mouth to anus
Spares rectum - skip lesions
Barium study: “String sign”, cobblestone pattern
strictures, D, malabsorption, wt loss, rare bloody stools, fistulas
Arthritis (HLA-B27), immunologic problems, dermatologic - erythema nodosum
Increased colon cancer risk - not as much as UC
Tx: Mesalamine, sulfasalazine - 5-ASAs Azothioprine, mercaptopurine, methotrexate Infliximab, adalimumab - anti-TNF Steroids Abx
Ulcerative colitis
Autoimmune reaction
Inflammation limited to colon
Continuous inflammation - always affects rectum
Inflammation limited to mucosa and submucosa
Barium study - “Lead pipe” obliterated haustra
Bx: crypt abscess, ulcerations
bloody D, malnutrition, increased risk of colon CA
PSC, pyoderma gangrenosum
HLA-B27 - sacroilitis, uveitis
Tx: Sulfasalazine 6-mercaptopurine infliximab colon resection - curative
Disruption of normal propulsive ability of bowel d/t decreased peristalsis
MC: recent surgery
infection, opiates, DM
Vague abd pain N/V bloating No BM Decreased bowel sounds mild abdominal tenderness No rebound Unable to tolerate meals
Abd XR: mild distension of affective bowel and air-fluid levels
Barium enema - r/o true obstruction
Tx: erythromycin, neostigmine, or metoclopramide
Decrease or stop opioids
NPO +/- NG tube
Serial abdominal exams to monitor worsening
elderly, children
Air-filled loop of sigmoid colon twists about mesentery
Severe -> obstruct, impair blood supply
Slowly progressive abd pain, N/C, late V
+/- double bubble on abd XR
+/- “bird beak” on barium enema
CT scan - dx
Tx: self limited
No signs of perf -> flex sig
If signs of perf -> laparotomy
detorsion followed by sigmoid resection - high recurrence
Intestinal ischemia
Mesenteric ischemia - small intestine - SMA
Ischemic colitis - large intestine - SMA/IMA
Watershed area highest risk - splenic flexure
Causes: Splanchnic vasoconstriction acute arterial occlusion Venous thrombosis or hypo perfusion chronic form d/t atherosclerosis - pain after eating
Abd pain out of proportion to exam
Elevated WBC - severe dz
XR: dilated loops of bowel, bowel wall thickening
Dx: CT angio
Venous thrombosis - anticoagulate chronically
Arterial embolism - surgical laparotomy with embolectomy
Non-occulsive vasoconstriction - stop drugs causing vasoconstriction
Bowel necrosis - surgical resection
Obstruction - fecalith, calculi, lymphoid hyperplasia, tumors
Periumbilical pain -> RLQ
McBurney’s point
Psoas sign - RLQ with passive hip extension
Rovsing sign - RLQ pain with LLQ palpation
WBC elevated with left shift - >17K assoc with perf
CT scan with IV/PO contrast - enlarged appendix, wall thickening, periappendical fat stranding
U/S in kids
Tx: IVF, correct electrolyte abnormalities
Non-perf: single dose cefoxatin, ampicillin/sulbactum, or cefazolin plus metronidazole
Perf: pip/tazo, ticarcillin/clavulanate or ceftriaxone plus metronidazole
Carcinoid tumor
Neuroendocrine tumor - secretes serotonin
MC site ileum; lungs, rectum, appendix (MC appendix tumor)
Asx if not mets; +/- abd pain
Carcinoid syndrome: d/t large quantity of serotonin
“Be FDR” - Bronchoconstriction (wheezing), Flushing, Diarrhea, Right-sided valve dz (restrictive CM - serotonin induced fibrosis of valvular endocardium)
Incidental in asx
24 hr urine - 5-HIAA if sxs
Tx: Non-metastatic - remove tumor Carcinoid syndrome: octreotide or depot lanreotide - suppress gut hormones, decrease motility Bronchoconstriction: b2-agonists Diarrhea: loperamide
Anorectal abscess
infection of anal crypt or hemorrhoid, hair follicle
throbbing rectal pain
tenderness on DRE
Tx: abx and drain
Pilonidal disease
1 or more cutaneous sinus tracts in superior midline gluteal cleft
obstruction -> cysts with drainage, abscesses
Tx: I&D, surgical closure of sinus tracts
MC sigmoid colon
MC cause of acute lower GI bleeding over 40 yo
Low fiber/high fat diet, older age
Cramping, bloating, flatuence, irregular defecation
painless rectal bleeding
barium enema
Colonoscopy - sclerose vessel
high-fiber diet/low fat - control bleeding
Angiography - embolization
Resect if unable to control bleeding
Presentation of diverticulutis
mean age 63 yo
LLQ pain
elevated WBC with left shift or normal
Perf: CXR - free air
CT - oral and IV contrast - localized bowel wall thickening, diverticula
Colonoscopy no role, risk of perf
Outpatient vs inpatient treatment for diverticulitis
Out pt: - mild
bowel rest, PO abx
Fluoroquinolone (cipro) + metronidazole
TMP-SMX + Metronidazole
Inpatient: elderly, immunocompromised, significant co-morbiditities
High fever
Significant leukocytosis
Unable to maintain hydration
S/S of acute abd -> surgical exploration via midline incision
Internal - superior rectal v., above pectinate (dentate) line, painless
External: inferior rectal v. , below pectinate line, painful
Tx: sitz baths high fiber diet avoid straining Rubber banding surgical excision - significant post op pain
Anal fissures
posterior wall of anus
2/2 trauma - defecation, anal sex
-> spasm of rectal sphincter
1st line: stool softeners, adequate hydration, typical nitroglycerin
botox in sphincter muscle - prevent spasm
Partial spincterotomy -> 10-30% risk of fecal incontinence
Rectal fistulas (fistula in ano)
tract between rectum and other structure - MC skin
2/2 inflammation
easily infected
pain with defecation
visible draining tract - pus or fluid
If Crohns - abx, immunosuppressants
Complications of diverticulitis
colonic abscesses
Major risk factors for adenocarcinoma of pancreas
exocrine tumor
FHx Chronic pancreatitis DM Tobacco use High fat diet obesity physical inactivity
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma - presentation, dx, tx, complications
abd pain - gradual, gnawing, epigastric, may radiate to back
Wt loss - d/t anorexia, malabsorption; n/v
Jaundice - d/t biliary obstruction
+/- palpable abd mass
+/- palpable contender gallbladder (Courvoisier sign)
Dx: High bilirubin and alk phos CA 19-9 Mass visible on US or CT Bx via endoscopic US, ERCP, or percutaneous needle bx
Tx: Whipple procedure (no mets) - pancreaticoduodenectomy plus chemo +/- radiation
Advanced dz: palliative care - biliary stunting, duodenal stunting, pancreatic enzyme supplements
Complications: trousseau syndrome - migratory thrombophlebitis
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastronoma) - presentation, dx, tx
Gastrin secreting tumor
More common in duodenum
MC type of functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
PUD and D
Common in MEN type 1
Frequently malignant
Dx: Best test: fasting gastrin usually >1000 Secretin stimulation test: stimulates gastrin secretion in gastrinoma (usually suppresses gastrin) Imaging to locate tumor: -CT -MRI -Octreotide scan (somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, SRS) -Endoscopic U/S - can do FNA
High dose PPIs or octreotide to suppress acid secretion
Surgical resection - if resettable
Insulinoma - presentation, dx, tx
insulin-secreting tumor -> hypoglycemia
Labs: hypoglycemia, elevated fasting insulin level, elevated C peptide
CT or abd U/S to locate tumor
Surgical resection if resectable
If not - diazoxide (prevents insulin release) or octreotide (shuts down production of insulin)
Glucagonoma- presentation, dx, tx
Glucagon-secreting tumor
Hyperglycemia and refractory DM
Necrolytic migratory erythema - painful, pruritic, migratory rash on face, perineum, sometimes extremities
Labs: hyperglycemia, elevated glucagon level
CT, MRI, or octreotide scan to locate tumor
Octreotide to suppress glucagon secretion
Surgical resection if possible
Frequently malignant and often widely metastatic at dx -> poor prognosis
VIPoma - presentation, dx, tx
Islet cell tumor secretes vasoactive intestinal peptide -> increased secretion of water into lumen and increased motility
Presentation: high volume water diarrhea
Labs: elevated serum VIP, low stool osmotic gap (secretory)
CT, MRI, octreotide scan to locate tumor
hydration and electrolyte replacement -esp K+
Octreotide to suppress VIP secretion
Surgical resection but usually mets at dx
major risk factors for cholelithiasis
over 40
OCPs and HRT
Prolonged TPN
Rapid weight loss
Cholelithiasis - presentation, dx, tx
Often asx
Postprandial RUQ abd pain - “biliary colic”, worse after fatty meals
Possible N/V, abdominal fullness
PE generally negative
Labs normal
RUQ U/S shows hyperlucent gallstones
Tx: cholecystectomy - if symptomatic
Complications: acute cholecystitis, cholangitis, acute pancreatitis
Acute cholecystitis- causes, presentation, dx, tx
gallstone obstruction
Acalculous - critically ill (ischemia/necrosis) or TPN
Features: Severe RUQ abd - may radiate to back or right shoulder Fever Possible N/V, anorexia Abd tenderness and guarding Positive Murphy sign
Labs: leukocytosis with left shift; serum bilirubin and alk phos usually not elevated
U/S: gallstones, thickening of gallbladder wall; sonographic murphy sign
HIDA scan - gallbladder fails to fill normally
Tx: cholecystectomy for mild to moderate disease
Abx and biliary stenting for critically ill who can’t tolerate surgery (organ failure)
Acute cholangitis- presentation, dx, tx
Bile duct obstruction (MC gallstones, stricture, cancer of pancreatic or biliary tree) -> infection of proximal biliary tree
Charcot’s triad - fever, jaundice, RUQ pain
Reynolds pentad - AMS, hypotension (shock)
Leukocytosis with left shift
Elevated conjugated bilirubin and alk phos
+/- elevated AST/ALT (hepatocyte damage)
Check blood cx - E.coli, Klebsiella, Enterococci
Best radiologic test: ERCP
Broad spectrum abx x7-10 days - pip-taco, levofloxacin
Endoscopic biliary drainage
Delayed cholecystectomy once cooled off
Gallbladder cancer - presentation, dx, tx
90% adenocarcinoma - aggressive
Risk factors - mainly gallstones
Often asx - may cause abd pain, jaundice, wt loss, V
Palpable gallbladder
Labs: elevated bili and alk phos
endoscopic U/S: gallbladder mass, thickening of wall, possibly gallbladder calcification (porcelain gallbladder 10-30% CA)
Cholecystectomy and LN dissection and local hepatic resection (gallbladder fossa)
Post-op or palliative chemo/radiation
Primary Biliary Cholangitis- description, risk, presentation, dx, tx
Autoimmune destruction of intrahepatic bile ductules -> cholestasis -> cirrhosis (late)
Risk: Women 30-65 yo; assoc with Sjogren’s, CREST, RA
frequently asx - incidental finding
Sxs: fatigue and pruritis w/ excoriations
-pruritis often starting during pregnancy but not received postpartum
Skin changes: hyper pigmentation, xerosis, dermatographism
Xanthomas and xanthelasms
Hepatomegaly progressively worsens +/- splenomegaly
Malabsorption and steatorrhea from less bile acid secretion
Cirrhosis, jaundice, ascites, edema, and portal htn late
Elevated alk phos, bili (late), cholesterol
URSODEOXYCHOLID ACID - changes bile composition, delays progression, not curative
Liver transplant
Primary sclerosis cholangitis description, risk, presentation, dx, tx
Progressive inflammation, fibrosis, and sclerosis of intra AND extra hepatic bile ducts
Risk: males, 40 yo
Strong association with UC
Frequently asx
Fatigue, pruritis w/ excoriations, jaundice, hepatomegaly
Dx: Elevated alk phos +/- elevated bili ANA negative p-ANCA positive ERCP - irregular biliary stricturing and dilation "beads on string"
Tx: Liver treatment - no medical tx available
Complication: risk of cholangiocarcinoma
Causes of secondary sclerosis cholangitis
Intraductal biliary stones Surgical trauma or blunt abdominal trauma to biliary tree Drugs -IV chemo Recurrent pancreatitis Autoimmune pancreatitis AIDS cholangiopathy
Causes of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Increased bilirubin production:
- hemolytic anemia
- hematoma breakdown
Impaired bilirubin uptake and storage:
- viral hepatitis
- Drugs - rifampin
Decreased UDPGT activity
- neonatal physiologic jaundice
- Gilbert syndrome
- Crigler Najjar Syndrome type 1 and 2
Causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Impaired bilirubin transport - can’t excrete
- Dubin Johnson Sn - black
- Rotor Sn
Biliary epithelial damage
- hepatitis
- cirrhosis
- liver failure
Intrahepatic biliary obstruction
- Drugs - chlorpromazine, arsenic
Extrahepatic biliary obstruction
- pancreatic neoplasm
- pancreatitis
- cholangiocarcinoma
- choledocholithiasis
- biliary strictures
Gilbert Syndrome
Mild UDPGT deficiency
Mild jaundice following exercise, stress, fasting
Labs: mild elevated indirect bili (less than 3)
Tx: none
Crigler-Najjar type 1
Severe UDPGT deficiency
Persistent neonatal jaundice at 1-2 days old
labs: markedly elevated indirect bili (>5)
Liver transplant as adolescent
Crigler-Najjar type 2
Mild UDPGT deficiency
Jaundice begins in childhood or adolescence
Labs: mildy elevated indirect bili
Phenobarbital to induce UDPGT
Hepatitis symptoms
asx or…
malaise arthralgia fatigue N/V RUQ pain Scleral icteris HSM LAD
Rare -> fulminant failure -> coagulopathy, ascites
Hepatits A
Transmission: Fecal-oral, poor sanitation
Risk: international travel - S. and Central America
Hep A IgM during illness
Hep A IgG after resolution or vaccine
Tx: supportive - self limited
Vaccine available - given 1 yr, 2 yr
Hepatitis E
Southeast Asia
Fecal/oral, contaminated water
More likely to cause fulminant hepatic failure in pregnancy
Labs: PCR, Hep E IgM
Tx: supportive
Hepatitis B
perinatal, sex (MC), blood
Chronic infection: 90% prenatal transmission; adults less than 5%
Extrahepatic: polyarteritis nodosa, nephropathy, aplastic anemia
Increased risk of HCC - U/S q6mo, +/- AFP
Significance of HBsAg
active disease
Significance of HBsAb
recovery from active infection or immunization
Significance of HBcAb
History of infection - IgM early, IgG late
Significance of HBeAg
Active viral replication, high transmissibility
Significance of HBeAb
low transmissibility
Significance of HBV DNA
active viral réplication, treatment indicated when high
Hepatitis D
Delta virus - defective pathogen requiring Hep B confection
Blood, sex
Highest mortality - 20%
Tx: pegylated IFN-a x 1 yr - causes flu like sxs
Hepatitis C
50-85% remain chronically infected
Increased risk of HCC - U/S q6 mo
Extrahepatic manifestations: membranoproliferazive glomerulonephritis, essential mixed cryoglobulinemia, lymphoma, thyroiditis, polyarteritis nods, porphyria cutaneous trade, lichen plans, DM
Blood and sex (rare)
Dx: Hep C Ab, RNA
Tx: Ledipasvir-sofosbuvir; ombitasvir-paritaprevir-ritonavir + dasabuvir
Types of alcoholic liver disease
Alcoholic fatty liver disease (steatosis)
- 90% of heavy drinkers >30 g etOH/day
- Fat droplets within hepatocytes
- rapidly reversible with abstinence
Alcoholic hepatitis (steatohepatitis)
- 33% of steatosis who continue to drink
- Fat infiltration plus neutrophil inflammation; hepatocyte swelling and necrosis; some fibrosis
- 50% of steatohepatitis
- progressive fibrosis surrounds nodules of regenerative hepatocytes
- becomes irreversible -> liver failure
- increased risk of HCC
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
Causes: obesity, DM, hld, insulin resistance
Hepatic insulin resistance -> excess lipid accumulation in liver
->cirrhosis and HCC
Chronically elevated LFTs
Liver U/S, CT, MRI: steatosis but cannot detect inflammation/fibrosis
Tx: Avoid all etoh Wt loss Keep HbA1c under 7 TZD (pioglitazone) - improve LFTs, possible histology improvement
Alcoholic liver disease
Long asx period >20 yr
S/s: jaundice, anorexia, N/V, RUQ pain, abd distention, ascites, HSM, liver tenderness, muscle wasting, encephalopathy
Dx: Elevated AST/ALT 2:1, elevated alk phos, bili low albumin Prolonged PT/PTT Leukocytosis (neutrophil predominance) Macrocytosis (folate/B12 deficiency) Thrombocytopenia
Stop etoh use
Diet mod
Liver transplant if abstinent for at least 6 mo
Findings consistent with hepatocyte failure in cirrhosis
Jaundice - impaired bilirubin conjugation
bleeding/bruising - impaired synthesis of coagulation factors (elevated PT/PTT)
Edema and ascites - impaired synthesis of albumin
Hepatic encephalopathy and asterisks - impaired ammonia metabolism
Impaired sex hormone metabolism -> testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, spider telangiectasis, palmar erythema
Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
lactulose - lowers colonic pH, prevents ammonia reabsorption in GI tract, facilitates fecal ammonia excretion
Rifaximan - kills enteric bacteria that generate ammonia
Causes of portal hypertension
Prehepatic: portal vein thombosis
- cirrhosis
- Hepatic parenchymal disease (alcoholic liver dz, PBC, PSC, amyloidosis)
- Granulomatous dz (sarcoidosis)
- Schistosomiasis (outside US)
- Right sided heart failure
- Budd-Chiari syndrome
- Thrombosis of hepatic v.
Budd-Chiari Syndrome
thrombosis and occlusion of hepatic v or intrahepatic/suprahepatic portion of IVC
Acute: acute RUQ, hepatomegaly, rapid jaundice and ascites
Subacute/chronic: gradual ascites, LE edema, cirrhosis, portal htn over few months
Eventual liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy
U/S - best test
Hepatic venography gold standard
- thrombolytics
- Diuretics and anticoagulation
- Angioplasty
- Shunt
Clinical presentation of portal hypertension
HSM ascites portosystemic anastomoses (gut, butt, caput) -esophageal varices -Anorectal varices -Caput medusae -Renal varices -Paravertebral varices
Serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG)
Serum albumin - ascites albumin
> or equal to 1.1 - portal htn - low albumin
- Cirrhosis
- alcoholic hepatitis
- heart failure/constrictive pericarditis
- massive hepatic mets
- Budd-Chiari syndrome
less than 1.1 - ascites not due to portal htn High albumin ascites: -peritoneal carcinomatosis (ovarian CA) -Peritoneal TB -Pancreatitis -Serositis Low serum albumin -Nephrotic syndrome
High albumin + high LDH r/o cancer
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Infection of ascitic fluid
+/- abd pain/tenderness
AMS common
Diarrhea 2/2 overgrowth of enteric bacteria (esp E. coli)
Dx: SAAG >1.1 Ascites gram stain and cx Ascites neutrophil count >250 Low ascites glucose High ascites LDH - lysis of neutrophils
Cefotaxime, ceftriaxone x5 day - cover E.coli, Klebsiella, Enterococcus, Staph and strep
Albumin - maintains plasma volume -> preserves renal function -> reduces renal impairment and mortality
Treatment of portal hypertension
Ascites: daily morning dose of spironolactone + furosemide
Esophageal varices:
- propranolol or nadalol to prevent hemorrhage
- Bleeding: octreotide or terlipressin to reduce splanchnic blood flow; endoscopic ligation/sclerotherapy
Hepatic shunting or trans jugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
-increased risk of hepatic encephalopathy (no filtering through liver)
Hereditary hemochromatosis
Hepatomegaly, abd pain, cirrhosis
Skin hyper pigmentation
Hypogonadism (anterior pituitary) -> testicular atrophy, impotence, amenorrhea
Restrictive or dilated (MC) CM
Arthralgia and arthropathy - squaring off of end of bones, hook like osteophytes of 2nd-3rd MCP joints
Elevated AST/ALT +/- hyperglycemia
Elevated serum iron, ferritin, and transferrin
Genetic testing
Liver bx - blue dots (iron granules) inside hepatocytes
Rarely used - deferoxamine or other iron chelation
Avoid etoh
Risk HCC
Wilson disease
Mean age 12-23
Hepatomegaly, hepatic steatosis, cirrosis -> liver failure
Neuro: dysarthria, dystonia, tremor, parkinsonism
Psych: depression, personality changes, psychosis
Kayser-Fleischer rings
Dx: Elevated LFTs LOW SERUM CERULOPLASM increased urinary copper genetic testing Liver bx - brown, steatosis, fibrosis
Copper chelation - trientine (fewer s/e) or penicillamine
Zinc supplements (interferes with Cu absorption)
Restrict dietary copper (shellfish, organ meats, chocolates, nuts, mushrooms)
Liver transplant may be necessary
Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
Panacinar emphysema d/t elastin destruction in lungs
mutated a1 antitrypsin accumulates in hepatocytes
Autosomal co-dominant
Increased risk of HCC
Genetic testing
Liver bx
Tx: liver and lung transplant
Autoimmune hepatitis
Women > Men
Asx or subclinical can -> acute liver failure or cirrhosis
Type 1 (classic): ANA and Anti-Smooth Muscle Abs
Type 2: Abs against Liver-Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Ag or liver cytosol antigens
Tx: glucocorticoids +/- azathioprine
Hepatic adenoma
Women 20-44 - OCP
Anabolic steroids
Glycogen storage disease type I and III
usually asx
+/- RUQ pain or fullness
Malignant transformation in 10%
Monitor with serial imaging and serial AFT
+/- resection if >5 cm
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Aflatoxin - aspergillus contaminated corn, peanuts, soybeans
Decompensation of chronic liver disease
Wt loss, hepatomegaly, RUQ pain, hepatic bruit (highly vascular tumor)
Paraneoplastic syndromes
elevated LFTs, elevated AFP
U/S - solid tumor; CT/MRI - malignant features
Core needle bx only if dx unclear on imaging - risk of bleeding
Small: resect, chemo
Unresectable: liver transplant, radio frequency ablation, chemoembolization
Aggressive - high mortality
Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with HCC
Polycythemia - secretion of expo
Hypercalcemia - secretion of PTH-rP (like squamous cell lung CA)
Watery diarrhea - secretion of VIP and other factors
Hypoglycemia - high metabolic needs
Skin lesions
Cancers association with polycythemia as a paraneoplastic syndrome