Gallbladder and Pancreas Pathology Flashcards

Chronic Pancreatitis
Secretion of bile acids provides
Digestion of dietary fats
Excretory route for metabolites and drugs
Buffers to neutralize acid pH from stomach
Clinical signs of acute pancreatitis
Severe abdominal pain
Cardiovascular collapse
Describe this developmental abnormality of the pancreas

Pancreatic Hypoplasia (Pancreatic Atrophy- Dogs)
Anomaly of the gallbladder is a common result of fasting but can also be caused by Lantana camara toxicosis.
Gallbladder distention
Pancreatic condition in which calculi are formed within the pancreatic duct due to inflammation.
Pancreatic Lithiasis

Pancreatic Lithiasis
Describe this developmental abnormality of the pancreas

Anomalous tail
What dis?

Gallbladder Distension
Differential diagnosis for gallbladder edema
Right sided heart failure
Infectious Canine Hepatitis
Condition of the gallbladder where components of bile are supersaturated and precipitate - typically does not cause a problem unless obstruction occurs.
Gallbladder stones (choleliths)

Acute Pancreatitis
Describe this developmental abnormality of the pancreas

Ectopic Pancreas
What dis?


Acute Pancreatitis
Morphological Diagnosis

Diffuse severe fibrinous cholecystitis
Chronic Pancreatitis in horses is often secondary to
Parasitic migration
Ascending bacterial infection
Chronic eosinophilic gastroenteritis
Cholangitis, parasites of fibrosis and cholelithiasisi cause this gallbladder condition resulting in post hepatic jandice, hepatic atrophy and biliary fibrosis.
Biliary Obstruction
Condition of the gallbladder that is typically of traumatic orgin that results in steady leakage of bile into the peritoneal cavity - chemical peritonitis.
Rupture of the biliary tract or the gallbladder

Pancreatic Hyperplasia
Pancreatic condition characterized by fibrosis, parenchymal atrophy and chronic inflammation usually a result from repeated mild episodes of acute pancreatitis
Chronic Pancreatitis
T/F: The exocrine pancreas, like the liver has a large functional reserve.
What dis?

Gallbladder Stones - Choleliths


Metastatic Melanoma of the Pancreas
Pancreatic neoplasm that originates from the pancreatic acini and/or ducts and is characterized histologically by thick fibrous connective tissue capsule.
Pancreatic Adenoma
Possible differential diagnosis for hemorrhagic cholecystitis
Salmonellosis (Cattle)
Arsenic Toxicosis

Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Pancreatic condition due to defect in acinar tissue - the islet cell tissue may be quantitatively and qualitatively normal.
Pancreatic Hyplasia
Called Pancreatic Atrophy in canines

Pancreatic Adenoma
What dis?

Gallbladder carcinoma

Chronic Pancreatitis
Gross appearance of what pancreatic condition - focal areas of grey-white discoloration due to coagulative necrosis, admixed with black areas of hemorrhage and chalky white ares of fat necrosis.
Acute Pancreatitis
Incidental finding of the pancreas of old dogs, cats and cattle. Characterized histologically as having cells of uniform size and shape, non-encapsulated and do not compress the surrounding parenchyma.
Pancreatic Nodular Hyperplasia
Pancreatic neoplasm that is typically spherical and circumscribed, involvement of the bile ducts will cause jaundice and invasion of the duodenum.
Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Pancreatic calculi consist of
Calcium carbonate and Calcium Phosphate
Possible differential diagnosis for fibrinous cholecystitis
Acute Salmonellosis
Choleliths are composed of?
Bile pigments
Salts of bile acids
Calcium salts
Proteinaceious matrix

Condition of the gallbladder that causes cystic proliferation of the mucous producing glads seen in old dogs and may be associated wtih mucocele.
Gallbladder Hyperplasia
Histologic appearance of what pancreatic condition - necrosis of parenchyma, interlobular stroma edema and contains fibrin, hemorrhage and inflammatory cells.
Acute Pancreatitis
Main function of the exocrine pancreas
Production and secretion of enzymes
What dis?

Biliary Obstruction


Pancreatic Nodular Hyperplasia
Starvation and obstruction of the pancreatic ducts can cause what pancreatic change?
Pancreatic Degeneration
T/F: The exocrine pancreas, like the liver has a great capacity for regeneration.
Bile consists of
Bile Acids
Inorganic Ions
What dis?

Gallbladder Edema
What dis?

Gallbladder Mucosal Hyperplasia
Pathogenesis of Acute Pancreatitis
- Inappropriate in situ activation of pancreatic digestive pro-enzymes
- Consequent autodigestion of pancreatic tissue and peri-pancreatic adipose tissue followed by inflammation
Incidental finding of the pancreas causes small nodules embedded in the submucosa of the stomach, intestine, gallbladder and in the parenchyma of the liver, spleen and in the mesentery due to dislocation of portions of the duodenal buds during embryonic development.
Ectopic Pancreas
Pancreatic change seen in systemic infections due to epitheliotropic viruses or intoxication (mycotoxins, zinc toxicity)
Multifocal Pancreatic Degeneration and Necrosis
What dis?

Gallbladder mucosal hyperplasia