Functional Organization of Nervous Tissue Flashcards
3 main functions of the nervous system
- SENSORY: sense changes through sensory receptors
- MOTOR: respond to stimuli
- INTEGRATIVE: analyze incoming sensory information and decide what to do with it (store it vs make appropriate motor decisions)
Components and 2 subdivisions of the nervous system
brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory receptors
- Central nervous system (CNS): brain and spinal cord
- Peripheral nervous system (PNS): everything else (nerves and sensory receptors)
How are nerves named/classified?
Based on where they enter and exit. Info can only travel one way!
Components of PNS
SENSORY RECEPTORS: endings of neurons or specialized cells that detect senses
NERVES: bundles of axons that connects CNS to sensory receptors, muscles, glands
- CRANIAL: 12 pairs
- SPINAL: 31 pairs
GANGLION: collection of neural cell bodies outside CNS (used for sensory info, one motor system)
PLEXUS(ES): extensive network of axons and sometimes neuron cell bodies outside CNS
General divisions of PNS
2 main divisions
SENSORY (afferent)
- takes in sensory input
- transmits action potentials from receptors to CNS
MOTOR (efferent)
- produces motor output
- transmits action potentials from CNS to effectors
Difference between efferent and afferent nerves
afferent: sensory receptors to CNS
efferent: CNS to muscles and glands
Sensory divisions of PNS
- receptors throughout the body
- receptors in specific organs
one neuron system
Motor divisions of the PNS
3 types of motor divisions
- SOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (voluntary control)
“move my arm”
- synapse with skeletal muscles (via NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION)
- single neuron system - AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (involuntary control)
- synapse with
affects cardiac and smooth muscle, glands - two neuron system (CNS to ganglion, ganglion to effector)
- SYMPATHETIC (fight or flight)
- PARASYMPATHETIC (rest & digest)
- plexuses within walls of digestive tract
- can control digestion independently of CNS
- uses ANS to communicate with CNS
- sensory (monitors chemical environment), motor (contracts smooth muscle and controls secretions of GI organs and endocrine cells)
How does neural information pass in and out of the spinal cord?
motor info out on anterior side (VENTRAL ROOT)
sensory information in on posterior side (DORSAL ROOT)
both roots connect to SPINAL NERVE
You see a bear in the forest! what’s the order of nervous system response
- sensory input (bear)
sensory division response - PNS (receptors, afferent nerves, ganglia, plexuses)
- CNS (brain, spinal cord)
- PNS (efferent nerves, ganglia, plexuses)
motor division - somatic (skeletal muscles) and autonomic nervous systems (fight or flight; cardiac, smooth muscle and glands)
How many pairs of spinal nerves?
How many pairs of cranial nerves?