Functional Assessments Of The Extremities Flashcards
Subtalar Neutral
-Palpate medial/lateral aspects of the Talar head
-Palpate both sides of the subtalar joint/locate the sulcus on the medial and lateral sides near the neck of the talus
-Pronate/Supinate the foot so the sulci are relatively the same depth
Navicular Drop Test
-Find subtalar neutral, mark location of navicular Tuberosity then re-measure the distance in relaxed
Weight Bearing Wall Lunge Test
-Toes 5 inches (1 hand-width from the wall)
-Try to touch front knee to the wall w/ heel on ground
-Measuring Tape: Normal>10cm/Restricted<10cm
-Inclinometer: <40 degrees is restricted
Knee Extended Ankle Dorsiflexion
-Patient attempts to stand as far forward as possible with non-testing foot while maintaining heel contact with the floor of the rear leg
-Inclometer should be over the tibial Tuberosity
-Normative Data: 22.5 degrees
Functional Heel Raise Test (Hubscher Maneuver or Jacks Test)
-If arch is present during the heel raise, this is considered a “functional flat foot” (able to supinate/stabilize foot)
-If arch does not appear during heel raise, the patient has a true flat foot or a collapsed arch (+)
-Positives: Joint restriction, ruptured posterior tibialis, or structural difference
Non-Weight Bearing Toe Extension Test
-Place thumb under the 1st metatarsal just proximal to the sesamoid bones/Press the first metatarsal dorsal
-Press first toe into extension
-Normal: 70-90 degrees
-40-60 Degrees is mild “hallux rigidus”
Tibial Torsion (Supine Assessment)
-Position knee so posterior femoral condyles rest parallel to the exam table
-Measure transmalleolar line (between medial/lateral Malleolus)
-Normal: 15-20 degrees of external torsion
->20 degrees (External Tibial Torsion)
<15 degrees (Internal Tibial Torsion)
Prone Knee Flexion ROM
-Normal angle equals 147.9 degrees
-Functional assessment: Heel within one fist width of the buttocks
Trendelenburg Test
-Patient stands on one foot, typically raising the affected side foot first (looking for a drop of the pelvis on the side of the foot that is elevated)
-If iliac crest drops on the raised leg side, its indicative of weak hip abductors on the CL side (weak gluteus medius of stance leg)
Prone Passive Hip Internal Rotation
-Minimum normal value = 30 degrees of internal rotation
Prone Passive Hip External Rotation
Minimum Normal Value=40 degrees of external rotation
Craig’s Test: Femoral Torsion
-Normal: 10-15 degrees of internal rotation
-Anteversion: >15 degrees internal rotation
-Retroversion: <10 degrees of internal rotation