From the ground up 73 Flashcards
The CSR says that she can’t get anymore people on. What can you do?
Call the dispatcher to see if
a) You could go from Method 1 to Method 2, or
b) Try using another runway
bottom line, contact the dispatcher to see if there is a way
When should you turn on the center fuel pumps?
After you switch over to APU power, IF there is >1000 lbs in the center tank.
When you check the hydraulics during the before push procedure, what should the pressure be?
2800 psi minimum
What is the maximum thrust in the ramp area?
Do not exceed 45% N1 within congested areas unless cleared by appropriate personnel
Before releasing the brake for the first time during a flight, what must you do first?
When would you use an L2 climb method?
If the destination is in the opposite direction from the direction you are departing, and you can’t turn until you reach a certain altitude, why drive in the opposite direction at 250 kts
How long should the engines run at idle or taxi thrust before takeoff?
At least 3 minutes. If the engines have been shut down for more than 5 hours, they should be run at idle or tax for 5 minutes.
What is the L2 vice L3 method?
L2 climb method uses VREF 40+70 on the TGT SPD line (L2)
L3 climb method uses VREF 40+70/3000’ AFE on the SPD REST line (L3) & 250 knots on the TGT SPD line (L2)
What is the procedural difference between a NADP-1 and NADP-2 climb out?
Initial flap retraction is no lower than 3000 feet AFE for NADP-1
Initial flap retraction is no lower than 800 feet AFE for NADP-2
You had planned to fly a SID, but as you take the runway, tower gives you a heading to fly. What do you select? What should you not do?
Dial in the course and deselect LNAV.
Do not select HDG SEL on the ground.
When should flap retraction be initiated?
“WITH airspeed increasing, flap retractions should be initiated, when airspeed reaches the maneuver speed for the existing flap position.”
Flap retraction schedule Flaps 5 takeoff
When AT the Shark Tooth (V2+15) and accelerating call for “Flaps 1”
Flap retraction schedule Flaps 1 takeoff
When AT the green Flaps 1 speed and accelerating call for “Flaps Up”
Flap retraction schedule Flaps 10 takeoff
When AT the Shark Tooth (V2+15) and accelerating call for “Flaps 5”
After Takeoff Flow (Pilot Monitoring)
- Flaps … up, lights out
- Gear … off (NG) or up (MAX)
- Autobrakes … off
- Engine Start switches … off
- Air Con & Press … On, Off, On, Auto, Auto, Auto
- Pressurization … check
- APU switch … As req. (probably off)
“Up, off, off, off, check it, check it, off.”
Captain flow climbing though 10,000 feet
No smoking sign … cycle
Sterile light … off
Cabin altitude … announce
Captain flow climbing though 18,000 feet
Altimeters … standard (don’t forget the standby)
Lights … off
Fuel panel … verify (Pilot Monitoring)
What do you do when leveling off at cruise altitude?
R - check RVSM, specifically altimeters w/in 200’
A - Altitude (3 places)
T - Trim the yoke to level
T - level look on the TCAS
S - Seat belt sign off with an announcement
You climbed from FL360 to FL380 via V/S mode. You leveled off at FL380 and the box when to ALT HOLD. Why?
You didn’t re-cruise the box. You need to re-cruise the box to get it into VNAV which is where you want to be.
How many lbs per minute does the 737 burn?
100 lbs per minute
You are cleared to descend from FL380 to FL360 about 120 nm from TOD. What is the best way to do this?
Just hit the ALT INTV (“easy”) button and you will
a) Start a 1000 fpm descent and
b) The CRZ page will turn into the CRZ DES page
What are the required dispatch reports?
Remember 3-2-2-3 & NFWS (Numbers Fuel Weather atc System)
Actual ETA > 15 minutes
Cruise altitude change 4000+
Lateral deviation 100 miles
Failure of a fuel quantity indicator
If part of the reserve fuel will be burned
If weather is significantly different than forecast
Unplanned or sustained use of deicing or anti-icing systems
Flight is assigned enroute or arrival holding
Assigned a Coded Departure Route
When an ATC initiated callsign change occurs
You are in a VNAV climb and press ALT INTV…
The lowest AT OR BELOW is deleted.
You are at an AT OR BELOW on a SID, you dial in a higher altitude on the MCP and press ALT INTV…
It deletes the AT OR BELOW and the jet resumes climbing.
NOTE: Further AT OR BELOWS on the SID are still present and you will still level off at those
You are in a VNAV climb, you set an altitude in the MCP that is higher than the altitude in the FMC cruise page and press ALT INTV…
The altitude on the FMC cruise page is replaced with the altitude in the MCP window.
You are in VNAV cruise, you dial in an altitude that is higher than the altitude in the MCP cruise page and press ALT INTV…
The jet starts to climb and the altitude on the FMC cruise page is replaced with the altitude in the MCP window.
You are in VNAV cruise greater than 50 nm from TOD, you dial in an altitude that is lower than your current altitude, but higher than any altitude on the STAR and press ALT INTV …
1) The VNAV CRZ page changes to display a cruise descent.
2) The altitude on the FMC cruise page is replaced with the altitude in the MCP window.
3) The jet starts down at -1000 fpm
You are in VNAV cruise greater than 50 nm from TOD, you dial in the altitude at the bottom of the STAR and press ALT INTV …
1) The VNAV page changes to VNAV DES
2) The jet starts down at -1000 fpm until it captures the path
You are in VNAV cruise less than 50 nm from TOD, you dial in the altitude at the bottom of the STAR and press ALT INTV …
1) The VNAV page changes to VNAV DES
2) The jet starts down at -1000 fpm until it captures the path
What are the two types of early VNAV descents that start prior to TOD?
- Cruise descent
- Descend now
You’re going to a smaller field in Wisconsin. It doesn’t have a STAR. What do you need to do?
Put the field as the end of the route with a break before the approach. Set up a point on the legs page 30 nm from the field 250 knots and 10,000 feet so you’ve got something the box can descend plan for.
You are on the CRZ DES page. How do you get to the DES page to see what is required for the next point?
at 5R and it will take you to the DES page
Pressing & executing DES NOW always…
…initiates a descent when a lower altitude is selected in the MCP ALT window, regardless of proximity to the T/D point.
Pressing the ALT INTV button will initiate a DES NOW under what circumstances?
Two cases:
* If the lower selected altitude is below any FMC altitude constraint, and the airplane is more than 50 nm from T/D.
* If the airplane is 50 nm or less from T/D.
You are on downwind, there is no other traffic, and tower clears you for a visual approach. What is an elegant way to do this?
- Put the FAF at the top of the legs page.
- Re-select LNAV and VNAV
- You will then have a curved dotted line to the FAF (plus FD guidance)
- Once on final, select APP for the ILS guidance.
What is the maximum crosswind you can accept for landing on a dry runway?
- 37
Landing Flow (Pilot Monitoring)
- Engine Start Switches … CONT
- Gear … down
- Speed brakes … armed
- Flaps … as required/directed
Captain Parking Flow
Parking brake … set
Electrical power … ensure
Seatbelt signs … off
IRS selectors … off
Fuel pumps … As required (usually 1 on)
External power … As required (check)
APU … As required (check)
If you got a SCAP error, what could you do to try to correct it?
Double check that you have the data for the correct runway, THEN try a bleeds-off take off.
How often do you need to run up the engines in cold weather?
Every 30 minutes to keep ice off the spinner
When normally is the earliest you should normally turn after takeoff? When is the earliest you can turn after takeoff?
400 feet
50 feet
You’ve got a left/right imbalance between the wing tanks and you have a lot of gas in the centerline tank. You want to balance the wing tanks. How do you do this?
- Leave the wing tanks as is
- Turn off the centerline pump on the HIGH side until balanced.
For most places, you can descend at 280 knots. Where wouldn’t you?
In Chicago, select 300 kts
What does it say with regards to gusty winds and flap settings for takeoff?
“For optimum takeoff performance, use flaps 5, 10 or 15 unless limited by obstacle clearance and/or climb gradient.”
You’re at high altitude and ATC gives you a “slow to 290”. What is the best way to do this? What do you do when they say “resume normal speed?”
Go to the CRZ page and put 290 in.
To resume, hit ECON and Accept the new speed.
What is the hazard with an “Expect” altitude on a STAR?
The box won’t have “Expect” altitudes and will attempt to fly the best path, so you’ll probably be high. Hard code in the “Expect” altitude so that the box will draw a better vertical path.
You want to be at or below FL 240 at PILBX. How do you enter that? What if it was at or above?
You want to be at or below 280 knots at PILBX. How do you enter that? What if it was at or above?
If you are going to intercept the final approach course with RNAV, what must you ensure?
You must be wings level in HDG mode and THEN select LNAV. If you don’t wait to be wings level, you’ll just go direct to the next point instead of intercepting the course.
You are attempting to slow down. You are at Flaps 10 and want more flaps. What call do you make? Why?
“Gear down, flaps 15.”
If you have flaps 15 without the gear down, the gear alarm will go off.
You like to fly at .795 Mach. If you are going over the top of a thunderstorm, what should you do with regards to speed?
Go to .78 or you might get the clacker.
You were given “United 2288 descent from FL360 to FL300 in 3 minutes or less.” You put 2200 in the V/S and then what happened?
You were looking at something else and the airspeed built up and almost went into the barberpole. Remember that going V/S opens the speed window. Since it’s open, you should dial it back to .76 Mach.
What is the maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operations? Can you use the standby altimeter instead?
200 feet.
How do you know the APU is on and ready to provide electricity or air?
The blue APU GEN OFF BUS light in the middle of the electrical panel illuminates.
Before using the APU bleed air, operate the APU for at least the following amount of time…
NG: 1 minute.
MAX: 2 minutes.
What times are associated with APU shutdown?
NG: Wait a minimum of 120 seconds for APU shutdown cycle to complete, then turn battery switch to OFF.
MAX: Wait a minimum of 3 minutes after the APU GEN OFF BUS light extinguishes before placing the BATTERY switch OFF. However, if possible, it is recommended to extend this time to approximately 5 minutes.
What 2 things do you do at Acceleration Altitude?
1) Accelerate to Clean Maneuvering Speed
2) Retract flaps on schedule
What is the lowest altitude you can retract the flaps?
No lower than 3000 feet AFE for NADP-1 or 800 feet AFE for NADP-2.
What does NADP stand for?
Noise Abatement Departure Procedures
Getting slowed down from a Flaps 15 speed to Flaps 30 can be challenging. What can you do?
Try Flaps 25 to slow you down (higher max speed than Flaps 30)
You’re going to an airport in the middle of nowhere. There is no arrival. How do you know when to start down?
Create a point 30 miles in front of the airport with 250 knots and 10,000 as the parameters. This will now display a good TOP OF DESCENT cue.
ex: KFSD/-30 … 250/10 000
When do you put the thrust reversers out on landing?
As soon as the mains touch down. DO NOT wait for the nose gear to get on the runway.
When the OAT is at or greater than 40 degrees C, pilots should do what? Why?
Retract and leave the flaps at 1 after landing. High ground temperatures can cause heat buildup in the wing area resulting in a WING BODY OVERHEAT.
You are doing an arrival in Central America. What do you need to consider with regards to the descent path?
If your arrival has all at or aboves, you want to hard code the altitudes in there so it doesn’t leave you high. HOWEVER, if you link the approach to the STAR, it will compute a smooth path down instead of descending you too early (and into bumpier warm air). This only works if you have an unintrupped path all the way to the ground (no [][][][][]).
You are climbing out of IAH and need more thrust to get over a thunder cloud. How do you do it?
Hit the N1 LIMIT key and then select CON (continuous)
Where can you find the takeoff alternate?
It is a small block on the second page of the flight plan just above and to the left of the jet card portion that is labeled TKOF ALTN
What do you need to know about the altimeter setting and takeoff performance?
“A drop in altimeter = a drop in performance”
If the altimeter decreases by “1” hPa or “.03” inches then you need new takeoff data.
ex: 1015 to 1014 hPa = need new data
ex: 29.94 to 29.91 = need new data
What is good divert gouge for IAH?
2.0 to CLL
3.0 to AUS
4.0 to SAT
Why do you need to make sure the door switch is up in the MAX?
Because it might open during takeoff.
How should you enter lat longs into the FMC?
North or South first, then East or West, and enter it in as a string with no spaces.
Ex: N5210.8E00105.1
What must you keep in your scan during the descent?
The altitude deviation scale. It can jump up on you without much warning and you’ll go from on target to speedbrakes may not be enough before you know it.
What do you have to review for a PRM?
You have to review:
* The Jepp pages
* The QRC in the FM for 737 specific items
When doing an RNAV in the MAX, what must you remember?
That it is .3 for the minimum Nav performance AND that means that you have to use a different minimums line on the approach plate.
If you are going to join a STAR to an RNAV approach because that’s what you’re expecting, when can you link them up?
“should occur no later than when advised by ATC to “expect” the RNAV RNP approach.”
NOTE: “The vectors/discontinuity line may be left in place until approach clearance is received for unusual operational needs but must be specifically briefed.”
“Under no circumstances should the RF leg [of an RNAV approach] be flown…”
“…without use of the autopilot and LNAV/VNAV engaged.”
You have an emergency that makes the news. You’re an absolute hero. But nobody is ever going to hear how cool you were because…
…you forgot to pull the CVR circuit breaker (like the Alaska crew that lost the door).
What is the most important thing to remember in the last 10 feet of landing?
Squeeze in rudder to align the fuselage AND put in a little opposite aileron to keep everything level.
When you read a gripe in the book you must…
…reading it all the way through, because when you didn’t previously you missed that the APU couldn’t be used for electrical power.
What is the WINDSHEAR ESCAPE maneuver with autopilot disconnected?
- Press TO/GA switch
- Aggressively apply maximum thrust (mechanical stops)
- Disconnect autothrottle
- Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate toward an initial pitch attitude of 15 degrees.
- Retract speed brakes
- Follow flight director TO/GA guidance (if available)
What is different about engine starting on the first flight of the day?
IF, if, the temperature is BELOW 5 degrees Celsius, then the Ignition select switch should be in the BOTH position.
What is the common VHF air-to-air frequency?
How long should the APU be on before using it for a bleed source? Why?
The APU should be operated for 1 full minute prior to selecting it as a bleed source to extend the service life of the APU.
When doing an RNAV approach, what minimums do you use?
Use the LNAV/VNAV mins, no 737s at United are LPV capable.
When making adjustments for winds, the maximum approach speed may not exceed…
landing flap placard speed MINUS 5 knots
whichever is lower
What do you need to know about the MAX in hot weather?
There is a special start procedure for the MAX when its 40 degrees C or more.
What do you need to remember about doing a max thrust takeoff because it’s gusty?
If you are going to do a max takeoff, you cannot use Flaps 1. You must get the data to see what setting it recommends, and then if it’s Flaps 1, you must send for Flaps 5. Flaps 5, 10 and 15 are the only allowed flap settings for a max thrust takeoff.
If the Flight Plan says that you have to do a Flaps 5 go around, how does that affect your approach?
If you have a Flaps 5 go around, you cannot use Flaps 40 on the approach.
On landing roll out, if you stow the speedbrake…
…the autobrakes will kick off.
You see a jet in front of you on SkyPath and you want to ask them how their ride is. How do you do it?
Send a Misc message (just like asking for pushback). Use the code: PI (like Magnum PI)
The first line in the message should be CC+the flight number
ex: CC1934 (no spaces or anything else)
The following lines should be the message.
Remember that dispatch can see this.
What should you remember about starting your engines in Denver?
There is a ENGINE START - HIGH ALTITUDE AIRPORT (ABOVE 5000 FEET) checklist in the Supplementary Procedures. It is easy and says:
Prior to introducing fuel observe:
* N1 rotation
* Minimum of 20% N2
* Maximum motoring
What is the “Descent Gouge”?
If ATC isn’t controlling speeds:
20 miles start slowing to 210
Slow to 180 by 15 miles
Maintain 180 all the way down the GS*
*In an 800/900 flaps 10 will usually be required for 180
2000’ AGL “Gear down, flaps 15 … flaps 30 landing checklist”
What is RATTS and how do you execute it?
RVSM … within 200’
Arrival timing and fuel … send for a HOWGOZIT
Trim … the yoke level
TCAS … level look
Seat belt sign … off with an annoucement
Coming from the east, you are direct to be at “12,000 five miles east of WATSN. How do you do this?
You have to put the point and then SLASH -5
You can also put the altitude
When do you set the ALT window to the FAF on an ILS?
When do you set the ALT window to the TDZE on an ILS?
When cleared for the approach
When on glideslope
You’re level at 16,000. ATC give you a new altimeter setting. After putting it in, you’re at 15,040. How do you fix this?
Re-engage VNAV
What is the proper way to fly the Newark 4 departure off Runway 22R?
Put a 2.3 ring off ILSQ. Takeoff runway heading. At 400 feet, make a left turn to heading 190. At 2.3 DME off the 22L localizer, turn right to heading 220 and climb to your assigned altitude which is usually 2500 feet.
If ATC asks you your normal Mach number in the 30s, what can you tell them?
.79 Mach
How can an EXPECT on a STAR screw you with regards to fuel planning?
The computer doesn’t look at an EXPECT and assumes you’ll be higher. This difference can result in you burning up to 1000 lbs more in the actual descent than the box was showing you in cruise. SO, hard code the EXPECT altitudes in to ensure you get and accurate fuel projection.
What are 7 examples given in the FOM of “situations worthy of declaring an emergency”?
* A critical system redundancy is lost (eg, flight controls, hydraulics)
* Engine failure or precautionary shutdown
* Engine, APU, cargo or wheel well fire
* Smoke or fire which requires the use of a fire extinguisher
* Emergency descent
* Anytime the cabin is prepared for evacuation
* A non-normal situation that significantly increases pilot workload during a critical phase of flight (eg lengthy checklists)
If a bird strike occurs, what must the captain do?
Submit an IOR.
If a bird strike occurs above 100 KIAS and prior to V1, and there is no immediate evidence of engine failure, the FOM says the preferred option is…
…to continue with the takeoff followed by an immediate return, if required.
If a bird strike occurs during approach and landing, what does the FOM recommend?
If the landing is assured, continuing the approach to landing is the preferred option. Maintain as low a thrust setting as possible. If engine ingestion is suspected, limit reverse thrust on landing to the amount needed to stop on the runway. Reverse thrust may increase engine damage.
According to the FOM, inflight fires, not extinguished, can be catastrophic. Swiss Air MD-11 became non-survivable in how many minutes?
16 minutes
How can you look up what the Flight Attendant wrote up in flight.
Go to the same place you would Request Push “RP” and put in “SR”
The Captain says she wants to do a Max Thrust Takeoff. What do you do?
1) Delete the SEL on the N1 page at 1L
2) Put in the REDUCED takeoff numbers from the takeoff data print out.
If you need to do a no engine bleed landing what do you do?
Why would you do one?
- There is a NO ENGINE BLEED LANDING procedure. You need to accomplish the procedure prior to commencing the approach. Passing through 15K is a good gouge time to do it.
- There may be situations where a bleeds off landing is accomplished to meet performance requirements.
You’re doing an ILS in ORD when the nose starts porpoising. What is it doing AND what do you do if it occurs?
- A taxing aircraft will block the ILS beam and your jet will start to nose up & down.
- Click off the auto pilot and just start hand flying.
What do you need to know about the accuracy of the PROG page?
The PROG page fuel at the destination is off initially due to inaccuracies in the center tank fuel. Becomes gradually more accurate when the center tank is empty.
Which places have the slickest runways, and what should you consider doing about it?
Guatemala and San Jose.
Flaps 40 and Max brakes.
For a single engine go around, what is the initial flap setting?
Flaps 1
When do you have to use Wing Anti-Ice?
(you know, to just heat the slats)
During all GROUND operations between engine start and takeoff when icing conditions exist or are anticipated …
…unless the airplane is or will be protected by the application of Type II or Type IV fluid.
You’ve pushed back from the gate. It’s raining and the OAT is 5 degrees Celsius. What limitation will this bring up or entail?
During all GROUND operations between engine start and takeoff when icing conditions exist or are anticipated …
…unless the airplane is or will be protected by the application of Type II or Type IV fluid … which it wouldn’t with just rain.
What is the difference between setting the left main down first vice the right main?
If you set the left main down first, you get compression, then the right main hits, and then the spoilers come up.
If you set the right down first, the spoilers immediately come up and it’s a rougher landing.
Things are coming off the rails with the gate agent. It looks like you will push late. How can you make sure it doesn’t get pinned on the pilots ?
Pre the READY* button at 1R
How do you reset the WIFI system on the 737 NG?
KA / WIFI POWER switch … OFF
Wait 15 seconds for the system to reset.
KA / WIFI POWER switch … ON
What is the wingtip distance for the 737
117 feet & change (so use 118)
What are 2 emergencies that are on the QRC but do not have immediate action items associated with them?
Cargo Fire
Drift Down
When should you use the Short Field landing procedure?
Consider using when the runway length is less than 7500 feet
When does max motoring occour?
Max motoring occurs when N2 acceleration is less than 1% in 5 seconds.
If somebody asks you how fast does the jet go, what can you tell them?
We cruise at about 600 miles per hour.
Flaps 5 vice Flaps 1 does what with regards to the takeoff roll?
Flaps 5 gets you off the ground earlier. This is good in a gusty wind condition.
What amount of fuel remaining on a flight plan would make you start asking a lot of questions?
6,500 lbs REMF
One turn in holding at 20,000 feet costs approximately how much gas?
800 lbs
What should you do as part of setting the DH?
Read the NOTAMS “BEFORE” setting the DH.
You are in a climb out and you enter turbulent air, what should you do?
Select SPD INTV and dial in 280 knots, the Turbulent Air Penetration Speed.
When you look at a departure clearance, you need to check for a route change, the transponder code, and what else?
Check for an EDCT time.
It was raining during your preflight. What should you be thinking about when you sit down in your seat to preflight?
Getting WET takeoff data.
Captain: “Parking brake set, pressure normal.” What does that “normal” pressure have to be?
At least 2800 PSI
Technique: In IAH, when can you “really” start your turn if it says to start your turn at 600 feet.
Start your turn at 400 to keep up with the flight director that is starting its turn at 600. This will allow for a smoother transition into the turn.
If the auto pilot kicks off and you have no other indications, what can you do to troubleshoot?
Hit the recall and see if there is a flight control light to tell you to look up. If it is a single channel, it won’t display unless you hit the recall.
Gouge: You’re up at cruise altitude and ATC wants to slow you down.
What is your minimum safe cruise speed at altitude?
Your Flaps 40 Speed + 100 knots
What is the difference between light gray overhead panels and dark gray overhead panels?
The systems on light gray panels will be affected by the Fire Pull handle.
For every depature out of ORD, what with the captain expect in the preflight that’s different from other locations?
Putting in 5.5 and 8.5 range rings.
You are given a reroute that has a J route as part of the new route. To enter in the new route, where must you go?
You can’t enter a J route on the Legs page. You must go to the Route page to enter a J route (you enter it on the left hand side of the page).
What is the proper procedure with regards to the pressurization panel if you are landing at a high-altitude airport?
If the airport elevation is above 6000 feet, you will set 6000 for the LAND ALT during preflight. Then, during “initial descent or approximately 30 minutes prior to landing” reset the LAND ALT to the actual field elevation (ex: 6296 for QRO with 6300 in the window). If the landing elevation is above 8400 feet, you must also put the HIGH ALT LDG switch (if installed) … ON
Before you go outside to do the walk around you are supposed to confirm that the pressure is “set, pressure normal”. What is normal and what if the pressure isn’t normal?
If the brake pressure is low (<1200 PSI with parking brake set), and after confirming that no maintenance actions are taking place, the B system electric hydraulic pump (the right switch) may be selected to ON to pressurize the brake system. Once pressurized, turn the pump off. If the brake pressure is <1000 PSI, contact Maintenance.
When turning on the hydraulic pumps during preflight, what order should you do it in?
You should turn on Electric Pump B (inboard right) first then Electric Pump A (inboard left). This is because hydraulic fluid tends to migrate from side A to side B.
All glideslope deviations will require a minimum of…?
three corrections in order to regain optimum glideslope.
* Reduce power to increase your rate of descent.
* As the ball descends, add power to stabilize the ball above the datums AND readjust your nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA.
* Almost immediately following this counter correction, a third adjustment will be required.
* Continue to “stair step” the ball down in order to land on glideslope.
* Do not let the ball go from high to low!
* Reduce power
* AS the aircraft decelerates, coordinate an INCREASE in NOSE ATTITUDE slightly to maintain a cresting ball and work it back on speed.
* Approaching optimum AOA, add power as necessary to maintain glideslope AND readjust nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA.
* Again, you will have to make a third correction.
High and Fast
* Fix the fast first, then the high.
* As in the high or fast approach, you must reduce power.
* Increase nose attitude as necessary to correct back to optimum AOA.
* As the ball descends, add power to stabilize the ball above the datums and readjust you nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA.
* Continue to “stair step” the ball down in order to land on glideslope.
* Do not let the ball go from high to low!
* Add power as necessary to move the ball above the datums WHILE maintaining optimum AOA.
* WITH the ball stabilized above the datums, REDUCE POWER to increase you rate of descent.
* As the ball descends, add power to stabilize the ball above the datums AND readjust you nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA.
* Continue to “stair step” the ball down in order to land on glideslope.
* Never accept a low ball. Never finesse a low ball.
* Add power
* As the aircraft accelerates, decrease nose attitude as required to obtain optimum AOA, THEN adjust power as necessary to maintain glideslope.
* To stabilize glideslope, a third power correction is MANDATORY.
Low and Slow
* Fix the low first, then the slow.
* Add power as necessary to move the ball above the datums while maintaining nose attitude.
* With the ball stabilized above the datums, adjust power AND decrease nose attitude as required to obtain optimum AOA.
* When on speed, reduce power to increase your rate of descent.
* As the ball descends, add power to stabilize the ball above the datums and readjust your nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA.
* Continue to “stair step” the ball down in order to land on glideslope.
* Never accept a low ball. Never finesse a low ball.
High and Slow
* Fix the slow first, then the high.
* If the aircraft is NOT excessively slow, lower the nose attitude to initiate the correction.
* If you ARE excessively slow, you will have to add power.
* When on speed AND with the ball stabilized above the datums, reduce power to increase your rate of descent.
* As the ball descends, add power to stabilize the ball above the datums AND readjust your nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA.
* Continue to “stair step” the ball down in order to land on glideslope.
* Do not let the ball go from high to low!
Low and Fast
* Fix the low first, then the fast.
* Add power as necessary to move the ball above the datums.
* With the ball stabilized above the datums, adjust power and increase nose attitude as required to obtain optimum AOA>
* When on speed, reduce power to increase your rate of descent.
* As the ball descends, add power to stabilize the ball above the datums and readjust your nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA.
* Continue to “stair step” the ball down in order to land on glideslope.
* Never accept a low ball. Never finesse a low ball.
Lineup corrections require…?
a corresponding power adjustment.
You are hand flying a SID and want Max Angle of climb to meet a SID requirement. How do you do this?
Tell the FO to go to the Climb Page and select MAX ANGLE (exactly like you would select ECON. Same process but its two buttons down from ECON).
You’ve been pushed out. When you flew in, the runways and taxi ways were clean. There’s a little bit of snow on the ramp. Before you taxi you should…
Call for the anti-ice on since the ramp is contaminated.
On you first unsupervised flight as a CA, during the after start checklist…
,,,you forgot to transfer to the engine generator. Took forever to get the system reset.
In DEN, there can be a long distance between V1 and VR. What do you need to do when the PM makes those calls?
Take your hand off at V1. Don’t wait for VR.
In the MAX, before calling for the AFTER START checklist, you should ensure…
…that the engine is actually started. It takes longer in the MAX, and it may still be spinning up after you get the salute.
When traveling to Central or South America, if there is a thunderstorm on the arrival…
…don’t be afraid to ask the controller for another arrival.
You shouldn’t turn on the seatbelt sign until the doors are closed and you are just about to do the before push checklist. Why?
Because if there is a fire at the gate with the jet bridge attached, you want people to not be sitting there with the seat belt sign on.
When you get a direct to as PF, what is your current habit pattern?
You have a bad habit of:
a) Going direct an not using abeams, and
b) Not VVMing with the PM
You need to stop both of the above
As PF, when ATC gives you direct to a point you need to…
a) Make sure to hit the button for the abeams
b) Make sure to VVM with the PM
Technically, what is the MRD?
The Maintenance Release Document (MRD) is the legal airworthiness authority to fly the aircraft AND it must be maintained on board the aircraft in paper form.
What do you need to know about the brakes and the MRD?
Never release brakes for pushback or takeoff without a current MRD onboard (or MFD for Ferry Flights).
If there is no paper MRD in the blue folder what should you do?
Go to the ACARS Maintenance Menu and select MRD REQUEST.
I got an “MRD NO” reply to the Release Verification, what do I do?
Do not release brakes for push back. Do pushback or takeoff without a current printed MRD onboard.
Can I push back with a broken/non-current MRD while I wait for the new one?
No. Aircraft movement is not authorized without a current MRD onboard.
Can I taxi with a broken/non-current MRD while I wait for the new one?
If the MRD is broken after initial movement (e.g. pushback), the Captain may continue the taxi, but MAY NOT TAKEOFF until a new MRD is obtained.
What if I am notified of a write up after block in?
Brief flight attendants that early reporting is important. The ELB RPT function should still work even if ACARS is no longer initialized. Even if an INIT ERROR is received, a successful flight communication of a write-up will be apparent by the return of an ELB confirmation message.
What are the minimum FOM requirements for briefing the
* Fuel Plan
item on the Departure Brief-Captain side of the card?
3 parts:
Review REMF
Review required fuel for alternate, critical points, etc.
Review/verify RESERVE fuel in the FMC
What is the book answer for when to initiate the Before Push Flow?
“… initiate the Before Push Flow after the gate agent has confirmed boarding is complete.”
What is the book answer for when the Captain calls for the Before Push Checklist?
The Captain calls for the Before Push Checklist after both of the following conditions have been met:
* Purser has given the cabin ready indication. =AND=
* All exterior doors are closed and flight deck door is secure.
On the Before Push Checklist, when you get to:
“Hydraulic pumps … Checked, on”
What are you checking?
You must verify that system A and system B pressure should be 2800 psi minimum
that brake pressure is also 2800 psi
(the first item is usually remembered and the 2nd is often forgotten)
What are the components that make up a Bingo Fuel?
1) Reserve fuel +
2) Fuel from Destination to Alternate +
3) Fuel from where you’re currently at to Destination
When planning for takeoff, what on the ATIS should get your attention?
If there are gusty winds, you should plan for a MAX takeoff.
As pilot monitoring, what is commonly forgotten during the after takeoff flow?
Up at cruise altitude, how far off can the standby altimeter be?
There is a table in the FM Limits section, but generally up to 500 feet is allowable.
What is a common mistake you make while attempting to slow down on final?
With the auto throttles on (and even if they are not, if you want the correct flight director), you’ve got to roll the speed back in the speed window so the jet will slow down so you can get the next flap setting in.
The FO makes a nice landing and is rolling out. What do you need to do to not mess up the roll out?
Make sure and press hard enough to override the autobrakes so they don’t kick off and jerk the aircraft AND cause you to lose your momentum leaving the runway.
What should your engine configuration be for de-icing?
Both engines running and APU off because…
1) FM says operate the APU during deicing only if necessary, and
2) If the engines are shut down after anti-icing, they are supposed to be reinspected.
When doing a big turn (> 90 degrees) after takeoff and handflying what is the associated hazard?
Overbanking the airplane. Be diligent about stopping at 25 degrees AOB.
What 5 things occur if the thrust levers are not at idle on touchdown?
- Speedbrakes will not deploy
- Lack of deployment causes a/c to bounce
- “Startle effect” may cause pilot to bring throttle to idle
- Speedbrakes now deploy on the or in the air due to wheelspin
- Aircraft pitches up with a rapid descent producing a tailstrike
The FOM says that you should delay configuring after being deiced to prevent fluid runoff. If configuring flaps immediately after de/anti-icing, what is the consequence?
Per FOM 7.20.4 you must apply a 24% takeoff penalty.
What constitutes a stabilized approach at 1500 feet?
Not later than 1500 feet AGL/RA:
* Landing gear down
* Airspeed no greater than 180 KIAS
What constitutes a stabilized approach at 1000 feet?
What if the criteria are not met?
Not later than 1000 feet AGL/RA:
* Final configuration-landing checklist complete
* Airspeed +15 or -5 KIAS of target speed
* On vertical and lateral profile WITH sustained vertical speed <= 1200 FPM
«PM will announce DEVIATIONS in configuration, airspeed or descent from the above»
What constitutes a stabilized approach at 500 feet?
AT 500 feet AGL/RA:
If there are greater than momentary excursion from the 1000 foot parameters, the PM will call for a go around FOLLOWED BY the out of tolerance parameter.
If a piece of the engine cowling comes off, what should you consider?
A no flap landing as the flaps may have been damaged by pieces of the cowling hitting the wing when coming off.
If the takeoff data is manually entered in the FMC, the Captain must…?
FM 3.80 “If takeoff data is manually entered in the FMC, the First Officer manually completes TAKEOFF REF pages 1 and 2 and the Captain INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIES all entries against the printed ACARS Takeoff Data Message
In Flaps 40, which has a higher roll sensitivity, an NG or a MAX?
Flaps 40 in a MAX does NOT have the roll sensitivity of the NG.
What is the difference between a 700 and a 900ER on approach?
The 700 has a much lower approach speed but more restrictive flap speeds.
Which would be more challenging to land Flaps 40 … a 700, a 900ER or a MAX9 ?
- The 700 has a much lower approach speed but more restrictive flap speeds
- The MAX9 has a higher approach speed but does NOT have the roll sensitivity of the NG.
- The 900ER will have the most challenging combination of Flap 40 roll sensitivity and high approach speeds.
What are the 3 basic combinations of takeoff speeds you can use, and what are the advantages of each?
- Max Thrust/Max Speeds - Better for short runways but you get to V1 (must fly) well before VR
- Max Thrust/Reduced Speeds - Good for crosswind and the reduced speeds push V1 closer to VR
- Reduced Thrust/Reduced Speeds - Good for fuel economy but take up more runway
Why is the takeoff crosswind limit lower than the landing crosswind limit?
[———-This much rudder to correct for a single engine at max thrust leaves———-][—this much for the crosswind—]
With the power back on a single engine approach, there is more left over for the crosswind correction
What is often forgotten climbing through 10K as the captain?
The Sterile Light
What is often forgotten descending through 10K as the captain?
The Sterile Light
What is often forgotten during preflight planning with regards to VNAV?
Setting 280 or 300 on the descent page.
When passing the IAF on an RNAV you should?
Ask the PM to set TDZE.
Why is checking the APU and important step on the after takeoff checklist?
Because if you did a no bleed take off, you’ll need to shut it down (otherwise you’ll run it all the way to Chicago)
When you’re going to divert, what is the first thing you have to do with the box?
Go to page one of the ROUTE page and type in a NEW destination at 1R.
You’re holding near your alternate. How do you compute your bingo?
- Fuel from present position to original destination +
- Destination to alternate +
- 45 minutes of fuel
What causes the aircraft to float on landing?
Rasing the nose too fast combined with having excess power.
For landing, in a light headwind your sink rate will be…
How do you deal with Dangerous Goods messages?
Send the DA acknowledgement AFTER you receive the SECOND dangerous goods message.
BEFORE you start the preflight brief, what item do you need ?
The clearance.
What do you need to do BEFORE requesting a route on the box during preflight?
INITIALIZE ACARS. This lets the box know what route to ask for.
After saying “runway XX verified” what should you do as part of your habit pattern?
Verify the radar on or off everytime (so you’ll remember) and change it based on if you think you need it.
What is critical to pack in your lunchbox?
Flavor Water
When flying to the islands, how should you set up the back end of the route?
- Last point on clearance and then the field (ie MYNN or whatever)
- A point 30 miles from the field (ex: MYNN/-30
- Make that 30 short point 250/10000
- Then have a [][][][][] and have the approach
If you forget to arm the speedbrakes, what happens on landing?
The nose won’t drop like it normally does, and the speedbrakes don’t extend until the thrust reversers are deployed.
When making annoucements ensure…
…that you’re using the pedestal handset not the radio handset.
If you’re high on the ILS and are going to have to hand fly to get down, what must you do?
Disengage the Autopilot AND THE AUTOTHROTTLES. You won’t be able to get down with the autothrottles on.
If you’re on final an tower calls gusty winds, what is your technique for dealing with the speed bug.
Just always change it from +5 to +10.
You don’t have to sit there doing math,
the math you are doing is easy and,
it puts you between 5 and 15.
Preflight you’re the first person to the cockpit. You turn on the APU to cool the jet. What is the proper switch setup on the air panel?
Both packs - ON
Engine and APU bleed air switches - ON
What do you need to work into your scan in cruise?
Work engine vibration into your scan. In one flight it was 1.1 on the left and 0.5 on the right.
If there is a gripe requiring that the Cargo Door is verified closed prior to push, who is allowed to make that confirmation?
A Maintenance person must do it, NOT a ramper.
You’re ferrying a lot of fuel to an outstation. The ride is pretty rough in cruise. What can you do?
Ask for a lower altitude.
If you land and think there may be snow or ice on the flaps (or may collect snow or ice taxing around), what should you do?
Leave the flaps in the down position, and contact station Ops to let them know that you will require an inspection.
When declaring an emergency, what information should you pass to ATC?
- Souls on board
- Remaining fuel on board in hours and minutes
- Remaining fuel in pounds (for ARFF personnel)
- Any HAZMAT and Dangerous Goods onboard
What is a hazard when you are cleared direct to an RNAV approach with no connecting STAR?
You can be “cleared and maintain 4000 until established, cleared for the RNAV 20 approach” but your normal habit pattern is to set the FAP altitude. If you are in LVL CHNG, you’ll keep going down through 4000 down to the FAP prior to getting to the approach.
You’re doing a visual backed up by the ILS. You reach the glideslope before you reach the localizer. You reach up to push V/S to dive down to catch the G/S but you can’t select it. What do you do?
In the altitude window, select a lower altitude (probably the FAF altitude would be appropriate). You will now be able to select V/S.
You’re at 210 knots descending for the approach. If you call for Flaps 10 to help slow down, what should you be thinking about?
That you shouldn’t do it. Flaps 10 speed IS 210 knots. It might be appropriate to go gear down to slow down in this situation.
After you land on 28R in SFO, what should you be thinking about?
That it is only ONE plane length between runways. You will almost immediately have to hold short of 28L after getting off the right. Be careful as the runway is so close you might not realize you’re about to cross it with the usual cues.
One time landing in San Diego you were so light and slow that…
…you forgot to put out the thrust reversers.
When pulling in, if the plane director puts his arm over his eyes, what is that the signal for?
You forgot to turn off the landing lights clearing the runway and/or you forgot to turn off the taxi light pulling in.
If you do a max thrust takeoff, how can you help Maintenance out afterwards?
Send an FRM Code UALXXXXX that will help Maintenance. Go all the way to the back of the FRM and there are about 4-5 pages of UAL specific check accomplished codes. No text is required in the comments.
Talk through the flap retraction progression after a Flaps 25 takeoff.
- At V2+15 call for Flaps 15
- When the speed hits the Green 15 and is accelerating call for Flaps 5
- When the speed hits the Green 5 and is accelerating call for Flaps 1
- When the speed hits the Green 1 and is accelerating call for Flaps Up.
What takeoff configuration would cause you to call for Flaps 10 after a takeoff?
None. You will never call for Flaps 10 as part of the flap retraction schedule. A Flaps 25 takeoff goes from 25 - 15 - 5 - 1 - UP.
A Flaps 15 takeoff goes 15 - 5 - 1 - UP.
A Flaps 10 takeoff goes 10 (selected on ground not in the air) - 5 - 1 - UP.
You are given a hold a fix that isn’t on your flight plan. How do you enter that on the HOLD page?
- Go to HOLD page
- Type in the point in the [][][][][] at the bottom of the page
- Then take that point and put it at the top of the page (there won’t be a [][][][][] but just put it over whatever point is at the top of the page).
You’re given a heading to intercept the localizer and cleared for the visual 34R. You are going to pass through and be above the glideslope before you intercept the localizer. What can you do to fix this?
Because you are cleared for the visual, you can put the FAF altitude and start down BEFORE intercepting the localizer.
The fastest way to let dispatch know you are diverting is…
DIVERT REPORT which is accessible from the RPTS/REQS menu.
What happens with the autothrottles after an autoland ?
Approximately 2 seconds after touchdown the autothrottle disengages automatically.
What does the FM say with regards to autoland and flap settings?
“Though not required, flaps 40 approaches may produce a minimal change to airplane body attitude. This change may provide the additional ability in viewing the landing environment on low visibility approaches.”
For an autoland, what is the call out at 500 feet ?
“FLARE armed, stable”
When do you engage the other Autopilot for a CAT III approach ?
“With autopilot A engaged and after APP is armed, engage autopilot B.”
After touchdown on a CAT III the captain must …
Disconnect the autopilot.
The fastest way to let dispatch know you are diverting is…
DIVERT REPORT which is accessible from the RPTS/REQS menu.