CQT & MV Flashcards
If you get a “Too Low Terrain” and you look out and its a clear day and there isn’t any terrain, what do you do? Why?
Go around. The “Too Low Terrain” may be a glitch because of where you are, and it’s really supposed to be “Too Low Flaps” which of course means you have the wrong flap setting, or they blew up because you’re over speed.
When is the only time a VNAV path will be exact?
Only at ISA temp
When flying a VNAV, a lower temp than ISA will create what?
A shallower path, like being 1 dot low on an ILS, etc.
When flying a VNAV and the temperature is above ISA what happens to your flight path?
It will be steeper.
If an RNAV (GPS) says “Cold temperature altitude correction required at or below -15C”, how do you make the correction?
Go to 6.30.2 in the FOM Navigation > Altimetry > Temperature Corrections for a table to make the corrections.
If on a RNAV (GPS) approach says “For uncompensated Baro-VNAV systems, LNAV/VNAV not authorized below -24C (-11F) or above 53C (128F)”, what do you have to do?
You have to use the LNAV mins instead of the LNAV/VNAV mins.
How did the guy in the sample investigation strike the tail?
Excessively fast application of pitch rate.
For Gusty Winds &/or Strong Crosswind Takeoff, what set up should you use?
-Maximum thrust
-Flaps 5, 10 or 15
-reduced thrust V-speeds
Where do you get the data for an “Increased Vr Procedure”?
From the takeoff data print out (top to bottom):
-Speeds from the REDUCED EPR section (right side of page)
-N1 from the MAX EPR section (left side of page)
-VR MAX from just below the ACC ALT (right side of page)
If doing an “Increased Vr Procedure” how are the call outs different?
1) At the normal Vr call: “Vr”
2) After Vr call “Rotate” at:
-Or 2000’ before runway end,
-OR if windshear is encountered
When does windshear exist? What is then prohibited?
1) ATC broadcasts any of the following:
-“Microburst waring”
-“Microburst alert”
2) When shears of 30 knots or greater are encountered
Under these conditions:
a) Takeoff or
b) descent below 1000’ AGL
are prohibited
“Monitor radar display” prior to initiating takeoff roll. Action?
Delay takeoff until alert is no longer present.
“Windshear ahead, windshear ahead” prior to initiating takeoff roll. Action?
Delay takeoff until alert is no longer present.
“Monitor radar display” on takeoff roll below V1. Action?
Reject the takeoff
“Windshear ahead, windshear ahead” on takeoff roll below V1. Action?
Reject the takeoff
“Windshear, windshear, windshear” on takeoff roll below V1. Action?
Reject the takeoff
“Monitor radar display” on takeoff roll after V1. Action?
Apply maximum thrust. Continue normal takeoff profile
“Windshear ahead, windshear ahead” on takeoff roll after V1. Action?
Apply maximum thrust. Continue normal takeoff profile.
During an approach you get a “Monitor radar display” Action?
If stabilized approach cannot be accomplished, perform a normal go-around.
During an approach you get a “Windshear ahead, windshear ahead.” Action?
Perform a normal go-around using maximum go-around thurst.
During an approach you get a “Windshear, windshear, windshear.” Action?
Perform windshear escape maneuver.
What is the windshear escape maneuver with the autopilot off?
1) Press either TO/GA switch
2) Aggressively apply maximum thrust (to the stops)
3) Disconnect auto throttles
4) Simultaneously roll wings level and rotate toward an initial pitch attitude of 15 degrees
5) Retract speed brakes
6) Follow flight director TO/GA guidance (if available)
What constitutes an upset condition?
Pitch > 25 degrees nose up or > 10 degrees nose down
Bank > 45 degrees
or, flying at an airspeed inappropriate for the conditions
What is the cadence for a stall recovery?
What is the required equipment to conduct an RNAV RNP approach?
1 Auto Pilot
2 Rad Alts
2 Flight Directors
Who displays what for an RNAV approach?
PF: Legs page
PM: Prog 4 page
How is speed controlled on an RNAV approach?
Speed is controlled through the FMC by selecting flaps. EX: Selecting Flaps 1 slows the aircraft to Flaps 1 maneuvering speed.
During an RNAV approach, how do you manage the altitude window?
Set the Alt Window no lower than FAP when cleared for the approach. Set TDZE when established inside IAF and on vertical path.
What is the rules with RNAV approaches and autopilot use?
Use of autopilot mandatory from IAF to DA regardless of WX except:
a) runway in sight or
b) when going to parallel runways and runway in sight AND aircraft aligned with the runway
What is the rule for an “Interrupted Non=Precision Approach” if ATC does not give you an altitude?
1) Query them immediately for an altitude
2) If ATC cannot be queried (ie radio congestion) then immedately set MCP for either:
a) If not on approach segment, set altitude ATC issued with the approach clearance (e.g. if cleared to “maintain 4000 until established, cleared ___ approach”, then set 4000.
b) If on an approach segment, set the charted minimum altitude for the current approach segment (ie the small print in between points)
When should you go around?
Approach is unstable below 500’ AGL
Aircraft will not touchdown within the landing zone
A high or hard bounced landing occurs
A safe landing or stopping is in doubt
Go around capability exists until when?
Until selection of revers thrust