Captain can you... Flashcards
Captain can you go over water without life rafts?
Greater than 50 nm from nearest shoreline requires that the aircraft is overwater configured.
Captain can you shoot an approach if you have the visibility but not the ceiling requirements?
Unless “Ceiling Required” is included in the charted procedure, visibility is the only controlling factor with respect to weather requirements for operations.
Captain if the runway lights are inoperative, can you still taxi and takeoff if a combination of your wing and taxi lights provide adequate illumination?
Flights are not authorized to takeoff or land during the period from 20 minutes after official sunset until 20 minutes before official sunrise at an airport where the runway lights are inoperative unless adequate substitute lighting is available.
Captain if ATC clears you onto the runway but the RunWay Stats Lights (RWSL) indicate an unsafe condition, can you taxi onto the runway?
Captain when are low visibility taxi operations in effect?
Conditions reported to be less than RVR 1,200
Captain can you fly with an expired database in the box?
If the navigation database expires in flight:
* For an RNAV, if an amended chart is newer than the expired database, the procedure may not be flow, BUT
* For all other approaches, you just have to check the points against the expired database.
Captain, what VSI should you be using when climbing and descending?
- Below 2500 AGL, no greater than 2000 FPM
- Within 1000 of your level off altitude, 500 to 1500 FPM
Captain, you have been cleared to descend to 6000’ from FL230. Do you need to tell the controller that you are leveling off at 10,000’ to decelerate?
No. Leveling off at anywhere other than 10,000 to decelerate, you would need to let them know.
Captain, when should you switch from reporting speed to ATC in knots to Mach?
At or above FL240
Captain, when should you advise ATC of a change in your airspeed during cruise?
Advise ATC anytime cruising airspeed varies plus or minus 5% from that given in the flight plan.
Captain, what wake separation category is the 737?
Upper Large / F
Stopped at Temperature Corrections
Captain are you allowed to let people take pictures of the flight deck?
Yes, preflight during boarding or deplaning.
Captain can you fly if you lose your medical OR pilot certificate (like I can’t find it, not revoked)?
For Medical: Must contact FAA Aerospace via phone
For Certificate: Contact FODM
See FOM chapter 1 for details on both
Captain can you fly if your FO can’t find their FCC Radiotelephone Operator Permit?
Yes. As long as one of you has one.
Captain can you rescind a fit for duty?
Yes. You can also make that determination about another pilot. Contact crew scheduling as soon as possible.
Captain, if you have an engine anomaly that does not require a shutdown (vibration, temperature exceedance) do you have to divert? What else do you have to do?
No, you do not have to divert. However, you must notify Dispatch and TOMC as soon as possible even if you are not diverting.
Can you takeoff without an IFR clearance?
No. The Captain must obtain a proper ATC clearance for departure from the controlling authority.
Load last minute bags after pushback?
Loading of bags after brake release or pushback may be accomplished on an exception-only basis. The Captain will be advised via headset before Ramp personnel approaches the aircraft to load bags.
Captain can you depart if you are missing a Thermal Containment Bag?
FOM 2.10.16 It is not necessary to replace the TCB prior to the next flight as it is not required equipment.