73 Notes From Initial Flashcards
When turning the aircraft, what will you hit before anything else?
You will hit the “wingtip” before hitting anything else.
How many pounds per hour does an NG burn? Max?
NG = 6000 lbs per hour
Max = 4700 lbs per hour
What are the lights that only illuminate on the ground?
Engine Control (x2)
What is the maximum oil temperature?
140 C
What are the altitude limits for APU use?
Bleed AND Electric = 10 K
Bleed ONLY = 17 K
Electric ONLY = 41 K
What does bus does the APU EEC run off of? Why is this important?
The Battery Bus. So if you lose the Battery Bus … you lose the APU.
After you shut down the APU, how long must you wait to shut off power to the aircraft?
NG: 2 minutes (1 min to cool down, 1 min for door to close)
NOTE: The Max needs 5 minutes
Pressing the Takeoff Configuration checks what?
Speed brake position
Trim in the green range
Parking brake off
Flaps between 1 & 25 degrees
The high altitude landing switch does what?
Switches the horn from 10,000’ to 12,650’
What is an ADIRU (A-da-roo) called in other aircraft?
What speed is the white sharks tooth?
Departure: V2 + 15
Arrival: Vref + 20
What does WX/T stand for?
WX plus Turbulence
When will you get an AOA disagree?
10 degrees for more than 10 seconds
What is the big picture concept of when to use speedbrakes versus flaps to slow down?
Speedbrakes to get down on arrival (get down)
Flaps to slow down in the terminal area (slow down)
What pages should be up on the FMC for takeoff?
PM = Legs
PF = Takeoff Page
What term can you use instead of crash, fire & rescue vehicles when talking to a flight attendant or the passengers?
Support Vehicles
What does “do something good before you do something bad” mean?
Rotate the fuel transfer switch to on BEFORE you light up the low.
What does light up the low mean?
Turn off the fuel pumps on the low fuel tank (after you rotate the fuel transfer switch to ON)
What does TEST stand for?
Type of emergency
Evacuation (are we going to do it?)
Special instructions
Time to land
When executing a T procedure, when does the procedure end?
1500 AFE
Anytime you reject over 100 knots, what should you call for?
Crash, Fire & Rescue
When will you get the IAS DISAGREE?
More than 5 knots of differential for more than 5 seconds
When will you get the ALT DISAGREE? When will you commonly see it?
More than 200 feet of differential for more than 5 seconds. Commonly seen in the simulator as it is difficult to detect.
What is the dugout at the top of the PFD called?
Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA)
What bus is the Fire Protection on and why?
Fire Protection is on the HOT Battery Bus, so you can always fight a fire even on an unpowered aircraft.
Fire Detection is on which bus and what is the implication?
Fire Detection is on the Battery Bus which means that you cannot detect a fire until the BATT SW is on.
How are the various fire systems powered and what is the implication?
Fire PROtection on the HOT BATTERY bus
Fire Detection on the BATTERY bus
So, you can fight a fire with the aircraft unpowered, but you cannot detect a fire with the aircraft unpowered (you’re reliant on signals from the ground crew)
What does the amber SOURCE OFF light mean?
The transfer bus is not powered by the last selected source. It means the source you selected is off NOT that there is no power source. Something other than what you selected is providing power.
If you have multiple failures across multiple systems, you probably have what? What should you look for? Why should you look for this?
You probably have an electrical problem. Look for the amber TRANSFER BUS OFF light. A lot of stuff is on the Transfer Bus so that will cause a lot of lights to come on.
What is the difference between the Transfer Bus versus and the Main Bus?
The Transfer Buses control stuff we use in the cockpit while the Main Buses (along with the Galley Buses) control stuff behind the cockpit door in the fuselage.
When is the only time the Cross Bus Tie relay opens during normal operations?
The Cross Bus Tie relay ONLY opens to protect both sides for an ILS approach.
When does the amber STANDBY PWR OFF light come on? (the light is found above the GND POWER AVAILABLE light and below the electrical selector switch)
The amber STANDBY PWR OFF light comes on if you lose the AC STBY bus or DC STBY bus or the BATT bus
When does the amber ELEC light come on, and where can this light be found?
This light comes on with a fault in the DC system and ONLY comes on while on the ground. The light is found just above and to the right of the electrical switch.
What is the Boeing logic with regards to red switches on the overhead?
A red switch on the overhead means something is irreversible.
What does an amber “DRIVE” light over the red disconnect switch mean?
DRIVE only mans that you have low oil pressure in the IDG. However, high oil temperature can cause boiling … which would lead to low oil pressure.
Is the IDG disconnected when the amber “DRIVE” light over the red disconnect switch is on?
The DRIVE light does NOT indicate that the IDF is disconnected. However, it may soon disconnect.
In a 737NG you have 2 stacks of the following 3 amber lights from top to bottom:
What does each mean?
PACK: Temperature or fault issue
WING BODY OVERHEAT: Temperature issue
BLEED TRIP OFF: Temperature or pressure issue
What has the amber BLEED TRIP OFF light in the NG been replaced with in the MAX?
It now simply says BLEED.
What does an amber ZONE TEMP light near the trim air switch mean?
It means there is an issue with the Trim Air System
On the bleed air panel, in between the 2 stacks of 3 amber lights is a button that says TRIP RESET. What does that button do?
Pressing it will clear almost any amber air system light EXCEPT the WING BODY OVERHEAT
How can you clear almost any amber air system light?
Pressing the TRIP RESET button on the bleed air panel between the 2 stacks of 3 amber lights.
What is the most significant impact of having the CAB UTIL switch in the off position to your flight?
You will burn 200 lbs more per hour with the CAB UTIL switch off because the recirc fans are off and you are therefore using more bleed air.
If you are going to turn on the Engine Cowl Anti-Ice, what else do you need to turn on?
You also need to turn on the Engine Start Switch to CONT in case ice comes off the cowl and goes into the engine.
When you turn on Wing Anti Ice, which surfaces are heated and which aren’t?
Wing anti ice is ONLY the 3 in board leading edge slats.
No anti ice on the outboard slats or the leading edge flaps.
What anti ice switches will have an effect on your stall speed and what is the effect?
Turning the ENG ANTI ICE switch on temporarily raises the stall speed.
Turning the ENG ANTI ICE and WING ANTI ICE switches on permanently raises the stall speed.
Having the probe heat switches in AUTO means what?
That the probes are heated any time the engine is running.
What is the relationship between shutting down an engine and the overhead panel?
Everything on a light gray panel on the overhead is attached to the engine, SO if you turn off the engine, you will lose that stuff on the light gray panels (Fuel, Elec, Hyd, Bleed Air)
What is a red WHEEL WELL light, where is it found, and what should you do as soon as you see it?
A red WHEEL WELL light, found on the fire section of the pedestal, means a fire is detected in the main wheel well. Don’t exceed 270 kts, but you’ll want to get the gear down as soon as possible because there is a lot of important lines running through the wheel well.
During the parking procedure it says to ensure the brake pressure is normal. What pressure is normal?
At least 1200 psi
Which hydraulic system are the flight spoilers on? What about the ground spoilers?
The Flight Spoilers are split between A & B. The Ground Spoilers are only on A.
What is the minimum amount of fuel to submerge the hyd-fuel heat exchanger?
1675 lbs of fuel
What are 4 ways to turn on the standby rudder?
Automatic - Force flight monitor
Automatic - Loss of pressure on sys A or B w/flaps extended
Manual - FLT CONTROL A or B switch on CA overhead panel to STBY RUD
Manual - Red ALTERNATE FLAPS switch on CA overhead panel to ARM
What are the Alternate Flaps?
They are the same flaps but they are driven by an electric motor vice hydraulics.
Speed trim is only functional with what?
The autopilot off
What does a STAB OUT OF TRIM light indicate?
Autopilot is on and is unable to trim.
What does the speed trim system do?
Automatically applies stabilizer trim to give positive speed stability to improve handing when at a low gross weight, aft CG & high thrust, while hand flying the airplane. Operates between 100 kts and .68 Mach. This is so if you let go, or ease pressure on the yoke it will go back to the trimmed speed.
A red flag on the rudder trim indicator means what?
It indicates that the rudder trim INDICATOR has a malfunction NOT that there’s a problem with the rudder trim.
What should you worry about when moving the flaps during a simulator event?
You will often get a leading edge flap asymmetry that is only detectable because the amber LE FLAPS TRANSIT light stays on after being commanded. This should not happen. It should come on and then go out with the green LE FLAPS EXT light comes on.
If you are starting the engines and the outside air temperature is below a certain amount, you must do something different from the normal start. What is it?
If it is 5 degrees Celsius or less, you must put the ignitors to BOTH for engine start?
What do trailing edge flaps provide you as the pilot?
Trailing edge flaps 1 to 15 provide increased lift. Trailing edge flaps 15 to 40 provide increased lift AND drag.
What is the landing gear tire speed?
737 NG is 195 knots
737 MAX is 204 knots
What happens with the RTO system if you reject a low speed? Just how low is low speed?
With RTO selected, if the takeoff is rejected prior to wheel speed reaching 90 kts NG or 88 kts MAX, autobraking is not initiated, the AUTO BRAKE DISARM light does not illuminate and the RTO autobrake function remains armed.
What 3 things are unique to the No. 1 fuel tank that are not the case for the No. 2 fuel tank?
1) The APU is fed from the No. 1 tank
2) The center tank scavenge pump sends any remaining fuel in the center tank to tank No. 1
3) The fuel temperature sensor is in the No. 1 tank.
On the ground the fuel temperature must be at least what? What about in flight?
On the ground: not less than -43 C =or= 3 C above the fuel freezing point, whichever is higher.
In flight: Not less than -43 C above the fuel freezing point of the fuel being used.
What is NGS with regards to the fuel system?
The Nitrogen Generation System (NGS) scrubs O2 out of the air & keeps fills the empty space in the CENTER fuel tank with less flammable nitrogen.
When do you need to put the ignition switch to both for start?
When the OAT is 5 degrees Celsius or less.
Decreasing atmospheric pressure prior to takeoff can result in what? Because of this, what’s the rule?
Decreasing pressure leads to higher density altitudes and decreased performance. Request new takeoff data anytime the altimeter DECREASES by 1 hPa or .03 inches of mercury.
You should look at the difference between the Final Weight Manifest CG and the TAKEOFF REF page CG. What would cause you to request new takeoff data?
If the difference between the Final Weight Manifest CG and the TAKEOFF REF page CG value exceeds 3 percentage points, request new takeoff data.
How is Clean Maneuvering Speed (CMS) displayed in the cockpit?
It is the UP bug on the airspeed tape.
What does LAVS- FT stand for?
When Cleared
Lnav or Vor/Loc
Altitude of FAF
Vnav or V/S
Speed intervene
When established
What should each pilot have up for an RNAV approach?
PF: Legs & <= 10 nm scale
PM: PROG 4/4
What is the difference between CONT and FLT on the Engine Start switches?
- CONT will continuously provide power to whichever igniter is selected by the middle switch (IGN L, BOTH or IGN R)
- FLT provides continuous ignition to “both” igniters regardless of which position the middle switch is in.