73 Callouts Flashcards
Callout prior to crossing the hold short line
“Runway ___ verified.”
Takeoff callouts
(PF) Check thrust ... (PM) "Thrust set \_\_._ %" (PM) "100 knots" (PM) "V1" [call appx. 5 kts prior] (PM) "Rotate" (PF or PM) "Positive rate" (PF) "Gear up"
Climb callouts
(CA) appx 10K MSL “Cabin altitude 10,000”
(PM & PF) at 18K “Standard”
(PM) 1K before level off “21 for 22” etc.
Descent callouts
(PM & PF) at 18K “__.__ Inches”
(PM) 1K before level off “12 for 11”
Landing callouts
(Auto, neither pilot) “50, 40, 30, 20, 10”
Landing roll callout
“80 knots”
Missed approach callout
(PF) “Going around flaps ___, check thrust.”
(PF or PM) “Positive rate”
(PF) “Gear up”
(PF) “Set missed approach altitude”
Inter-aircraft call 2 minutes prior to taking the runway
(FO) “Flight attendants, please be seated for departure”
“Ground to flight deck, ready for brake release and pushback.”
(you’re not ready for brake release)
(CA) “Stand by.”
“Ground to flight deck, ready for brake release and pushback.”
(you’re ready for brake release but not ready for pushback … and then what when you’re ready)
(CA) “Brakes released, stand by.”
(CA) “Brakes released, cleared to push, ___ (specific push instructions or direction).”
“Ground to flight deck, ready for brake release and pushback.”
(you’re ready for brake release and ready for pushback)
(CA) “Brakes released, cleared to push, ___ (specific push instructions or direction).”
“Cleared to start engines.”
(CA) “Cleared to start engines.”
“Set brakes.”
(CA) “Parking brake set, pressure normal.”
“Aircraft disconnected, by-pass pin removed.”
(CA) “Disconnect headset.”
Doors closed & “Cabin Ready”
(CA) “Before Push Checklist.”