Free Will Flashcards
It has been suggested that toxoplasmosis is associated with…
increased perceived dominance and masculinity in others, increased chance of schizophrenia and suicide
Rove Beetle
Sprays ants with chemical that makes them adopt the beetle’s young
Around ___% of Americans have toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis in Women and Men
Women: higher intelligence, dutiful, conscientous, conforming, moralistc, rule-bound, warm, outgoing, attentive to others, kind, easy-going. Opposite for men. For both genders: guilt-prone, apprehensive, self-doubting, insecure, worrying, self-blaming
Toxoplasmosis tends to stop brain deterioration due to ____
Alzheimer’s disease
In a follow-up to Libet’s Experiment, participants made self-made actions and attended to either their intention to move or to the actual movement. When they attended to their intention rather than their movement, there was an enhancement of activity in the ____
pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA)
This part of the brain makes us rational, intellectual, and moral entities
Prefrontal Cortex
Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
Choosing one outcome rather than another. Discounting short-term in favor of long-term gain
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Choosing one action rather than another. Maintenance of behavior appropriate to the context.
Frontal pole
Choosing one strategy rather than another: planning, reasoning, and metacognition
Phineas Gage suffered damage to the ___
ventromedial and orbital portions of the prefrontal cortex
Patients with selective damage to the prefrontal cortex can often know right from wrong, but ..
they are unable to act on such knowledge
Frontotemporal dementia, Pick’s, and Huntington’s disease are all associated with ….
episodic aggression or antisocial conduct
Serial killer Arthur Shawcross had a small cyst at the base of the right anterior
temporal lobe
Prisoners are more likely to have some form of psychosis, major depression, and ten times more likely to exhibit antisocial personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder associated with an 11% decrease in _____. (CORRELATION not causation)
prefrontal cortex grey matter
Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy show increased aggression on conjunction with _______
reduced prefrontal grey matter
Studies suggest that impulsive violent acts are associated with reduced activity in the the ___
prefrontal cortex’s control systems