FPC: pulmonary exam Flashcards
patient comes in with the following profile:
increased chest expansion on inspiration, increased tactile fremitus, dull percussion, bronchial breath sounds, crackles with rhonchi, and egophony. what is your likely diagnosis
patient comes in with the following profile:
increased effort on inspiration, decreased tactile fremitus, hyperresonant percussion, diminished breath sounds, wheezes with rhonchi, and decreased vocal resonance. what is your likely diagnosis
patient comes in with the following profile:
barrel chest, increased effort on inspiration, decreased tactile fremitus, hyperresonant percussion, diminished breah sounds, wheezes and rhonchi, and decreased vocal resonance. what is your likely diagnosis
patient comes in with the following profile:
reduced chest expansion ipsilaterally, decreased tactile fremitus, flat percussion, diminished or absent breath sounds, no adventitious sounds, and decreased vocal resonance. what is your likely diagnosis?
pleural effusion
patient comes in with the following profile:
tracheal deviation, reduced chest expansion ipsilaterally, decreased tactile fremitus, hyper resonant percussion, absent breath sounds, no adventitious sounds, and decreased vocal resonance. what is your likely diagnosis
patient comes in with the following profile:
clubbing of the fingers, reduced chest expansion symmetrically, normal tactile fremitus, resonant percussion, bronchial breath sounds, crackles, and normal vocal resonance. what is your likely diagnosis
pulmonary fibrosis