Fortified Wine Flashcards
What fortified wines are fortified before fermentation (& thus never actually fermented? With what are they fortified? Are they sweet or dry? Can they be added to anything?
Mistelles or Vins de Liqueurs
Must is fortified with Neutral Grape Spirit
They tend to be sweet & can be added to vermouth or marsala
What fortified wines are fortified during fermentation? Are they sweet or dry?
Port! Banyuls, VDNs. They tend to be sweet but vintners can control the degree of sweetness with timing of fermentation
What is the ABV threshold above which most yeast die?
What fortified wines are fortified after fermentation? With what? Do they tend to be sweet or dry? More or less alcohol than other styles?
Sherry, with additional grape spirit.
Tend to be lower alcohol. Can go on to age oxidatively or biologically.
After fermenting port & arresting its fermentation via fortification, what happens to the best examples?
Best examples will become vintage port, bottled immediately for extended bottle aging.
Other good one will be aged oxidatively in barrels as tawny port.
What is the regulatory body for port wines?
IVDP (institute of wines of Douro & Porto), enforces rule of thirds, tastes for authenticity, ensures label & age authenticity
What is port’s rule of 3rds?
IVDP states vintners aren’t allowed to sell more than 1/3 of their estate’s total inventory annually.
What are ports preferred 9 red grapes?
Touriga nacional, Touriga Francesca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Cão, Tinta Amerela, Tinta Francisca, Mourisco Tinto, Bastardo.
What are port’s 6 preferred white grapes?
Gouveio, Malvasia Fina, Viosinho, Rabigato, Esgana Cão, Folgasão
Is port usually from large houses or single quintas?
Usually large houses buy the fruit or base port & ferment or age it in their warehouses. Small producers rarely bottle their own brands; if they do, they rarely export.
When are port grapes harvested? When are stems included in the extended masceration?
Port grapes are harvested at full ripeness, & stems are included in the extended crushing & masceration to increase tannins in hot years, but are excluded in cold years.
What is port’s traditional fermentation vessel?
Lagares, now replaced by autovinifiers with feet mimicking pistons.
How long and at what temperature range does port fermentation occur?
Between 36 & 48 hours between 79 & 84 degrees
When are fermenting port wines pulled from the skins & fortified?
at 8% abv
What is port’s fortifying spirit? What is the process called? To what % range is port fortified?
Beneficio (mutage en francais) is the addition of 77% neutral grape spirit aguardente or burning water, fortifying to 19-22%
What happens after port fortification?
Tasting of wines & determining how to best age them.
What is the name of the vessel for storing port for aging or shipping?
Pipes! They vary in exact size but are quite large
What are the 5 styles of Ruby Port?
Ruby Port - bulk aged 2-3 years before bottling; NV
Reserve Ruby Port - quality minded version of basic ruby; NV
Vintage Port - aged 3 years prior to bottling; meant to age at least 5-10 years additional; always decant
Single Quinta Vintage Port - for good non-declared vintages from single quintas; same aging process as vintage
Late-Bottle Vintage Port - spends 4-6 years in cask prior to bottling; can be filtered, still benefits from further aging but can be consumed younger than VP.
Who declares vintages for Port? How often?
IVDP, usually only 2-3 times a decade to keep quality up and prices high.
What are the 4 styles of Tawny port?
Tawny - can be tawny from less extraction or addition of white grapes, will see some barrel aging prior to bottling
Reserve Tawny - blend from several vintages then aged for 7 years prior to bottling.
Tawny with Age Indication - can be 10,20,30,40 yrs, with 40 being fully oxidized rancio style; age determined by tasting panel.
Colheita Tawny - vintage tawny port aged at least 7 years in cask prior to bottling, but often much longer.