Form 8B احْتَوى \ بِحْتَوِي Flashcards
it consisted of [something]
he understood [someone] inside and out *used in a positive light only
احْتَوى \ بِحْتَوِي على
il-qäämuus byiHtwi 3älä tämänt-äälääf kilme
The dictionary comprises 8,000 entries.
il-qaa‘ime btiHtäwi 3älä jämii3 ‘a3Daa’ in-näädi
The list contains the names of all the members of the club.
iS-Saff byiHtwi 3ala 40 Taaleb There are 40 students in the class.
[the meat, the food, the soup, the cake, etc] was done, was ready
[the banana, the strawberry, etc] ripened, was ripe
[the plan, the idea, the subject, etc] had been completely thought through *first definition only used for things that require cooking
اسْتَوى \ بِسْتَوِي
stännä tä yistwi Wait until its cooked!
häl-3inäb mush mistwi, nistännä tä yistwi
These grapes aren’t ripe, we’ll wait for them to ripen.
[a shirt, pair of pants, etc] was worn out
اهْتَرى \ بِهْتَرِي
il-qamiiS ihtara The shirts worn out.
il-kundara btehtri The shoes are wearing out.
mehtri / mehtriyye worn out, thread-bare
lääbes qamiiS mehtri He wears a worn out shirt.
he was distracted (by) [someone or something]
he was distracted {from} [something or doing something]
{الْتَهى \ بِلْتَهِي (ب) {عن
he shied away (from) [someone or doing something]
was shy, was bashful (of) [someone or doing something]
(اسْتَحى \ بِسْتَحِي (من
istäHät tfuut She was shy to go in.
‘änä stäHeet ‘äs’älo I was embarrassed to ask him.
bästHi minnek inni nsiit Im ashamed to tell you Ive forgotten.
‘istHi 3älä Hääläk! You ought to be ashamed!
he sought protection (with) [someone] {against} [someone else or something]
{احْتَمى \ بِحْتَمِي (ب\عند) {من
he complained (about) [someone or something] {to} [someone] *used for more formal complaints
{اشْتَكى \ بِشْتَكِي (من\على) {ل
Darab-ni u-bäkä, säbäq-ni w-ishtäkä
He hit me and cried he took precedence over me and complained. Hes the guilty one but hes complaining.
he took someone to court
ادَّعى \ بِدَعِي على
mush zäyy-mä byiddä3u l-muDribiin not as the strikers claim
il-muddä3i the plaintiff
il-muddä3i l-3äämm the public prosecutor
il-muddä3ä 3äleeh the defendant
he slandered, falsely accused, made up a lie about [someone]
افْتَرى \ بِفْتَرِي على
he desired [something]
he had a desire, very much wanted [to do something] desired [someone] to be [(with) him]
(اشْتَهى \ بِشْتَهِي (مع
he committed aggression against, he assaulted [someone or a country}
he raped [someone]
he/it infringed upon [someone’s rights]
he damaged [someone’s] [car, house, etc]
اعًتَدى \ بِعْتَدِي على
il-mu3tädi the aggressor
he took care of, looked after [someone]
اعْتَنى \ بِعْتَنِي ب
in-närse bti3tni bil-muraDa The nurse looks after the patients.
‘änä 3täneet fiihom I took care of them.
he/it was thrown, was tossed (from) something
he collapsed {on,onto} [something from exhaustion]
{ارْتَمى \ بِرْتَمِي (من) {على
he was done (with) [something]
[we] are finished talking!
[the court session, the meeting, etc] was concluded, ended
(انْتَهى \ بِنْتَهِي (من
intähä l-bärnäämäj The programme’s over.
wäqtnä 3äm binthi Our time’s nearly up.
lämmä ntähät il-Härb When the war ended.
he was relaxed, became loose [physically]
[his muscles] relaxed
ارْتَخى \ بِرْتَخِي
il-Häbel kään mäshduud w-irtäkhä
The rope was taut, and it went slack.
irtäkheet I relaxed.
il-bäräägi rtäkhu The screws worked loose.