Form 1F صار \ بِصِير Flashcards
to begin, to start [doing something]
to become
to happen, turn out
to be now
(after a change has taken place)
it’s been (such and such a period of time) since..
صار \ بِصِير
bä3deen Saar yifhäm Later he began to understand.
Sert ‘aTwal minni! Youve grown taller than me!
humme Saaru l-‘äktariyye Theyve become the majority.
Saarät id-dinyä leel. The world has become night.
‘ishi u Saar / heek Saar!
Things just turned out that way. It just happened that way!
‘illi biddo iSiir iSiir! Whatever happens, happens!
käm nuqTa Saar 3indi? How many points have I got now?
Saar-li sine mä shuft-esh ‘ähli.
It’s been a year since I last saw my family.
qäddeesh Saar-läk hoon? How long have you been here?
Sert mifTer. I’ve had breakfast already.
Saar määklo. He’s already eaten it.
Sernä mkhallSiin. We’ve already finished.
to live, be alive (in)
عاش \ بِعِيش في\ب
‘änä 3ääyesh 3ind ‘ähli. I live with my parents.
3esht mä3 yähuud. I lived with Jews.
3ääyshiin min qillet il-moot
Alive because of the absence of death.
Barely keeping a body and soul together.
biddo i3iish lä-Häälo He wants to live on his own.
sukkään-hä bi3iishu 3älä z-ziraa3a
Its inhabitants make their living from agriculture.
yä3iish il-mälek! Long live the king!
‘äbuuy twäffä… t3iish! My father has died. May you live long!
‘ibnäk ‘ismo näbiil? u-ibni kämään näbiil! 3ääshät il-‘äsäämi!
Your sons called Nabil? So is mine! Long live the names!
to move [something] over
to take [something] out of the way
زاح \ بِزِيح
ziiHi shwäyy! Move over a bit! Move up a bit! Scoot over!
ziiH il-kursi! Move the chair!
[he, the bird, the plane,etc] flew
[the money, the food, his patience] is gone, he was fired, he was let go
طار \ بِطِير
il-3aSfuur Taar. The bird flew away.
Taar 3äqlo. Hes taken leave of his senses.
Taar 3äqlo min il-färäH. He’s out of his mind with happiness.
istänneet lä-Taarat iT-Täyyaara. I waited until the plane took off.
raH ‘ästännä Hättä tTiir iT-Täyyaara. I’ll wait for the plane to take off.
to remove, take [something] off or away
قام \ بِقِيم
qimt il-gaTa I took off the lid.
qiim häädä min hoon! Take that away from here!
to humiliate [someone by/ with what he said, his actions, etc]
[someone or what he said] offended someone
(هان \ بِهِين (ب
to wake up, get up [from sleeping]
(فاق \ بِفِيق (من
lämmä fiqt when I woke up
lämmä bäfiiq when I wake up.
läqeet-hä fääyqä I found her awake.
lissääto mish fääyeq He still hasnt woken up.
fiiq 3älä Hääläk! Wake up! Snap out of it!
to repeat [something]
to re-do [something]
to do [something] over again
عاد\ بِعِيد
3iid käläämäk! Repeat what you said! Say that again!
bä3iid illi qulto. I repeat what I said.
‘äkiid raH-n3iid iz-zyaara hääy. We’ll certainly repeat our visit.
‘änä mä bäHebb-esh ‘ä3iid il-maaDi. I dont like to dwell on the past.
hääy iz-zaahirä bit3iid näfs-hä kull miit sine.
This phenomenon recurs every hundred years.
it-tääriikh bi3iid näfso. History repeats itself.
mish raH-ä3iid-hä marra täänye! I wont do that again!
to tend to, tend to like to [do something or be a certain way]
to be inclined to, have a bent towards [something or someone]
to bend, slope, incline, lean
to be in favor of
(مال \ بِمِيل (ل
bimiil läl-fänn He has artistic inclinations.
il-burj määyel The tower leans.
il-‘äktariyye bitmiil lä-häl-qaraar
The majority is in favour of this decision.
bämiil lä-täbänni Täriiqä ‘ukhra Im inclined to adopt a different method.
to be absent [from work, school, etc]
to be away [for the meeting, etc]
[the sun] set, went down
غاب \ بِغِيب عن
käm marra gibet häsh-shäher?
How many times were you absent this month?
sme3et biddäk tgiib. I heard youd be away.
mish laazem tgiib min il-mädräse. You musnt miss school.
kään gääyeb. He wasnt there.
häädä Saar u-‘änä gääyeb. It happened in my absence.
qäddeesh Saar-lo gääyeb? How long has he been away?
gibt 3an säyyaarti däqiiqä. I was away from my car for a minute.
häädi gääbät 3änni. I missed that. I didnt notice that.
‘illi gääb u-jääb kä’inno mää gääb.
He who goes away and brings, its as if he’d never been away.
ish-shäms bitgiib. The sun sets.
to bring [something] to [someone]
to give birth, bring into the world
(جاب \ بِجِيب (ل
jiibo lä-hoon! Bring it here!
jib-li! Bring it to me!
jibt-illek hädiyye. I’ve brought you a present.
lääzem tjiib il-fusTaan 3äleeki. She has to alter the dress to fit you.
jaret-nä jääbät Sabi. The woman next door to us has had a son.
raaHät tjiib. She’s gone to give birth.
bä3deen jibet mäHmuud, u jibet nuhä…
Then I gave birt hto Mahmud, then to Nuha…
jääyeb / jääybe
qism il-jääybäät maternity ward
to sell [something to someone]
(باع \ بِبِيع (ل
bibii3 khuDra läl-jiiraan. He sells vegetables to the neighbors.
bibii3-hom khuDra. He sells them vegetables.
bi3t säyyaarti lä-mäHmuud. I sold my car to Mahmud.
bi3to säyyaarti. I sold him my car.
bi3to iyyäähä. I sold it to him.
to add, to increase
to be left over, be surplus
to exceed
to exaggerate
زاد \ بِزِيد
ziidi mayy! Add water!
ziid shwäyyet mileH. Add a little salt!
il-khubz iz-zääyed the leftover bread
häädä biziid il-bugD. This fuels hatred.
bikäffi u-biziid. Theres more than enough.
iT-Talab zääd 3älä l-‘intääj Demand exceeded supply.
zidt-hä! Youve gone too far! Youve over done it!
hädool zääduu-hä! These people went too far!
to measure, gauge, take measurements
to try on (clothes)
to compare, equate
قاس \ بِقِيس
lääzem tqiis il-Haraara. You have to take your temperature.
minqiis DagT id-dämm, minqiis in-nabeD.
We take your blood pressure, we take your pulse.
tä3ääli qiisi! Come and try this on!
qist il-‘ooDa. I measured the room.
mä btiqdar-sh tqiis häädä 3älä häädä. You can’t equate the two things.
bitqiis ‘äbuuk lä-‘äkhuuk!?
Do you equate your father with your brother?!
to get better, heal
طاب \ بِطِيب
il-jureH raH-iTiib. The injury will heal.
bä3ed-mä Taabät ‘ijri after my leg got better.
biddi aTiib. I want to get better.
u-fe3län Tebet. And I actually did get better.