Form 5A تَجَنَّب \ بِتْجَنَّب Flashcards
he avoided [someone or something]
تَجَنَّب \ بِتْجَنَّب
he felt bad about
felt sorry about [something]
felt sorry for [someone]
تَأَسَّف \ بِتْأَسَّف على \ عن
he remembered [something or someone]
he was reminded of [something]
تَزَكَّر \ بِتْزَكَّر
[his dream, his goal, etc] was achieved, was realized, came true, happened
تَحَقَّق \ بِتْحَقَّق
he made fun of, made a joke about [someone or something]
تَخَوَّت \ بِتْخَوَّت على
he was sure (of, about) [something or someone]
it was confirmed (by) [someone]
(تَأَكَّد \ بِتْأَكَّد (من
he expected [that he would do something]
he expected [that something would happen]
تَوَقَّع \ بِتْوَقَّع
[he, his circumstances, his condition, his grades, the weather, etc] improved
he has improved (in) [something]
(تَحَسَّن \ بِتْحَسَّن (في\ب
he donated [something] (to) [someone]
(تَبَرَّع \ بِتْبَرَّع ب (ل
he volunteered (in) [the clinic, an organization, etc]
he volunteered [to do something]
(تَطَوَّع \ بِتْطَوَّع (في \ ب
[something] was applied {to} [his life]
[the law, the rule, etc] was enforced (by) the police, etc]
[the plan, the strategy, etc] was implemented
{تَطَبَّق \ بِتْطَبَّق (من) {في
he married, got married to [someone]
he got married
تَزَوَّج \ بِتْزَوَّج
[the country, the economy, etc] developed, advanced
[humans, etc] evolved (from) [something]
(تَطَوَّر \ بِتْطَوَّر (من
he was late, was running late (for/to) [work, the appointment, etc]
(تَأَخَّر \ بِتْأَخَّر (على \ عن
he learned (from) [someone or something]
he was taught (by) [someone]
(تَعَلَم \ بِتْعَلَّم (من