Form 4B أَلغى \ بِلْغِي Flashcards
he cancelled [something]
he/it invalidated [something]
أَلغى \ بِلْغِي
he commanded [someone] (to do) [something]
أَوصى \ بِوْصِي ب
he told his secret to [someone]
أَفشالُه سِر
بِفْشِيله سِر
he bought [someone] a gift
he gave [someone] a gift
he gave [someone] [something] as a gift
to dedicate, to send, convey
أَهدى \ بِهْدِي
[God] revealed [a book, a chapter, a passage, a verse, etc] (to) [someone]
أَوحى \ بِوْحِي ل
he evacuated [the school, the building, the area, etc]
أَخلى \ بِخْلِي من\عن
he hid [the information, the secret, his grades, his feelings, etc] from him
أَخفى \ بِخْفِي عَنُّه
he/ it made [someone] cry
أَبكى \ بِبْكِي
he ended [something]
he called [something] to an end
أَنهى \ بِنْهِي
he distracted [someone] (from) [something]
أَلهى \ بِلْهِي عن
he sinned, committed an offense (against) [God or someone else]
he made a mistake, messed up
أَخطى \ بِخْطِي
he enticed, coaxed, allured [someone]
he drew [someone] in
he seduced [someone]
أَغرى \ بِغْرِي
[the world, temptations, etc] enticed, lured [someone]
[Satan] mislead, misguided [someone]
أَغوى \ بِغْوِي
he issued a fatwa
he loved to give his opinion about things (to) [someone or people]
أَفتى \ بِفْتِي ل
he pleased [someone]
أَرضى \ بِرْضِي