Form 8A اقتَرَح \ بِقْتَرِح Flashcards
he suggested [something (to) someone]
اقْتَرَح \ بِقْتَرِح
[prices, temperature, or his grades, blood pressure] rose
[Jesus] ascended (to) {heaven}
ارْتَفَع \ بِرْتَفِع ل
he watched out, looked out (for) [someone or something]
he paid attention (to) [someone or something]
he noticed [that…]
انتَبَه \ بِنْتَبِه ل
he committed [a sin, a crime, the crime of murder, etc]
ارْتَكَب \ بِرْتَكِب
he celebrated [Christmas, the festival, someone’s birthday, etc]
احْتَفَل \ بِحْتَفِل ب\ في
he had a meeting (with) [someone]
اجتَمَع \ بِجْتَمِع مع \ ب
he thought, believed (that…)
اعتَقَد \ بِعْتَقِد انه
he considered, saw [someone] to be [nice, beautiful, a friend, an enemy]
he considered, deemed [something] to be [impossible, logical, etc]
he labeled, branded [someone] [as racist, etc]
اعْتَبَر \ بِعْتَبِر
he participated (in) [something]
he subscribed (to) [a magazine, a newspaper, etc]
اشتَرَك \ بِشْتَرِك في
he admitted, confessed [something]
اعْتَرَف \ بِعْتَرِف ب
he/it was different, differed (from) [someone or something else]
he disagreed {with} [someone]
{اختَلَف \ بِخْتَلِف (عن) {مع
he invented [something] (for) [something or someone]
made up, fabricated [a lie, a story, etc] (about) [someone or something]
{اخْتَرَع \ بِخْتَرِع (ل) {عن
he apologized (to) [someone] {for} [something]
{اعْتَزَر \ بِعْتَزِر (ل \ من) {عشان \ عن
he admitted, acknowledged [something]
اعْتَرَف \ بِعْتَرِف ب
he discovered [something]
اكْتَشَف \ بِكْتَشِف