Form 1H شاف \ بِشُوف Flashcards
he saw [someone or something]
شاف \ بِشُوف
he got hungry
جاع \ بِجُوع
he tasted [something]
داق \ بِدُوق
he pulled out, removed [something] (from) [something]
he picked up [something] {off of} [the floor etc]
{طال \ بِطُول (من) {عن
he won [the game, the match, the argument, etc] (against) [someone else]
(فاز \ بِفُوز (على
he kissed [someone] (on) [the cheek, the lips, etc]
(باس \ بِبُوس (على
he betrayed [someone or something]
he cheated on [his wife]
he committed treason against [his country]
خان \ بِخُون
he went around
[something or someone]
دار حَوَلَيْن \ بِدُور حَوَلَيْن
he blamed [someone] (for) [what happened]
(**لام ** بِلُوم (على \ عشان
it melted, dissolved
he passed out
داب \ بِدُوب
he got up (from) [the chair, etc], he got {from} [sleeping]
{قام / بِقُوم (عن) {من
he/it was [tired, happy, etc]
كان \ بِكُون
he told [someone] [something] he said [something] to [someone]
قال \ بِقُول ل
he went (to) [the store, the office, the house, etc]
he went [and did something]
راح \ بِرُوح على \ ل
he visited [someone or someplace]
he paid [someone] a visit (during/in) [a certain month, year, etc]
(زار \ بِزُور (في \ ب