Form 1L ّّحَب \ بِحِب Flashcards
he loved, liked [someone, something, or to do something]
ّحَبّ \ بِحِب
he solved [the problem etc]
he resolved [the matter, the issue, etc]
he did [his homework]
ّحَلّ \ بِحِل
he pulled [something] hard, he tightened, tightened up [the screw] (on) [something]
[his leg, his muscles, etc] cramped up
to be strict with, be tough with
to support, stand up for, rally around
(شَدّ \ بِشِدّ (على
he humiliated [someone]
ّزَلّ \ بِزِل
he jerked, shook [someone or something]
he gave [something] a jerk
[something or someone] made [someone or something] move
[something] shook [someone] up
ّهَزّ \ بِهِز
he put [someone] through the ringer
he dragged [someone] through hell
gave [someone] a really hard time
ّعَلّ \ بِعِل
he pushed, knocked [someone] (onto) [the ground etc]
(دَبّ \ بِدِبّ (على
he picked up [something] (off of) [the ground, etc]
he gathered [his things]
(لَمّ \ بِلِمّ (عن \ من
he performed the Hajj (in) [Mecca or Saudi Arabia]
(حَجّ\ بِحِجّ (في
he smelled [something]
ّشَمّ \ بِشِم
he turned [right or left]
he wrapped [the gift]
he went all over [the city, etc]
ّلَفّ \ بِلِف
he counted (from) [one etc] {to} [twenty etc]
he counted [the money, the change, the score, etc]
{عَدّ \ بِعِدّ (من) {ل
he cussed [someone] out
he cussed
ّسَبّ \ بِسِب
[someone or something] stopped up, clogged up [the pipe, his artery etc]
[something] blocked [the road etc]
he did [something] back to someone else
he paid off, settled [the debt]
ّسَدّ \ بِسِد
he guided, led [someone (to) [the place]
he set [someone] up (with) [a groom or a bride]
(دَلّ \ بِدِلّ (على