Form 1D رَفَع \ بِرْفَع Flashcards
to lift, raise, put up
to make louder, turn up
to lodge (a complaint)
to press (charges)
رَفَع \ بِرْفَع
btiqdar tirfä3 is-sänduuq lä-Hääläk? Can you lift the box by yourself?
mush sääme3, ‘irfä3 Sootäk! I cant hear you, raise your voice!
‘irfä3 ir-räädyo! Turn up the radio!
räf3ät 3iinee-hä. She raised her eyes.
räfä3u 3äläm ‘äbyaD. They hoisted a white flag.
räfä3uu-lo mä3ääsho. They raised his salary.
räfä3et raasnä. Youve made us very proud.
märfuu3 ir-raas head held high
räfä3 3äleenä dä3wä. He lodged a complaint against us.
to slaughter [a sheep, the people, etc]
to murder, kill, masacre [someone] with a knife
ذَبَح \ بِذْبَح
däbäH il-khäruuf He slaughtered the sheep
‘izä bismä3u…, bidbäHuuni! If they hear about it, theyll murder me.
hunääk bidbäHuuk däbeH! Dont go there, theyll bleed you white.
to move (from) [somewhere (to) somewhere else]
to move in, move into [the apartment, the house, etc]
to die, pass away, depart this life
to wander, roam, travel from place to place
(رَحَل \ بِرْحَل (من) (ل
il-bädu birHälu min mäHäll lä-mäHäll.
The Bedouin roam from place to place.
hiyye räHlät min zämään. She moved away a long time ago.
to grant [someone] [an opportunity, a job, time, etc] [to do something]
to grant, give, award
مَنَح \ بِمْنَح
mänäHuu-hom Häqq il-lujuu is-siyääsi
They gave them political asylum.
mänäHuu-hä jääyze They awarded her a prize.
mänäHuuh wisääm They gave him a medal.
to plant [roses, grass, etc]
to instill [fear, a spirit of wisdom, a spirit of knowledge, etc (in) someone]
to transplant [body organs]
(زَرَع \ بِزْرَع (ب\في
zärä3u qämeH. They sowed wheat.
zärä3et shäjara. I planted a tree.
zärä3nä shätel. We planted a sapling.
to kneel (to) [someone]
to prostrate oneself
(رَكَع \ بِرْكَع (لَ
il-muslem birkä3 fi Salaato 3iddet marraat.
Muslims perform several prostrations while at prayer.
lämmä bifuut 3ä-l-kniise, birkä3
When he enters the church, he kneels down.
raake3 / raak3a / rääk3iin kneeling, prostrate
to prevent, stop [someone] (from) [doing something]
to forbid, prohibit
(مَنَع \ بِمْنَع (من
Hääwal yimnä3-ni ‘äfuut. He tried to stop me from coming in.
mänä3uu-hä 3än il-Häki. They forbade her to speak.
mänä3to yil3äb hoon. I told him not to play here.
id-doktoor mänä3-ni ääkol mäqääli.
The doctor wont let me eat fried foods.
mänä3ni 3än in-noom. It kept me up. It prevented me from sleeping.
he stabbed [someone or something] (with) [a knife a sword etc]
(طَعَن \ بِطْعَن (ب
to throw out, toss out [an idea a question, etc] (to) [someone]
to subtract
(طَرَح \ بِطْرَح (على
‘iTraH 3äshara min il-mäjmuu3 Subtract ten from the total!
TaraH su’ääl He posed a question.
u-hälläq is-su’ääl illi biTraH näfso.. And now the inevitable question…
he submitted (to) [the law, God, what someone said, etc]
he submitted, caved in (to) [someone]
(خَضَع \ بِخْضَع (ل
to invest in, put money into [the project, the company, etc]
to support, give support to [someone]
دَعَم \ بِدْعَم
in-naqaabe btid3äm niDaal il-3ummääl.
The union supports the workers struggle.
il-khubez mäd3uum Bread is subsidised.
to open [the door, the jar, etc]
[something] opened
فَتَح \ بِفْتَح
fätäHt il-mäktuub I opened the letter.
‘iftäH-li Let me in!
kull ish-shäbääbiik mäftuuHä All the windows are open.
qäddeesh Saar-läk fääteH häl-mäktäb?
How long ago did you open this office?
il-mäHäll fääteH the stores open.
lä-‘äyy see3ä biDallo fääteH?
Until what time is it open? How late does it stay open?
btiftäH il-bäkht. She tells fortunes.
biftaH fi-l-mändäl. Hes a seer.
biftäH fi-z-zeet, fi-l-mayy. He scries with oil / water.
[someone or something] to hurt, wound, injure [someone] (with) [something or (by) what he said]
[someone’s words or someone] hurt [someone else]
(جَرَح \ بِجْرَح (ب
jaraHo b-sikkiine. He wounded him with a knife.
bijraHnä b-käläämo. He says hurtful things to us.
kilme zgiire btijraHo. The slightest thing offends him.
‘illi järäHni ‘äktar ‘ishi what hurt me most..
to send [something or someone] (to) [someone something or someplace]
(بَعَت \ بِبْعَت (ل
bä3ät-li mäktuub He sent me a letter.
‘ib3ät-li yyääh Send it to me!
bä3ätnä wara d daktoor We sent for the doctor.
bä3ätu waraah They’ve sent for him.
to gather [the people, information etc]
collect [money, information, etc]
to add a number (to) a number
to pluralise (grammer)
(جَمَع \ بِجْمَع (مع
lääzem nijmä3 iT-Tullaab We have to gather the students together.
bijmä3 Tawaabe3 / mä3luumäät.
He collects stamps / He gathers information.
bijmä3 äfkaaro / Häwääso qäbel mä iSalli.
He gathers his thoughts / concentrates his mind before he prays.
‘ijmä3 kull il-‘ä3dääd Add up all the numbers!
häl-kilme, mä bijmä3uuhää-sh This word isnt used in the plural.