Form 1K نِسِي \ بِنْسى Flashcards
he forgot [something or someone]
نِسِي \ بِنْسى
he was pleased (with) [someone]
he was pleased {with} [something]
he agreed [to do something] he’s okay now
{رِضِي \ بِرْضى (على \ عن) {ب
[the car, the truck, the engine, or the motor, the weather, the water] warmed up
حِمِي \ بِحْمى
he woke up, got up, he wised up, came to his senses
صِحِي \ بِصْحى
he took a nap, got some shut-eye, he fell asleep, dozed off (in) [the meeting]
(غِفِي \ بِغْفى (في \ ب
[someone, the weather, etc] calmed down
[someone the streets, the town, etc] quieted down
هِدِي \ بِهْدى
[the knife, the sword, etc] became sharp, was sharpened
[his tongue] has become sharp
مِضِي \ بِمْضى
he stayed, remained [somewhere] (for) [an amount of time]
[the car, the refrigerator, etc] lasted, kept on working
[the smell, the snow, etc] remained
(بِقِي \ بِبْقى (ل
he had free time, had a break (from) [work, studying, etc]
it was emptied, was emptied out
(فِضِي \ بِفْضى (من
he dabbled in [something]
he did [something] as a hobby
هِوِي \ بِهْوى
[his fever, the sound, his voice, etc] rose, went up
[his salary, the price, his position, etc] went up
عِلِي \ بِعْلى
[the price, taxes, the rent, etc] went up, increased
[the water, the soup, etc] boiled
غِلِي \ بِغْلى
[the sound, his voice, etc] lowered, went down
وِطِي \ بِوْطى