Forest Vegetation Analysis Flashcards
the Philippines is one of these countries in the world wherein we are enriched in all biodiversity levels in terms of genetic, species, and ecosystem levels
Two ways to assess the biodiversity of the ecosystem:
for a forest, this plotless method is the most appropriate sampling method to be used
point center quarter method (pcqm)
often related to the size and shape of the plots used and this method is considered time-consuming
quadrat sampling
relies upon random distribution of the organisms in the area to be sampled
Uniform or clumped distributions will yield erroneous results
This method is one of the most favored for sampling in several habitats including forest ecosystems
In this method, a number of randomly determined points are selected in the area to be sampled. These may be taken using a random number chart and distance along a transect tape, as random numbers corresponding to grid positions in the area, or as
random numbers used to select previously arbitrarily determined points in the area. Each point will represent the center of the measurement area. From the center, a compass will be used to define four quadrants. In each of these quadrants, you will determine, and measure the distance to, the closest plant from the center point. The center of the stem, or clump of the stem, should be used. Be sure to measure all relatively close plants to make sure you have the single closest individual.
study the quadrant numbering
is the standard for measuring trees
diameter at breast height
Refers to the three diameter measured at 4.5 feet above the ground
DBH can be measured by
calibrated diameter tape
displays the diameter measurement when wrapped around the circumference of a tree
Can also use a string, measuring tape, thumb tack, and a calculator
Will be used to estimate the area covered by the plant
formula for getting DBH from circumference
d = π/C
procedure of measuring DBH
1.With a measuring tape, measure 4.5 feet up the trunk of the tree from the ground. Use a thumb tack to mark the height of the tree
2.measure the circumference of the tree trunk at 4.5 feet
3.convert the circumference measurement to diameter by dividing the circumference by Ο (3.14)
number of tress per unit area (hectare)
absolute density of trees
expressed as a number of trees per hectare, where a hectare is 10,000 sqm
absolute density
to get this, a mean distance between trees in the region should be computed:
absolute density
mean distance between trees formula
x = total distance of trees / total number of quarters
compute the mean distance of trees if there are 40.9m total distances of trees, and 20 trees
20.5m far apart
absolute density formula
= (10,000m^2)/ha / (xm^2)/tree