Forequarters Flashcards
Shoulders well laid back, muscular, not loaded. Elbows tucked in against brisket. When viewed from front, elbows in line with ribs and legs should continue in a straight line to ground giving a medium front. Forelegs straight with fine bone and very long fore-arms. Pasterns good length, straight and flexible.
Shoulders well laid back, not loaded. Forelegs straight and upright well under the hound, good substance, and round in bone, not tapering off to feet. Pasterns short. Elbows firm, turning neither in nor out. Height to elbow about half height at withers.
Shoulders muscular and well sloped. Forelegs straight, large, round in bone with elbows well set in. Pasterns strong.
General appearance: Viewed from the front straight and parallel. The bone is of moderate strength. The upper arm is a little shorter than the shoulder blade and the forearm.
Shoulder: Firm, very mobile and not very oblique.
Upper arm: A little shorter than the shoulder blade. Slightly sloping and strong.
Elbow: Placed in front of a vertical line drawn from the point of shoulder; pointing straight backwards.
Forearm: Moderately strong, vertical.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Of moderate length, only slightly sloping and flexible.
Finnish Spitz
Shoulders well laid back, muscular without being loaded. Forelegs long, straight and well boned down to feet, pasterns strong.
Shoulders well laid back, sloping into muscles of back. Clean and not loaded. Forelegs long, straight and well boned down to feet, but not overburdened. Pasterns strong with slight indication of spring. Point of elbows set away from the ribs, running parallel with the body and neither turning inwards nor outwards.
Legs straight with good, not coarse, bone and strong pasterns; shoulders sloping; elbows closely set in.
Norwegian Elkhound
Well laid shoulders. Forelegs strongly boned, straight from elbow to ground. Pasterns strong and slightly sprung.