Forensics P3 Flashcards
Limitations of top down approach evidence
- small unrepresentative sample size
- biseau as predominately serial killers
- no standardised question in the interviews with the 36 killers
Meketa’s analysis
Top down profiling been applied to burglary leading to an 85% rise in solved cases, also added two new categories interpersonal or opportunistic suggesting top down method has wider application
Canter at al.
Conducted a smallest space analysis (correlation across different samples of behaviour) on 100 US murders that revealed that there does seem to be a subset of features of many serial killings which matched typology if organised offenders, however maybe the types aren’t mutually exclusive and the typology is more of a continuum
Organised and disorganised offenders
Smallest space analysis
Interpersonal coherence
Canters circle theory
How bottom you approach works
Canter and Heritage’s analysis on investigative psychology
Lundergin and Canter geographical profilling
Copsonb survey on usefulness of bottom up approach
Atavistic features
• narrow brow
• promo are jaw
• high cheekbones
• asymmetrical
Who and permis of atavistic form
Lombroso, criminals were a genetic throwback and were a primitive subspecies
Evidence and limitations of evidence of Lombrosos based his theory on
Distinction between 3 offender types
Murderers: bloodshot eyes, curly hair, long ears
Sexual deviants: glinting eyes, fleshy lips, projecting ears
Fraudsters: thin lips
Findings of Gorings analysis of atavistic firm
Racism in Lomboroso theory
three factors that make up the criminal personality Ensenck
- extroverted, underactive nervouse system
- neurotic, high reactive sympathetic nervous system (both factors hard to condition)
- psychotic, lack empathy
Eysenck and Eysenck research
Farmington research
Bartol and Holanchock study
Barbee minimilasltion study results
Out of 26 rapists 54% denied it and 40% minimilised it
Schonönenberg and Justyes study
Found violent offender were more likely than non offenders to perceive facial expressions as and angry and hostile (needs more information)
Euphemistic label
Holtworth Monrow and Hutchinson
Found link between hostile attribution bias and domestic violence
• showed men vignettes of difficult martial situations
• men who had a history of domestic violence were more likely to interpret the women as hostile
• demonstrates cognitive styles underpins violent acts
Evaluation of Holtworth Monrow and Hutchinson
• hypothetical situation lacks predictive validity
• may not be accurate of what actually happens
• may interpret situation as more hostile than recorded
• hostile attribution bias cannot explain all offending behaviour
• cannot explain planned aggression
• not a full explanation
Pro of cognitive distortion reserch
• helps treat criminal behaviour, CBT
Farrington et al.
• longtitidinal study
• development of offending antisocial behaviour in 411 boys began aged 8
Farrington et all results
• 41% convicted at least once between 10 and 50
• avg conviction was between 19-28 and included 5 convictions
• 7% we’re chronic offenders
Farrington et al
Childhood risk factors for later off ding were measured at 8-10 and were family criminality, risk taking, low school attainment, poverty and poor parenting
Doffrenctial asscociation theory
Ineadequate super ego
Theory of maternal deprecation a
How to Ken economy is effectively implemented
• oppertarionalise the goals for prisoners
• scoring system
• train staff
Hobbs and Holt 1976 to Ken economy
Repucci and Saunders 1974 tocken economy
Long term effect of tocken economy
Stages of anger management
- Cognitive preparation, reflect on pat experiences and elegant triggers the anger
- Skill acquisition, learn techniques such as self talk and methods of relaxation like counting to 10
- Practice application, role play
Keens results on anger management
• assesses national anger management package
• increased capacity to exercise self control in young offenders
• aged 16-17
Blackburn’s criticism of anger management
Little evidence of reduced recidivism in long term, may be because application phase of treatment still relies on role play wich may not properly reflect all possible triggers
Ireland’s study on anger management
A group took part in national anger management package compared to a control group, 92% umpire ex in one measure and 48% showered improvement on the checklist and self report whilst no improvement in the control
what the neural explantion of offending is based on
APD, antisocial personality disorder
- lack of empathy
- reduced emotional responce
Raine (neural explanation)
- people with APD have reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex
- prefrontal cortex regulate emotion
- uses brain scans
- 11% reduction in grey matter in the prefrontal cortex of APD conmpared to controlls
Keyrer (neural explanation)
- When asked to show empathy to others, mirror neurons are activated in offenders with APD
- They experience empathy more sporadically
- Have a ‘neural switch’ that sometimes triggers empathy
Kandel and Freed (neural explanation)
- Damage to frontal lobes associated with impulsivity, emotional instability and inability to learn from mistakes
- All linked to offending behaviour
- Suggests frontal lobe damage involved in offending
Cognitive explanation of offending
level of moral reasoning
Khloberg level of moral reasion
stage 1
1. avoid punishment
2. personal gain
stage 2
3. for approval
4. functioning society
stage 3
5. chaleng the rules if infringe on other’s rights
6. own set of ethic principles
Kolberg reserch and evaluation
Thornton and Reid
lower levels of moral resoning assicated with imprudent crime high risk compastred to expected gain
Palmer and Hollins
11 dilemas