Foreign Policy Part 2- 1890-1920 And More Natives Flashcards
In 1865 how were native Americans divided
Natives divided into 250 tribes
34 languages
Never one united group
Why did people believe they could take native land - why did it occur
1860s- westward expansion onto Great Plains
People saw them as obstacles
Manifest destiny
1887 Dawes act
Eco expansion led to erosion of native land
‘Cowboy era’ led to extermination of buffalo
In the 20th century, what 2 groups emerged in association with Natives
Humanitarians - wanted to save natives
Exterminatives - wanted to wipe them out
What was formed 1911 in associated with natives
Educated native Americans - formed SAI - the society for Indians
Campaigned for better education and health facilities and civil rights
Success - limited - lack of money and support
Collapsed 1920
What was the 1928 report?
Natives in big poverty - many shocked and this prompted federal spending to increase financial support and medical care and other and education
How did the depression affect natives
Suffered acutely
Native civil rights during FDR
Benefited from some schemes like PWA and CCC
BUT wages low for natives and schemes were discriminatory
FDR persuaded Congress to pass Indian Reorganisation Act 1934
FDR appointed Collier as commissioner for Indian affairs
Indian land restored and division of it prohibited
Loans made available - encouraged to develop system of self gov
Native population would often sell land to white people for money
Native America civil rights from WW1-1945
1942- 4 members of a tribe went to jail as DIDNT go to war
Some joined armed forces but independent to US
War didn’t help - Collier’s organisation removed from Washington to Chicago and cuts were made to budget
But more educated opportunities before the war - confidence to want change
1940s many natives want US lifestyle
POS step during war - set up National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) —> NAACP encourages
—-Intended to launch a series of legal campaigns in order to establish more rights like equal educational opportunities
What was the Indian new deal
Born out of the late 20s and Mexican Report - developed after Natives contributed to WW1 and got citizenship
Progress still required
When were native Americans given citizenship
Native Americans progress
Special education council set up 2 tribes
Rehabilitation schemes developed and respect for social customs increased
But Collier was gone - old assimilationist policies revived
In form of termination - gradually end federal control by BIA and make natives entitled to same laws as Americans
What did Eisenhower do for Native Americans
NCAI helped prevent President ending Indian Rights on reservoirs
Like NAACP, the NCAI used courts to protect Native rights
In association with Natives
What was passed in 1956
Was it a success
The Indian vocational act
Designed to help employment prospects
25% poor
Life expectancy was 2/3 of whites
Late 1960s Native Americans civil rights
Still grievances - formed pressure groups - more militant during this period
1945-1980 -high suicide 16-25 -life expectancy - 44 1980 half lived on reservations Unemployment ranged -20-80%
1945-80 - movement out of reservations to city - gov programmes encouraged this - if they intergrated - alcohol and suicide will lower
NCAI- challenged federal hoc in employment and discrimination in schooling and employment BUT - priority - preserve culture
NCAI- moderate success - gaining pledge from Kennedy to develop human and natural resources of reservations
Anger and protest towards BIA - exercised power over reservation and took land with little compensation
1968 anger - novels and songs —> awareness prompted by demanding civil rights programme and movement to end war in Vietnam
1969- native occupied island of Alcatraz - offered to buy for $24- price of manhattan
Huge publicity but achieved little
Native Americans success on police treatment
NA were concerned at police harassment and pursued a policy monitoring police
Led to decline of arrests and a number in local jails fell 60%
How did native Americans civil rights improve through African American civil rights
AAA 60s - vote and segregation ended
Lead to change in attitudes
1970s Native American Rights
Nixon’s presidential message criticised treatments
Bruce commissioner for Indian Affairs - NA got employment in BIA
1970- pledge to return land - People like Yakama etc benefit
1972 Indian education act
1975 Indian self determination act and indian education assistance
1969- Nixon appointed a Scoux as Commissioner for Indian Affairs
Gov returned 48,000 acres of land to Taroz Pueblos Indians
Overview of foreign policy 1890-1920
Most actions
- defensive
- hostile to imperialism
Events in 1890
- rapid naval expansion
- war against Spain
- annexation of territories in Pacific
What were the motives for expansion
Open expansionalism
US economy proved how new market needed
End of frontier - her horizons and scope
1890s- many other nations were expansionalist and imperialist
Many ideas of imperialist nation’s like ‘civilising mission’ influenced key thinkers in US like lodge
3 Key motives for imperialism
Accidental empire
Progressive imperialism
Need for markers
5 themes for support of US imperialism
Expand business interests
Military interest (competition for colony)
Social Darwinism - white and supreme
Spread Christianity
American frontier closed
How did Roosevelt impact US foreign policy
1898 Spanish American war
Then became president and flowed ambitious foreign policy
How did Bryan impact US foreign policy
Pacifist- attacked people like Roosevelt = immoral and attacking founding fathers
What were McKinleys aims for America
Strong navy
Monroe Doctrine
Withdrawal of European powers from Western Hemisphere
Independence for Cuba
Control over Hawaii
Purchase of Virgin Islands
Union of all English speaking parts of the continent by free consent of inhabitants
What other key people did McKinley work w?
WhT were their views
T Roosevelt
What were the reason for McKinleys foreign aims
Determined to implement ‘large policy’ - aimed at marketing US - dominant power in Western Hemisphere
Possessed of great navy, owning and controlling Ishman Canal, holding naval bases in Caribbean and Pacific and contesting to great powers of navy and commercial supremacy in Pacific Ocean and Far East
How did Roosevelt justify American expansion to those who want isolationism
Security of isolationism can only be upheld by regional expansion
Defence of measures
Dispute in Cuba vs Spain
Spanish rule oppressed Cubans
Cubans revolt
Spain responds by sending Weyler to crush rebellion
Cubans rebels placed in concentration camps (many died due to poor sanitation)
Who did America back in Spain vs Cuba and why
Eco - US business traded $100 mill a year
Politically- Spain- dying empire in US sphere on influence
Whoever controls Cuba controls potential Panama Canal